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Naphtha not transparent during re-ex what to do?

The lye pellets are 2 years old and have clumped together, could it be that they have absorbed moisture and thus become less effective?
No this is not the problem, lye does not decompose in two years. I would say based on the reports you made that’s probably the bark that is not of the right quality.

Maybe try again with a different bark from a different supplier.
The lye pellets are 2 years old and have clumped together, could it be that they have absorbed moisture and thus become less effective?
They will almost certainly have developed a percentage of sodium carbonate and possibly also bicarbonate, from absorption of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. If water can get in, so can CO2.
Maybe try again with a different bark from a different supplier.
This is what I had also begun to suspect.
well that's not easy. Is it worth it to try another pull with an different solvent then zippo gasoline?
It's not always going to be easy, unfortunately. You can try pulling with toluene, xylene, or maybe limonene but if there's nothing there to pull (which seems likely to be the case) you had better be prepared to be disappointed.

Did you specifically use Mimosa hostilis (M. tenuiflora) inner root bark, also known as jurema, or was it something like the trunk bark, sometimes called tepescohuite? What was the initial appearance of the material? What colour did it produce on mixing with neutral water?

Just remember, you got something out of it, but not very much.

Now would be a good time to start looking into growing your own source plants (and a better time would have been ten years ago ;))
Did you specifically use Mimosa hostilis (M. tenuiflora) inner root bark, also known as jurema, or was it something like the trunk bark, sometimes called tepescohuite? What was the initial appearance of the material? What colour did it produce on mixing with neutral water?
I discovered that it was inner bark. Does bark lose potency during 2 years of storage?
I discovered that it was inner bark. Does bark lose potency during 2 years of storage?
No it does not lose potency if stored in a dry sealed container or bag. If wet or damp molds can become a problem but if it’s dry it should keep for 10 years and probably decades.
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