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New David Icke video.. talks about auya & the matrix!!! must see!

Migrated topic.
I know its 2 hours long, but it has to be one of his best videos/interviews.

I HIGHly recommend it.

I fell alot more "awake" just after the first hour..

I really want to hear everyones thoughts here on the nexus about this..

Indeed interesting. I have only watched the first hour but much of this I have gotten to understand throughout the past years of traveling, books, people ,etc.

Theres alot of people like him that are at the forfront of trying to explain this change to the masses.
And make us understand that "something" is slowly but surely happening.

If you haven't read "The Holographic Universe" by Talbot i highly reccomend it, since we are sort of on the topic regarding this reality and whats to make of it.

Still have another hour to go on the video but will conclude my thoughts after its over.

(ps: SWIMs typing this while on a gram n' half of some potent mushies hehe ) :)
Icke is a paranoid fool... causing more trouble then good IMHO...
freinds of mine that got into his work moved directly out of a love based interaction with the world into a fear based relationship... fuck that dude...
DMTtripn2Space said:
Indeed interesting. I have only watched the first hour but much of this I have gotten to understand throughout the past years of traveling, books, people ,etc.

Theres alot of people like him that are at the forfront of trying to explain this change to the masses.
And make us understand that "something" is slowly but surely happening.

If you haven't read "The Holographic Universe" by Talbot i highly reccomend it, since we are sort of on the topic regarding this reality and whats to make of it.

Still have another hour to go on the video but will conclude my thoughts after its over.

(ps: SWIMs typing this while on a gram n' half of some potent mushies hehe ) :)

yea the first hour is most interesting IMO...

Yea he really does help alot of people, i remember shrooms told me alot of stuff, i thought i was crazy about mind control.. but then i found david icke, & everything he says makes sense to me.
& i mean its obvious that society is fucking us, and that this agenda is happening..

Ive read about the holographic universe & read a paper on it recently.. but not the book ill have to check it out.

haha thats cool you took some shrooms, i think ill take some acid tomorrow =P
LLB said:
Icke is a paranoid fool... causing more trouble then good IMHO...
freinds of mine that got into his work moved directly out of a love based interaction with the world into a fear based relationship... fuck that dude...

How is paranoid & causing trouble.. be more specific & ill be glad to discuss this with ya ;]

How did he make you go from love into fear? explain.

so whats wrong with waking up to the truth, you obviously believed something he said to be scary & real, so what you would rather of not known & stay blind? i don;t understand..

if anything society & our world leaders pump fear into us, thats how they control.
just like hitler.

David is trying to free us from that... Imean if youve smoked DMT & do other PSY drugs youll know that 99% of what hes saying isnt bullshitt
One thing I noticed about the interview is that he didn't speak much about his old metaphors,
like the reptilian Illuminati families.
He'd bring it up as a reference point, then quickly change the subject.
The man's coming to his senses, within. It's showing on the outside now that he's older.
LLB said:
Icke is a paranoid fool... causing more trouble then good IMHO...
freinds of mine that got into his work moved directly out of a love based interaction with the world into a fear based relationship... fuck that dude...

Thats your friends problems and not David Ickes. When I first got into icke I kind of got like that, no wonder though some of the shit hes making you aware of, does make you a bit paranoid and angry, but then I realised hes actually trying to teach love in a world that is lacking in it to say the least, he caused a lot of good changes in me, guy changed my life, wasnt for him I doubt id have met the people I did and came across dmt.

Ill watch the video when I get a chance.
Infinite I said:
LLB said:
Icke is a paranoid fool... causing more trouble then good IMHO...
freinds of mine that got into his work moved directly out of a love based interaction with the world into a fear based relationship... fuck that dude...

Thats your friends problems and not David Ickes. When I first got into icke I kind of got like that, no wonder though some of the shit hes making you aware of, does make you a bit paranoid and angry, but then I realised hes actually trying to teach love in a world that is lacking in it to say the least, he caused a lot of good changes in me, guy changed my life, wasnt for him I doubt id have met the people I did and came across dmt.

Ill watch the video when I get a chance.

Yea hes really is a cool dude.. and a damm good interview

Funny all the people who bash him, you can tell they havent got a clue about anything.
modsquad09 said:
Funny all the people who bash him, you can tell they havent got a clue about anything.

This is kind of an absurd statement. I haven't watched the video (I will) and haven't watched any of his videos, though I've heard his name mentioned time and again. I think I'll find I already know what he is saying, as the information is out there in numerous places.

Just because someone bashed him, does not mean they are clueless. Each Prophet, teacher, whisleblower, etc...has their own style of getting the message out. Not everyone will like everyones interpretation/presentation of the material that is out there. LLB found that Icke's messsage caused a great amount of fear in his friends. True it is not Icke's fault, but one cannont always account for the reaction people have to your message.

Hopefully if fear is your primary reaction, you'll look elsewhere for additional information and find one that resonates more with love than fear for you.
I actually went to see a live david icke lecture on saturday. I got a free ticket and I dont think I would have paid to go otherwise. It was very long and much of it was shite... but the were some really interesting moments. He has obviously undergone a major consciousness shift after he experienced ayahuasca in 2003, and he does seems less focussed on the reptilian agenda and the ruling bloodlines, etc. His whole perspective seems to have evolved from negative conspiracies to understanding the true nature of reality and consciousness.

There is an intersting point I would like to mention. When he was presenting his lecture he referred to his only ayahuaca journey as an amazing eurofic experience that was filled with an enlightening female voice giving him guidance for many hours. The were moments when he was speaking about his ayahuasca experience that it sounded fake or made up to me. Later on sunday I was speaking to a friend and David Icke came up in the conversation. My friend mentioned that he had met someone who actaully shared the ayahusaca experience with David Icke in the jungle. This individual said that he had watched David Icke have an extremely troubling and powerfull ayahuasca experience and that when he came back from his journey David said that it was the worst experience of his life and would never do it again..... ???

Either way his presentations are definitely hypnotic and filled with some interesting information... Much better to watch than most of the other crap fed to us through the TV/Media
Half way through it atm kinda freaked me out because in the first 5 minutes when hes talking about his transformation in 1989 he said he had this feeling as if a spiders web was on his face, its meant to be something from another dimension trying to lock on to you, swear to god the other night I was lying in bed and I felt this exact same thing, ive never heard of such a thing and as soon as he said I remembered this feeling the other day, anyone ever heard of this? I done a search but didnt come up with anything. Swim has a fresh batch of spice on the way maybe its something to do with that dunno, but its really freaky, in my head when it happened i was like wow thats weird feels like a spiders web on my face and I had to check it wasnt, im kinda freaked by this, anyoen heard this?? :shock:
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