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New in this place

Severino Alterra

Esteemed member
Hello! Happy to join the forum. My native language is Spanish, so I apologize in advance for any misunderstandings! I have read a lot of the forum, and now I begin my first steps in extraction. I am a lover of sacred mushrooms, and an incipient researcher of changa. Thank you!
Hello Severino Alterra,

I am happy that you joined the forum, :D.

That introduction was informative even though short.

I am glad you already have experience with mushrooms and changa. Do you have a TEK (extraction path) figured out yet?

This is an exciting time for you. I always applaud those who extract their own DMT. It's a game changer.
Hola Severino Alterra,

Me alegra que te hayas unido al foro :D.

Esa introducción fue informativa aunque breve.

Me alegra que ya tengas experiencia con las setas y la changa. ¿Ya tienes una TEK (ruta de extracción) resuelta?

Este es un momento emocionante para ti. Siempre aplaudo a quienes extraen su propio DMT. Es un punto de inflexión.
Aún no me he decidido por un método de extracción. En unos días tendré por primera vez la materia prima, y como primer paso, entiendo que me queda mucho tiempo de lectura. ¡A primera vista parece más difícil que cultivar setas!
Your reply translated as: I haven't decided on an extraction method yet. In a few days I will have the raw material for the first time, and as a first step, I understand that I have a lot of reading time left. At first glance it seems more difficult than growing mushrooms!

Extraction is actually as easy as cooking dinner from scratch and following directions carefully. I encourage starting with Straight to Base (STB) as it keeps things simple. I have a strong preference for Noman's. Here is a link:

En realidad, la extracción es tan fácil como cocinar la cena desde cero y seguir las instrucciones cuidadosamente. Recomiendo comenzar con Directo a la base (STB), ya que simplifica las cosas. Tengo una fuerte preferencia por Noman's. Aquí hay un enlace:

Noman's DMT for the Masses TEK
Perhaps I have not elaborated in the presentation because I did not correctly understand what information can be shared. Now in the middle of my life, I try to walk the path of the Buddha, and learn and heal. I consider myself happy if I receive a bit of it. I am very happy to have discovered the world of sacred substances, and the spirit of plants.
Well, wandering around the forum a bit, I now have a better understanding of the meaning of personal introductions, so I can complete mine more confidently. The language barrier and the fear of saying something inappropriate, in this place that I respect very much, made me excessively brief.☺️

I'm originally from Argentina (I hope to find some here!), 50 years old, and I've always been looking for "something", even if I don't know what. I found the "tip of the iceberg" about 15 years ago, when I learned about the eastern doctrines of non-duality (for a catholic like me, this was an absolute shock). Cannabis as a medicine and vice was already with me on my way.

Deepening my spiritual quest, about three years ago, in a ceremony, I met Kambó. And the next day, Changa. It was a beautiful, disconcerting, loving experience, impossible to convey in words. There I had my first encounter with “entities" (as soon as the experience was over, ecstatic, I shouted: "then Terence McKenna is right!!"). Months later, I had a disconcerting experience with Bufo Alvarius. It was so disconcerting and strong, that until now, I have felt no desire to repeat it, even though I did not understand anything of what happened.

Some time later, the Supreme Being gave me the gift of knowing the sacred mushrooms, with which I fell in love, to the point of trying a cultivation, partially successful. I've always let about three months pass between trips, as I'm showered with gifts of wisdom all the time, day after day. 🙏

Since my first time with Changa, I've only tried it two more times, with an interval of about a year. A few weeks ago, two very strange things happened to me at the same time: I felt, after a long time, the "call" to make “a trip” to those realms. Then I thought of a person I hadn't seen for two years, to ask for advice. The incredible thing is that this person was thinking of me, to give me two kilos of the raw material!

Everything that has happened has seemed to me a sacred calling. The day after tomorrow, with an old friend who is very experienced in these matters, we will pay a visit to the realms of the dmt, taking care of each other.

Here at Dmt-Nexus I will surely be austere in words. I am in front of much wiser and more experienced people, before whom we can only be silent, learn, and eventually ask. Again, very grateful to be able to be part of this community of searchers.☺️🙏
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Pranam ! Love your picture of Nisargadatta :D

Happy to have you here :)

"The incredible thing is that this person was thinking of me, to give me two kilos of the raw material!"
Woow ! That's awesome !
Please let us know how you're future extraction will go, and dont hesitate to post your futur trip report (they are the sweet candy of this place haha)
Pranam ! Love your picture of Nisargadatta :D

Happy to have you here :)

"The incredible thing is that this person was thinking of me, to give me two kilos of the raw material!"
Woow ! That's awesome !
Please let us know how you're future extraction will go, and dont hesitate to post your futur trip report (they are the sweet candy of this place haha)
Reading "I am That" was the biggest blow to the head I ever received in my life!. When I return from the trip I will tell the experience 🙏 . Thanks for your words!.
I can totally relate here "i am that" has been an awesome read for me too ! i'm so fascinated by all those indian philosphy.. Have you tried to go through other indian thinker yet ? Or is Nisargadatta enough ? :)
I have read Krishnamurti, Sri Ramana Maharaj, Sri Ranjit Maharaj. Then a little from here, a little from there. Nisargadatta and Ramana are the columns that support my life. I'm currently reading a bit of Alan Watts, and I really liked it.
I dont know so much of Alan watts and none of Ranjit Maharaj (im gonna check him out then), thx for sharing your reading :)
I like the way Ramana put it, in a basic way, simple as going back to the self again and again; reminds me a lot of the idea of Rigpa/trekcho in Dzogchen; where when the mind is seen, you relax in it and let it do his job.
Also love the way Krishnamurti put it through words; years back when i first encountered his work i was not able to understand his point. I went back to it last year and many things he talks about just clicked... now i like to come back to him here and there :)

Have you tried to read old textes ? i know there is a plethora of them and it's hard to dig a way through all the schools and things but it can be rewarding.
I really love some of the texts coming out of the Kashmiri Saivism tradition like the Spandakarika or the Pratyabhijna karika

Edit : One week ago i went into that bookstore which sells second hand books and i felt upon a small translation of the Tao Te King by Lao Tseu; nothing is necessary but it was a very very good read to me, i can only advise it :D
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I dont know so much of Alan watts and none of Ranjit Maharaj (im gonna check him out then), thx for sharing your reading :)
I like the way Ramana put it, in a basic way, simple as going back to the self again and again; reminds me a lot of the idea of Rigpa/trekcho in Dzogchen; where when the mind is seen, you relax in it and let it do his job.
Also love the way Krishnamurti put it through words; years back when i first encountered his work i was not able to understand his point. I went back to it last year and many things he talks about just clicked... now i like to come back to him here and there :)

Have you tried to read old textes ? i know there is a plethora of them and it's hard to dig a way through all the schools and things but it can be rewarding.
I really love some of the texts coming out of the Kashmiri Saivism tradition like the Spandakarika or the Pratyabhijna karika

Edit : One week ago i went into that bookstore which sells second hand books and i felt upon a small translation of the Tao Te King by Lao Tseu; nothing is necessary but it was a very very good read to me, i can only advise it :D
I haven't read much else; I once tried ancient writings, but their literary style makes it difficult for me to understand them. My base was always Nisargadatta and Ramana, because I felt comfortable in his style of expression; I understood them better. Furthermore, there is a moment of breaking, which in my case was something like: "I get it!!!". From that moment on, I no longer felt the need for other authors; I felt the need to stay and delve deeper into Ramana and Nisargadatta.
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