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need help with peruvina torch

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Senior Member
OG Pioneer
hey I have 19 of these cacti that I have started from seed. They are about 8 months old, and the tallest ones maybe about half an inch in hight. I started them in shultz cactus soil, and germinated them in the window out of direct sunlight. I had them in a humididy dome that I build out of wire and plastic. They have beenout of humidityfor a few months now, and I have put them under one regular cool white spiral bulb from home depot. My problem is that a few of them seem to be getting a slight purplish/orange tinted sunburn. The others look healthy and very green. The healthy ones seem not to mind the light but the others just keep this orangy look to their skin.. could this just be different genetics from hybrids or do you think this is sunburn? If it is sunburn what would you suggest that I do with these burnt cacti?
I think they are under too much light.

I'd put them under a small fairly weak light for the winter and really kick things up this spring.
I'm not sure what that means either...

Perhaps he means they are stressed if orange and should be eaten.

If you got anymore questions, just ask...
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