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New Explanation of what happens during the DMT trip

Migrated topic.

Linga Sarira

Rising Star
Okay, so SWIM had the oppurtunity to do mushrooms the other night with a trusted friend and as we waited for them to kick in we searched through google videos for something interesting to watch in the meantime. We found this amazing video by David Wilcock called the 2012 Enigma.

In this talk he explains that particles can turn into waves and back into particles again, simply by turning inside out. This is where our Pineal gland comes into things. This happens on all levels as well, this is in fact where the hidden dimensions of hyperspace are. He explains about project Looking glass a secret govt project that developed machines that mimicked the Pineal gland in turning the geometry of space-time inside out so that it is in fact TIME-SPACE (meaning 3 dimensions of time and 1 dimension of space)

In this regular Space-time dimension we experience 1 direction of time and 3axis of space, however when flipped inside out we are in Time-space experience all directions of time including zero time, and spacially we have become the 3rd eye of fixed awareness, no longer physical because our entire being, and universe has been flipped inside out and all things are waves, or an ocean of energy. On DMT we are on the inside out of this universe, we are on the other side, yet our body remains here, our consciousness has shifted inside out! And this is where our Hyperspace exists.

The pineal gland is def key in the DMT experience, due to its shape of a pine cone, its geometric position in the head and brain and the secretion of chemicles it produces when we sleep, astral travel, die, are born etc.

SWIM on very strong DMT trips has had the feeling of being turned completely inside out, and having not understood what is going on was staggering through the experience in a pyschedelic confusion.

As the mushrooms started to come SWIM focused on this concept and was able to analyse it and visualise it and eventually experience it as a nested series of spheres all laid together geometrically inside out, reality in the psychedelic sense presented itself as a perfect confluence of inner and outer dimensionalities. This blew SWIM's mind wide apart !

What do people think of this ?
In this talk he explains that particles can turn into waves and back into particles again, simply by turning inside out.

Particles are waves and waves can be particles depending on how you look at them/what kind of measurement you do. I don't know what that guy means by turning inside out.

This is where our Pineal gland comes into things. This happens on all levels as well, this is in fact where the hidden dimensions of hyperspace are. He explains about project Looking glass a secret govt project that developed machines that mimicked the Pineal gland in turning the geometry of space-time inside out so that it is in fact TIME-SPACE (meaning 3 dimensions of time and 1 dimension of space)

I wouldn't exactly trust government secret projects as a source of viable information.

In this regular Space-time dimension we experience 1 direction of time and 3axis of space, however when flipped inside out we are in Time-space experience all directions of time including zero time, and spacially we have become the 3rd eye of fixed awareness, no longer physical because our entire being, and universe has been flipped inside out and all things are waves, or an ocean of energy. On DMT we are on the inside out of this universe, we are on the other side, yet our body remains here, our consciousness has shifted inside out! And this is where our Hyperspace exists.

What the heck is the difference between space time and time space? Its well known that time is another dimension of space but what this guy is saying doesn't really make any sense. Is he claiming that we can experience time inside out as in experience all time at once? If one could experience 5 dimensions I think it might be something like that.

But as of yet there is no evidence for more then the normal 4 dimensions of space and time. That doesn't mean more won't be discovered but to go on like they have already been found is taking things too far. They are being looked for though and its of course likely they could exist.

Everything is always an ocean of energy regardless of whether or not you are on DMT. Yes subatomic particles can be looked at as particles or waves but its not like the pineal gland makes the decision to look at everything as particles in our normal reality and waves in the DMT world? I dont see how it makes a difference whether or not our brain is perceiving subatomic stuff as particles or waves. If this guy is claiming that what he sais is going on prove it and don't just claim you got the information from some secret government project that no ones ever heard of. Subatomic particles are particles and waves no matter what it just depends how they are measured or what kind of mathematical formulation you put them in (Something along those lines).

The pineal gland is def key in the DMT experience, due to its shape of a pine cone, its geometric position in the head and brain and the secretion of chemicles it produces when we sleep, astral travel, die, are born etc.

Ok first of all the pineal gland doesn't secrete or even produce DMT, infact its more likely that DMT is made outside of the CNS and then gets transported in. I don't know the localization of seretonin receptors around the pineal gland but DMT acts by interacting with both seretonin receptors and trace amine receptors. I don't see why people are so hyped up on this pineal gland story when theres no evidence for it producing DMT. Infact there is more evidence for other things going on.

But let me say something about what is known about the pineal gland. Yes its very involved in sleep cycles. The pineal gland is an ancient organ and was probably in the past utilized for telling the difference between day and night. Much like it still is involved in regulating day/night cycles so it that sense it is like a 3rd eye. As far as being utilized to see into other dimensions there is no reason to think that at all really. It does make seretonin and melatonin and secretes them which does regulate sleep cycles. However I don't believe it has anything to do with astral projection or death until some solid evidence for that appears.

I think the guy who made that video is a bit out there and not really basing his claims on anything except his tripped out ideas and wouldn't take it seriously for the reasons I state above. I know I am being very critical but honestly someone has too. People can claim whatever they want and make vague connections to particle physics consciousness and psychedelic drugs but until people start putting there theories into more coherent frame works its just wild speculations.
No offense but David Wilcock and the likes just get insanely stupid when trying to coat their crazy theories with some scientific mantle. That is partly due to the fact that they are no idea of what they are talking about.

His theories and videos are just a point of reference that, when reached, should signal everybody to have a wee brake off drugs. His type of bollocks are one of the things that creates a bad image for drugs, especially psychedelic drugs. The guy's awfully burned out.
well it makes visual sense to me
i can construct this theory in my mind
then a again i cant spell
are do complacated mathmatics
(but some how i know the answers with
out knowing how i arived to said answer) odd hu
all i have is a visual brain
There are things about this story that do not make much sense to me.
The time/space reversal is one of these things.
Time is a concept for a dimensional trait of our universe. But on itself time is not something that exists. The concept of time comes into being once you have matter occupying space. Without that, the whole concept doesn't make sense. It is the nature of matter to behave in a certain way and this is because of things applying to it's tiniest particles, we don't yet fully understand.
The speed or duration in wich the processes of these tiniest particles occur, is what we call time. And this is influenced by all kinds of factors such as gravity. It is not like there is some external abstract force that's called time, that's causing everything.
How time could have three directions, is something that's a complete mystery to me.
The word dimension, ofcourse, could be defined in a broader sense.
I could understand it if you for instance would call everything that would exist in the form of antimatter, something that exists as in another dimension.
When you redefine the word 'dimension' in such a way then, it starts making sense if you'd say there are more than four dimensions and some of these other dimensions would still be more speculative then others. The wave/particle aspect of matter could be viewed in such a way as well, then. As well as scale or other things that define our world to how it appears to us.
But also the link with all this, to the pineal gland, i don't see.
It seems more something like science fiction to me.
I don't believe i've ever heard of this wilcock dude or his connection with any government.
I suppose you mean the U.S. government here.
The real secret is ussualy how they manage to get public money and in who's pocket that money ends up.

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