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Negativity, anxiety


Entheogen Enthusiast

For over a year now I have been having physical and mental health problems from my work. The nature of the work is very high stress. I finally come to point where my physical health is perfect again, stress is being managed much better yet I still can't do DMT without issues.

On any dose of DMT low or high, I seem to can't just be present and positive. It tends to go negative and feelings of anxiety, negativity, doom?

I also get nausea on DMT basically everytime. I never got nausous on any substance before.

I avoided DMT use because I was in a period of depression during this time period. But currently I am mostly happy.

I think 5-MeO-DMT use can be more beneficial. As I get 0 nausea of it.

Any advice would be very appreciated,
I have no real advise for you but I can say I think it's a good thing that you are using knowledge of self to decide what you will and will not do. You are not obligated to have a relationship with something that it too rough on you.
Can't go wrong with trusting in your intuition and not pushing too hard. There was a period when I couldn't muster the strength to hit the pipe. I'd grab it and bring it up to my lips and would get overly excited hands would get sweaty, heart beating out of my chest, breaths became shallow. I pushed through it all before with underwhelming results. My strongest breakthroughs have been when I wasn't in that state and have been able to let go without such trepidation. DMT is a tricky substance to work with. Pretty much a mirror.
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The stress of being an EMT seeped deeper into my mind than any self care could address. The stress could not be managed, it was piercing too deeply, too frequently. I had to eventually leave that job after I became physically incapable of sleep, and started hallucinating and going crazy. I always was a good sleeper and sober.

I've been much more grounded since and have found work that I can mentally feel somewhat well doing. Work is a big part of my life and it seeps into my bones. Oftentimes we do this stuff full time, day in day out, for long periods of time...

All I can suggest from that experience is that if you have a significant stressor, that if at all possible, you take space and time like I did to let your body heal in a more gentle and natural environment. I cannot really picture myself tripping well in that lifestyle.
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Thank you for all the replies!

My focus this year is on lowering that stress and it is indeed significantly better now. I had a lot of stress induced physical illnesses this year.

It seems to me I just can't let go at this current time. Perhaps regular meditation is necessary as I did before. Also perhaps 5-MeO will be a cheat code as it forces this state of being.

While reading hallway through your post i was already thinking of suggesting 5-meo-dmt as a cheat code lol.
You're probably familiar with the concept of 5-meo-dmt release. At the peak of a breakthrough dose you could hear a popping/emplosion sound and all that stress and emotional tension pops up like a bubble .. suddenly all your energy re-alligns with the fabric of reality. Energy starts to flow through you fluently unbounded. You becomes that rippling fabric of reality itself as that intricate web of existence built from pure energy pulsing and rippling as it's taking you on a journey into the centre of the universe.

Just try to gradually immerse yourself in it by gradually smoking your dose towards a breakthrough to avoid shock to your nervous system and minimise reactivation in the next few weeks.

5-meo-dmt often doesn't bring me nausea but sometimes it does towards the higher range of dosage. I never threw up though but i could feel it coming up my throat a few times nearly vomiting. The nausea when it's there is short living.
For me a very big stress level has a big impact on my setting.
Although stress can be healthy to some degree it can also be harmful.
I usually need a few days or even a week integration time after tripping when I am stressed moderately.
And when i am stressed a lot i stay away from psychodelics.

It is hard to write some concrete coping mechanism without knowing some details.
But I share my apprach of how I handle my stressors.
My stressors are overthinking and as working in cs field, the complexity of systems or development.
And endless growing issue lists, bad processes, multiple pararell projects, ..
But also working with other people who are not as open minded as others.

My approach:
The question is what are the stressors and can they be affected in some way?
That requires some sort of reflection and confrontation with the problems in order to find some solutions.
It could be painfully in short term and requires some effort but things could resolve in the long run.
It gets problematic when more issues appear then are solved.
At such a point i think it is beneficial to look at all the things we solved and not to look at the remaining work.
That flips the mentality and increases the probability to focus more on the achievements then the todo list.
It also creates some sort of mental secure state.
As we remember how and how much we achieved.
That secure state could result in more confidence for the remaining stuff.

Some stressors can not be affected by us.
The question for this cases imo is, is it worth to think about them?
That is said much easier then done, i know as this is my biggest issue.
There is a math concept called "branch and bound" which its philosophy could be applied to lots of topics imo.
We explore only branches which we can and bound branches which cannot be explored further.
You could substitue "branches" with anything, like tasks, thoughts, issues, ...
I like to filter my thoughts with "w" questions.

Hope this helps in some way.
If you want brainstorm you can also pm me if you like to.
I find it helps to go into the dmt state with an intention along with the intention form a mantra. One of the mantras from another nexian that has helped me is, "nature rewards bravery."
Utilizing techniques to destressing through self forgiveness such as Ho'pono'pono as well.
You experience is very familiar to me, as I am one who has dealt and deals with very much the same.

For a while I was getting nauseous and sometimes purging when doing DMT. As I've gotten more comfortable with my choices and moving into that space at low levels that has pretty much completely subsided.

I often ignore the 'set' requirement (not always) because typically if I'm feeling it then it will likely be beneficial. I'm pretty stressed all the time. I've found that the darker or sometimes 'negative' experiences can be very valuable and you can still come out feeling pretty good with some exceptions here and there.

It sounds as though some of the negative health effects that impacted both your mind and body may still be harbored in you. A somatic approach may be beneficial, and that's something that can be achieved with low dose DMT and changa I find.

Otherwise, the only other thing I could suggest is to do what I do and just keep going back despite the discomfort. I can say that things have been getting much better for me lately.

One love
While reading hallway through your post i was already thinking of suggesting 5-meo-dmt as a cheat code lol.
You're probably familiar with the concept of 5-meo-dmt release. At the peak of a breakthrough dose you could hear a popping/emplosion sound and all that stress and emotional tension pops up like a bubble .. suddenly all your energy re-alligns with the fabric of reality. Energy starts to flow through you fluently unbounded. You becomes that rippling fabric of reality itself as that intricate web of existence built from pure energy pulsing and rippling as it's taking you on a journey into the centre of the universe.

Just try to gradually immerse yourself in it by gradually smoking your dose towards a breakthrough to avoid shock to your nervous system and minimise reactivation in the next few weeks.

5-meo-dmt often doesn't bring me nausea but sometimes it does towards the higher range of dosage. I never threw up though but i could feel it coming up my throat a few times nearly vomiting. The nausea when it's there is short living.
For me 5 meo dmt has made me vomit many times but it is to get out what bad myself has taken in. Constellation bucks is super bad and everytime it comes back out of me. Now that place is gone for me.
Over time it has subsided, so much so that it had become very rare for both FB NNDMT and changa. I don't really even think about if it's going to happen anymore when it used to be a regular occurrence. I feel that in my situation it was largely psychosomatic wherein my mind influenced a response in my body due to high anxiety and fear about doing NNDMT or changa.

Our bodies and responses to various stimuli do change over time. I wonder how much of such a change may be influencing your situation.

One love

I think it is definitely psychosomatic. At the peak, my mouth would water just having the pipe ready to go. It is very weird because I did DMT countless times over my life without nausea ever.

I will try do low doses. Maybe I need a nature setting. In my room at home tends to go negative more easily.

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