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Need good, simple recipe for Ayahuasca. Help!

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
I have Ayahuasca vine and Psychotria viridis, but recipes I tried didn't do anything. Heard 50g of each works good, but haven't tried yet. Looking for good preparation technique that an idiot like I can follow. Any help, please?
There is an aya forum out there, try that. Just google Aya forums and ask away. A few seem to know their stuff, but also seem a bit on the holier than thou side. Good Luck.

50 grams of Caapi is about twice as much as you need. I would say 25-35 grams of decent vine and then 50-60 grams of P. Viridis (Chacruna)


8-12 grams of mimosa hostillis.

Do a search on dmt content in the original plants and that will help you with your recipe.

For exact preps, do a search again. Alot of stuff out there. Maybe it was the quality of your ingredients.
ShamanSteve said:
I have Ayahuasca vine and Psychotria viridis, but recipes I tried didn't do anything. Heard 50g of each works good, but haven't tried yet. Looking for good preparation technique that an idiot like I can follow. Any help, please?

Why not consider pharmahuasca? You know your exact doses, and nausea is reduced or eliminated.
Yes, check the Ayahuasca forum. Loads of info there.
From personal experience, a brew with about 60g Caapi and 30g Chacruna is good to start with, drink half and you have some left if u purge or want to repeat another day. Even pure vine is good to begin with.

It really depends on your ingredients though aswell. I recently drank a total of about 180g Caapi with very little effects ! With good vine 50g is strong.
Dagger said:
Baffald said:
8-12 grams of mimosa hostillis.
:shock: Runs away screaming :shock:

I like it strong and intense, I get the most out of it that way. I am still surprised by the amount of Caapi people are indicating.

I guess I go low on the vine and high on the DMT containing plants, but 25g of Caapi is more than enough for me. I also boil/ simmer and reduce 5 times. For some reason I like the number 5.

The more I think about it now, the more I am realizing the different quality of raw products that are out there, this makes it somewhat difficult to give exact amounts, but also lends to the fact that each time is different.

So good quality mhrb is at 1% at 12 grams give you 120 mgs of dmt + the other alks.
Wow 12 grams of mimosa!!!

Chacruna (Viridis) is very unreliable in DMT content. 50grams may work with really good Chacruna, but weak stuff may require up to 150grams.

Chaliponga is a much better choice. Check the supplier thread for one located in Europe. You will need 8-15 grams of really good stuff or up to 30grams of weak stuff.

Mimosa in the most reliable source, but is not traditional Aya, tastes terrible, and has other alkaloids that do make for a different type of experience, not to metion the purge is pretty bad.

As for Caapi, if you get really strong caapi from the above said vendor, 20-30 grams is a good starting point. However, the really cool thing about using Caapi vs Rue is that you can really up your Caapi dosage if you want to. 50-75 grams might be a bit high, but you'll get some massive healing from it even if you don't get a firework display from the dmt containing leaf. 120grams will provide a VERY powerful (but not extemely visual) experience with visions, purges, and healing.

How you cook makes a big difference. Unpowdered Caapi needs to be shredded by hand (or machine) and cooked slowly over a period of about a day (with 2-3 water changes) strained and reduced. I usually cook seperately because the Chalipong only needs 3 - 15-20minute cooks to get all the goodies out. I use either phosphoric acid or (becoming my favorite) vinegar. Phosphoric acid does not evap, so all of it will still be in your final brew. Vinegar does evaporate, so when you reduce your brew all of the vinegar should evap out with the water. You may need to add more water and boil off a bit more to get it all out.
gammagore said:
How much water is needed to boil the chali? And when reducing should it be boiled or simmered?

Simmered!!! And stirring regularly...if not constantly when it is getting down to a small amount.

While reducing, you need to take your time, as the amount of liquid gets smaller, the brew will obviously get thicker & it is very easy to burn if you are trying to reduce it down to quickly by boiling it.

You'll also need to filter out the plant solids as good as possible before reducing!!
The more solids there are left in the final mixture, the easier it will burn during the reduction stage.
Also, the more water you use to start with the easier it is for the alkaloids to migrate out of the plant & into the acidic water.

Reduce down to an amount you can kick back in one shot, about 30-40ml for me. (and most folks)

As far as how much water to use, just use enough to fully cover the plant matter with water when you start.
As you boil/simmer it, a good amount of water will evaporate away & you'll have about half the amount of water than you started with.
Simmer the plants in the water for about an hour (or more), 3 times with fresh water each time.
Adding the resulting filtered water from all three simmers together, filtering again & reducing down to an amount you can drink in one shot.
Remember....The more water used, the easier it is for the alkaloids to migrate from the cell walls of the plant & into the water.
It will also take more time to reduce it all down, but that's fine, no need to rush anyway.
Take the time to get to know the brew you are making & you will not regret it!!

BTW, after doing the 3rd & final simmering of the plants, don't forget to squeeze as much water out of the wet plant matter as possible, there is lots of alkaloid saturated water trapped up in there!!

Above all, you have to take your time with this!!!
Takes me all day to brew Ayahuasca.
And that is all I do, when I'm doing it!!!
No TV...internet...texting/cell phone...just the right kind of music & a hype-focus on the brew I'm making...AND WHY I"M MAKING IT!!!
Whether it's in the head of the brewer, or in the brew itself, this really does seem to make a stronger connection to the experiences had with each individual brew.

Nice, alot of questions have been answered here, gently does it:)

I have read many times that you have to work with Aya a while before real effects start taking effect. Something not to be rushed.

ShamanSteve said:
I have Ayahuasca vine and Psychotria viridis, but recipes I tried didn't do anything. Heard 50g of each works good, but haven't tried yet. Looking for good preparation technique that an idiot like I can follow. Any help, please?

As for that ,good, simple recipe for Ayahuasca´: Brew as many shredded Banisteriopsis caapi vine as You want. Go!
Excellent advise Warrensaged.

Leafy Admixture plants need a lot less time in the pot than the wood Caapi vine. I always brew my Caapi and leaf seperately, but reduce the Caapi vine then add the admixture brew and reduce that in the pot the Caapi is in. Caapi can take a lot of heat without reducing potency.

Reducing, as WS pointed out, should be done VERY slowly, and watched closely. You don't want to filter after or during reduction, alkaloids do fall out as the brew is reduced. You want to keep those, so don't filter then out! Filter BEFORE reducing. Also if doing any purification teks (egg white, gelatin, etc) you should do those before reduction as well.

Aya keeps very well in the freezer. I have keep the brew in the freezer for months without much potency loss. For best results though, drink as soon as possible after brewing.

If you find the brew is not DMT heavy enough, there no shame in adding some xtalized spice to the brew. I find that this helps to get a more consistant brew. Simply put spice in a shot glass, add 1 drop of vinegar and as much water as needed to dissolve it all, and then pour it in.
As for that tek, I found 1 from don Francisco Montes Shuna in Graham Hancock´s Supernatural. Chapter 1, ,The vine of the souls´, section ,The vine and the leaf´. Gotta publish it somewhere...
ShamanSteve said:
I have Ayahuasca vine and Psychotria viridis, but recipes I tried didn't do anything. Heard 50g of each works good, but haven't tried yet. Looking for good preparation technique that an idiot like I can follow. Any help, please?

Another recipe is in Richard Rudgley´s The Cultural Alchemy: Intoxicants in Society, chapter 4, ,The American Dreams´.

I personally would suggest boiling 100 g of Banisteriopsis caapi...
Hey there,

so to confirm acolon_5
Simply put spice in a shot glass, add 1 drop of vinegar and as much water as needed to dissolve it all, and then pour it in.

I could grab some freebase DMT [pre measured] and add it in a shot glass, add an acid to make it into a salt and chuck that back.

seems like an easy process and way less work than making DMT fumarate, or drinking yuck tasting mimosas brew.

is this correct?
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