Mr. Bojangles
Rising Star
Before I ask my question I just wanted to say that I tried using the search function, but it's a bit wonky :?
So do to my freezer being a POS, I won't be able to get it to the appropriate temperature for at least another 12 hours. Would it be ok to leave my naptha + bark solution in the jar until the freezer is ready? Or should I siphon off the naptha into a jar and just let it sit until my freezer is ready?
-Thanks in advance
EDIT: Here's a current picture
So do to my freezer being a POS, I won't be able to get it to the appropriate temperature for at least another 12 hours. Would it be ok to leave my naptha + bark solution in the jar until the freezer is ready? Or should I siphon off the naptha into a jar and just let it sit until my freezer is ready?
-Thanks in advance
EDIT: Here's a current picture
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