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New here + first experience

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
My name is Mike. I've been interested in DMT for several years now and have been lurking here for the last few months reading up on as much as I can about the substance. I have experience with other substances including mushrooms, salvia, lsd, and ayahuasca; but had never gotten around to trying DMT.......until this past weekend.

So the reason I never tried the substance was because it had never been made available to me. I figured that when the time was right, it would just work out. After an ayauasca ceremony I participated in over the summer I knew my time to try pure DMT was soon approaching. It just felt right. After a bit of research I realized how easy it was to procure and set out upon that journey.

This is all fictitious of course, as I would never wish to create such a substance on my own. If I was to do so though, I would imagine it would go something like this:

Started off with 200g mhrb which yielded 191mg of product. I didn't use one specific tek but kind of a mixture of STB teks to fit my specific needs. I was quite happy with the results overall. Off-white in color, no visible impurities whatsoever. I was very careful throughout the entire process. After creating this I sit on it for about two weeks, just waiting for the right moment. Saturday was that moment.

I was absolutely blown away by the power of this stuff. I don't know if I am just particular susceptible to its affects, or if the batch I have is particularly strong, but the results were unreal. My setup includes a glass water pipe with a quartz bucket (banger) attachment. This was heated up using a torch, allowed to cool for approximately 20 seconds, spice goes in, cap it off, and away you go.

First time was only 2mg, just to make sure I had not created some sort of cosmic poison because I did slack off in chemistry class a bit and have never done anything quite like this. I was expecting nothing from this amount, I was very wrong. As soon as I exhaled I could feel "something" creeping in. I sat back in the chair and closed my eyes and it was like being thrown right into the middle of a mild mushroom trip. Very faint CEV but a huge body rush accompanied by warmth. I also had an overwhelming feeling of joy and happiness sweep over me. This lasted for about 10 min. I was shocked that such a small amount did anything at all.

I load up 4mg for my wife, adjust my pouring technique slightly, and send her off. She loses sense of reality and is thrown into a world of color and patterns that left her speechless. She said she was almost sad to come back because of how beautiful it was. Inspired by both of our positive experiences with such a low dose, I decide to up the ante a bit. 10mg seemed like the next reasonable step.

As I was pouring the 10mg into the bucket I had this thought that crossed my mind that I was rushing back into it too quick; that I should have probably taken more time to fully digest what had just happened to me about 30 minutes prior. I should have taken that little sense of doubt more seriously, and I learned real quick to respect the power of this stuff.

As soon as I inhaled (all in one hit) and was sitting there holding it in I could feel something happening. I don't remember exhaling, closing my eyes, nothing. The next thing I remember after sitting there holding the hit in was just being "popped" into a new reality. Instantly my living room, house, everything around me was gone. I have no concept of whether or not my eyes are open and it is completely silent. The most overwhelming presentation of color starts happening in front of me and this sense of being "folded" into space and time happens. That's the only way I can describe that feeling, it was so intense. At some point I forget everything. Who I am, what I am, where I came from. The concept of time was gone, I could not remember a time before this had happened nor could I even make sense of what was happening. It was truly indescribable. Eventually after an amount of time that I cannot express (because my concept of time was destroyed) I started to remember that I had taken a substance which was causing me to be in this place. This is when an overwhelming feeling of helplessness flooded over me and I began wondering if I would ever be allowed to leave again. It was a terrifying feeling. I began hearing the sound of my breath periodically which reminded me that I was indeed alive. As soon as I "give in" to the fear and stop fighting it I immediately start hearing sounds from inside my house, the A/C running, a car driving by outside. I was still visually stuck in a different place but the sounds of the real world began flooding in and I could feel it loosening its grip on me. When I could finally speak I asked my wife how long it has been, "8 minutes" she replied. I was in shock. I was so overwhelmingly thankful just to be home. I felt like I had been gone for so long. I could not articulate, and still cannot, the full gravity of what happened to me during those 8 minutes. Things would still be "weird" for a few minutes. There was still a very obvious visual distortion going on inside my house but I was present and understood everything that was going on at that point. After 15 minutes everything was completely back to normal. I was left in a state of awe.

It scared the living **** out of me in the moment, but after looking back on it for a couple days now I'm so thankful I experienced this. I feel like now that I have a better understanding of the potential I'll be able to let go earlier and maybe have a more enjoyable experience after all. Not to say that this wasn't enjoyable, or that it even should be. I was just so taken back by the power of this stuff because of my overly cavalier attitude towards it at first. I'm looking forward to many future journeys and learning something from this community.
Welcome to the nexus.

That’s a powerful intro for a starter smoking DMT. Amazing how far you got with only 10 mg.

Inspired by your second journey I guess your wife took a new round too ?

Please get back to us when you take that 30 mg :) .
strtman said:
Welcome to the nexus.

That’s a powerful intro for a starter smoking DMT. Amazing how far you got with only 10 mg.

Inspired by your second journey I guess your wife took a new round too ?

Please get back to us when you take that 30 mg :) .

She actually hasn’t stepped back in yet. She loved the experience the 4mg created that evening and felt no need to take it further in the moment. She’s definitely wanting to try it again though but she hasn’t expressed much interest in high doses. I’m still trying to wrap my head around why 10mg had such a huge effect on me and it honestly has me a little nervous to jump into 30.

Is it common for people to have a stronger effect the first time they try it or something? Originally I thought I might just be more susceptible to it but my wife had a strong reaction at a low dose as well. Seems unlikely we both have a low tohlerance. Is it the potency of this particular batch?
10 mg pure DMT is 10 mg pure DMT. So it can not be that the potency of your particular batch is stronger this time. The effect it triggered for you must be a combination of low tolerance and an optimal way of taking the hit. In your situation I would slowly built up the dosage.
strtman said:
10 mg pure DMT is 10 mg pure DMT. So it can not be that the potency of your particular batch is stronger this time. The effect it triggered for you must be a combination of low tolerance and an optimal way of taking the hit. In your situation I would slowly built up the dosage.
Or maybe digital scales need calibration :)

192mg from 200g of mhrb is a pretty low yield. Mine was n vicinity of 3g using cyb's tek.

Nonetheless welcome to the Nexus and great first trip story!
Great report, welcome to the Nexus!

I have found that so many things affect my experience and that is why you hear many people talk about, no alcohol, no caffeine, no heavy foods, etc. Some people fast. I find state of mind to be of enormous importance but even in the wrong state of mind a couple small doses before a big hit will correct any mental disturbances I might have.

Exitwound said:
strtman said:
10 mg pure DMT is 10 mg pure DMT. So it can not be that the potency of your particular batch is stronger this time. The effect it triggered for you must be a combination of low tolerance and an optimal way of taking the hit. In your situation I would slowly built up the dosage.
Or maybe digital scales need calibration :)

192mg from 200g of mhrb is a pretty low yield. Mine was n vicinity of 3g using cyb's tek.

Nonetheless welcome to the Nexus and great first trip story!

From what I understood MHRB was just slightly over 1 percent dmt by weight so I thought there was only about 2 grams worth of dmt in 200g of mhrb
A few days ago I decided to just dip my toes in again a bit. I loaded up just 3mg, trying just to experience the euphoria and clear headedness I got from 2mg a week or so ago when I tried it for the first time. It was honestly an uncomfortable experience. I laid there with my eyes closed, and faded in and out of what felt like a dream state for several minutes. I had flashes of memories come back from my fully immersive 10mg experience last week. I opened my eyes and my living room felt immensely larger and more colorful, with all the lines and patterns in the room coming together in a more symmetrical way. The entire experience was only about 7-8 minutes.

I think I am going to give it until next weekend and then go for 20mg. 10mg literally blew my mind and I know that was just scratching the surface. The low doses leave me feeling a bit uncomfortable but I think that is because too much of my mind is still "here" when I do that. I need to be better about meditating before partaking as well and making sure that my mind is clear. I have a difficult time easing my mind and letting go during deep psychedelic experiences.
192mg from 200g of mhrb is a pretty low yield. Mine was n vicinity of 3g using cyb's tek.

From what I understood MHRB was just slightly over 1 percent dmt by weight so I thought there was only about 2 grams worth of dmt in 200g of mhrb

2 grams = 2000 mg, so your 192 mg suggests either you only got ~10% of what was available - or - (and forgive me for suggesting this) that you are possibly mixing up the units, hence maybe measured out 10x the dose you expected!
Zeus46 said:
192mg from 200g of mhrb is a pretty low yield. Mine was n vicinity of 3g using cyb's tek.

From what I understood MHRB was just slightly over 1 percent dmt by weight so I thought there was only about 2 grams worth of dmt in 200g of mhrb

2 grams = 2000 mg, so your 192 mg suggests either you only got ~10% of what was available - or - (and forgive me for suggesting this) that you are possibly mixing up the units, hence maybe measured out 10x the dose you expected!

You totally called it.

So a lot of things just "clicked" and make way more sense to me now. So the yield was indeed 1920mg from the 200g of MHRB. I also just realized (I'm ashamed to even admit this but oh well) I have been measuring out 10x the amount I intended. Which explains why my 10mg trip absolutely destroyed me (because it was actually 100mg). I also am realizing that my vaporization technique is probably not as effective as I thought it was originally so I need to work on that as well because there is no way I have been getting everything out of these hits.

Its an embarrassing mistake but thank god I didn't load up a 50mg for my first try (because I would have erroneously loaded 500mg) which just gives me the chills even thinking about it.
doh! There's so many people on ebay selling 0.01g scales labelled as "milligram scales", that it's not too surprising people make the mistake.

Might not need to refill your pipe for a while...
Zeus46 said:
doh! There's so many people on ebay selling 0.01g scales labelled as "milligram scales", that it's not too surprising people make the mistake.

Might not need to refill your pipe for a while...

That's exactly what happened. My fault for not paying close enough attention. Does make me less intimidated by the stuff though understanding how massive my dose was. I thought I had blown out of this reality on 10mg which freaked me out a bit. I literally could not even comprehend how people were doing 40-50mg but it all makes sense now.
Funny, that's what I thought when I first read this thread - "Here's someone who's got his decimal point in the wrong place!"

Getting effects from "2mg" was the giveaway 😉 That and the seemingly terrible yield :lol:

It's those things we don't know we don't know that we've got to watch out for :?
Miked said:
Zeus46 said:
doh! There's so many people on ebay selling 0.01g scales labelled as "milligram scales", that it's not too surprising people make the mistake.

Might not need to refill your pipe for a while...

That's exactly what happened. My fault for not paying close enough attention. Does make me less intimidated by the stuff though understanding how massive my dose was. I thought I had blown out of this reality on 10mg which freaked me out a bit. I literally could not even comprehend how people were doing 40-50mg but it all makes sense now.

Glad you have figured it out in the end :) :thumb_up:
Exitwound said:
Miked said:
Zeus46 said:
doh! There's so many people on ebay selling 0.01g scales labelled as "milligram scales", that it's not too surprising people make the mistake.

Might not need to refill your pipe for a while...

That's exactly what happened. My fault for not paying close enough attention. Does make me less intimidated by the stuff though understanding how massive my dose was. I thought I had blown out of this reality on 10mg which freaked me out a bit. I literally could not even comprehend how people were doing 40-50mg but it all makes sense now.

Glad you have figured it out in the end :) :thumb_up:

Me too, and to think I was going to attempt 200mg this weekend thinking it was only 20mg :shock:
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