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need some advice first extraction

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
ok i am determined...

here are the supplies in his posession:

-naptha (VM&P)
-sodium hydroxide
-a little under a pound of mhrb (probably 400g powdered - purple/pink popular supplier)
-12 pint sized mason jars
-a turkey baster (couldn't find a glass one)
-some digital milligram scales
-safety gloves
-pure h2o

first thing he did was mix in one of the jars 18g mhrb, 18g sodium hydroxide, and 270ml water. This was then left to basify for about an hour. 100ml of naptha was then placed in the jar, lid tightened down, and turned end-over-end for 5 minutes, and agitated ever 10 minutes or so twice. the 100ml naptha was then sucked off of the top of the mixture (well about 80ml of it) with the turkey baster and put into another jar. he did this 3 times and stuck the jar in the freezer. well, about 30 hours or so, he nothiced some type of formations on the walls of the jar (the naptha was barely foggy btw). he then took the jar out of the freezer, poured naptha out, which had no visible crystals in it, and set the jar in front of a fan for a while. when the naptha was completely evapped out of the jar, the formations that were stuck inside were completly gone. there was nothing what so ever left in the jar. he also evapped some of the naptha that was in the jar, and found nothing afterwards. he has no idea what happened. he realizes he needs bigger jars and needs to use more product at once. he was wondering what advice you guys could offer him in terms of either what he could do with what he has, or what he should get and then what he should do. any help is greatly appreciated, this is a wonderful forum btw. thanks.
If you are only going to basify for about an hour it would be best to use a crock pot to keep it hot. The naptha can also hold more if it is hot and the crock pot is a safe way to get that hot on top of the basified MHRB, stir it up real well for a while since you cant turn it end over end. Definitely use much more MHRB, like 100g and adjust the other components to match and don't necessarily mix each naptha pull. Precipitate the first one or two separately to see how they are producing. He should reduce down the naptha that he did with the original pulls down to less than 100ml and then try freeze precip but with only 18gr MHRB you would only get 180mg in the best case scenario getting every mg out of it that there is but not by using a quick and dirty technique like you are trying. Probably the amount of naptha used couldn't get spice saturated enough with the small amount of mhrb to allow it to freeze precipitate. He will probably have to evap it all to get whatever is in there unless he just uses it as primed naptha for pulls on a bigger hot cooked batch.
The first thing that comes to mind is that when in front of the fan the naphtha warms up and can re-absorb more DMT than the frozen naphtha can hold.

Also, another tip is to lay the jars on their side, so that the layer of solvent spreads out having the most surface area and then roll your jars horizontally around slowly for 3 minutes on the carpet so that the solvent "licks up" all the MHRB solution stuck to the sides. Repeat 3 times. Then siphon off your naphtha and place in the freezer. I recommend you break up your posts into paragraphs by skipping lines sometimes.

For the good of all of us it makes them easier to read.
:idea: OK. Thank you. :)

Here's the deal. Tonight there will be a basified solution of 200g mhrb, 200g sodium hydroxide, and 3000ml of water in a hdpe plastic gallon container.

Will it be o.k to leave that solution in the container overnight? How long does a ph of 13 take to break down hdpe plastic?

Tomorrow there is 3 hours free time. Should that be enough for a couple of pulls to be done, evapped down until cloudy, and then thrown in the freezer?

As far as heating the naptha in a plastic container goes, the ambient temperature of the room this might be done in could be 80 degrees if that would help?

Final product is highly anticipated, although patience is available. There has been alot of re-reading of some great books done recently. Is anybody a fan of the likes of Robert Anton Wilson, Christopher Hyatt, and the such? Also Meta-programming by John Lilly.
Will it be o.k to leave that solution in the container overnight? How long does a ph of 13 take to break down hdpe plastic?

you should be fine with hdpe, it shouldnt break down at all, unless it was very thin. Some caustic soda in solution is actually sold in hdpe plastic container, so...

Tomorrow there is 3 hours free time. Should that be enough for a couple of pulls to be done, evapped down until cloudy, and then thrown in the freezer?

with naphtha, one should do at least 4 pulls.. 3 hours is a bit tight for everything, there's always the clean up which takes a while. Specially the last pulls probably wont be evaporated enough, maybe the first one yes.

Also, the naphtha shouldnt be evaporated just till its cloudy. I know it says this in many places but SWIM has already seen as a fact that naphtha getting cloudy doesnt necessarily mean its saturated. It has happened that the naphtha gets cloudy in the first 10 minutes after SWIM puts the container to evaporate, but then after some more minutes or hour, it gets transparent again and only latter becomes cloudy again. One should make check if pre-evaporation is enough by looking at the total volume. The naphtha should be at least half to one quarter (or even further) of the original amount, to guarantee most actives will crash out. Also, the naphtha can be reused after freeze precipitation.

How long after these 3 hours will SWIY have time again? Maybe just leave it all evaporating, and even if it nearly all evaporates before SWIY comes back, its still no problem to put in the freezer in the very end. The only thing that might happen is that some crystals start forming even before its in the freezer, which is good.

and yes I read a few books by roberton anton wilson, like prometheus rising and cosmic trigger.. nice stuff, he has a very nice psychedelic and ironic style of writting somehow. Synchronicities, 23s and funny discordianism-related things popped up in my life many times after I read his books.. "the prover proves what the thinker thinks" :D
ok thank you! SWIM will leave solution over night.

I guess SWIM will do the four pulls, and then store the naptha from them until some time becomes available to evap down to a quarter of the original volume.

Its not that SWIM doesn't have lots of time to do this, its more that SWIM has certain time periods where nobody will be around to smell naptha evaporating and not like it. SWIM would rather wait until nobody is around so that the naptha smell doesn't get on anybody's nerves.

SWIM could do it anyway, but it is just easier.

How much naptha does SWIY recommend for each pull with the amount SWIM is working with?

also with the synchronicities i know what you mean. its just one after another either they are there and i am more aware, or i am creating them....
150 - 200ml pulls are good SWIM thinks... Its also recommended that at least in the last to pulls, SWIY heat up some water in a big pot (not till boiling, just like till its nearly too hot to put SWIY's hands but still not burning), put the container with the whole mimosa mix inside of the pot with warm water (flames off before!). Or let hot water from sink run on the sides. In any case this increases the solubility of dmt in the solvent.

and yes, SWIY are very right to be careful not to disturb people with solvent smells.
ok swim will do the hot tap water. thank you for your help and i will get back eventually with results!

and SWIM will post some pictures
ok, SWIM has the basified solution in the gallon container. out of curiosity, and also the interest of safety, how should SWIM worry about pressure build up if SWIM just put in the container the mhrb, sodium hydroxide, and water, and caps and shakes this. how often should SWIM unscrew the cap to release the pressure, and how long after mixing these completely will pressure stop building up, and SWIM not have to worry about it anymore?
close the container completely only if SWIY needs it to mix or something.. but leave it slightly open for venting when letting it stand like to wait for separation of layers or when SWIY is just not around.. If its just slightly open, the naphtha wont evaporate significantly but it makes sure that no pressure builds up. That being said, SWIM never really noticed any build up of pressure but he doesnt want to risk it so makes it as mentioned before
well SWIM was able to do 3 pulls last night, and put them into a collection jar. SWIM also threw the jar in the freezer just out of curiosity to see if anything would precip. when SWIM woke up this morning there were a couple white "blobs" floating in the naptha, and some stuff stuck on the sides. the solution was VERY cloudy. I'm guessing this means that the naptha indeed has something in it?

SWIM will do a fourth pull in a hot water bath today once SWIM is done with work, and then evap to a quarter volume.
On SWIMS first extract. did around 8 pulls total. First 2 non heated, then last 6 heated. The first 2 pulls were used with 200ml each. Then the last 6 were used with 150ml each; heated. Naphtha was reused everytime.
well SWIM is almost out of work, and is going to evap the stuff shortly.

so are you saying SWIM should do more than 4 pulls? maybe SWIM will do three more today, and mix them for a longer period of time and heat them up also.

SWIM is still going to take the three that have already been done and evap those seperately than the next three.

how was SWIY's yeild in terms of was it consistant all the way to the sixth pull or how sharply did it drop off?

i guess SWIM will be finding this all out anyway, just like conversing and seeing how others have went, and comparing.

SWIM is rather anxious:d
what can be done to speed up evaporation? also had a question: SWIM'S bathroom has a fan/vent in the cieling. do these vent outside the building or will somebody else in the building smell it?
Jars suck i have a shitty freezer i like using baking dishes way better than jars.also i had a small fan i stuck in the freezer to help evapping it,and also its cool to evap 2/3rds of the naptha at room temps and the last 3rd at freezer temps.In my experience its hard to create dmt crystals at room temps.i recomend the time length of the 1st pull be overnight.make sure theres no food in the freezer cause itleaves a funny smell so keeping some baking soda boxes in the freezer is wise to soak up some smell.ime evapping at room temps only yeilds oil.if you only get oil add more naptha and try evapping at cooler temps.Good luck,1shot2
1shot2 said:
Jars suck i have a shitty freezer i like using baking dishes way better than jars.also i had a small fan i stuck in the freezer to help evapping it,and also its cool to evap 2/3rds of the naptha at room temps and the last 3rd at freezer temps.In my experience its hard to create dmt crystals at room temps.i recomend the time length of the 1st pull be overnight.make sure theres no food in the freezer cause itleaves a funny smell so keeping some baking soda boxes in the freezer is wise to soak up some smell.ime evapping at room temps only yeilds oil.if you only get oil add more naptha and try evapping at cooler temps.Good luck,1shot2

what, you evap naphtha inside the freezer?! what sense is that? First of all at those temperatures will mean very little evaporation.. second, if the freezer is closed, where is it all evaporating to? and if the freezer is open, then your cold is escaping..

pre-evap at room temperature until its just a very small amount (like a quarter or less of the original amount), then just stick in the fridge
lol, my friend's extraction was completed a long time ago sorry. anyway, swim only got ~500mg from 200g bark. think it was shitty bark, or first time extraction at fault. got different bark, from different vendor, using bestine, using ph strips instead of blindly dumping tons of naoh in, and yields are looking ok so far. got more on swim's first pull then on 5 on the last one. does anybody else notice that the crystals formed from freeze precip using heptane are much smaller? or is it something swim is doing?

edit: however the crystals formed are extrememly pure. they look like glass shards.
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