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New member intro :)

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Hi there, I am D from Australia.

Finally have got the time to introduce my self and what I am about..
I started my journey with the medicine not too long (6 months ago) and what has happened since then has helped so much and is continuing to help.

For the last ten years of my life i have struggled with crippling drug addiction, suicidal and constant fear of the future, The last 5 years i have been in and out of rehabs, hospitals and mental instuitions with only little help being received. While in a rehab last year i came across another being and was heavily influenced by the person he was and was interested in how he had come to be this way. After a little discussion he brought up spice.. Never have i heard about using another 'drug' for healing, but from this something amazing happened.

I came across an old friend who had some changa and not knowing anything really about the drug and possibly thinking I just got ripped, I regretfully pulled over on the side of the road and smoked a little. WOW. As soon as I had puffed it I knew there was something very very different about this.
Later that night I prepared my self with some meditation and slowed my mind, that second puff of spice made me feel that every worry I had ever had was gone and there was a overwhelming feeling of something else, something greater than me. It made me feel completely revived. I cried at the beauty of it.Even having tried the spice multiple times since then i have never broken through, i feel myself fighting it every time!

Alongside the spice I have been using psilocybin mushrooms for the last 4 months and it has been amazing what has happened so far. More about that when i get some time to do some reports :).

There has been many developments in my life such as "hobbies" having never really had none besides using drugs to make my self feel better and massive awakening to the beauty that is life. I still have my up and downs and I am far from healed. The difference now is that am using these 'drugs' for healing and self discovery.

I have been seeing a shaman healer basically since the start of this journey and tomorrow night I am going to be partaking in my first Ayahuasca ceremony, I feel I am ready to take the next step.

I have never been a member of any forum before and I am excited where this is leading me.

Welcome to the nexus D

Thanks for sharing a little about yourself.

I'm very glad to hear things have changed directions for you. Hobbies can definitely help alleviate the downs and enrich the ups. My problem is I have too many hobbies. It is good that you have taken some up though.

I've never really considered entheogens to be drugs, more like tools, and teachers if used properly. Look forward to hearing about your mushroom work as well and how you've found benefit from them.

Its understandable about wanting to fight it. I think its a natural reaction, especially to something that comes on so fast, and I still find that not necessarily my mind, but my body wants to fight it.

Welcome to the community and best of luck with the Aya ceremony :thumb_up:

Hello Demystify, good to hear about your success with entheogens. Once used correctly, the stigma surrounding these substances looses all merit Imo.

What hobbies have you taken up?

My advice with breaking through is the longer you put it off the longer you allow fear to grow. Do what you are comfortable with though.

Blessings :)
Sorry about such a late reply guys have been really busy!
Spaced out 2, Thanks for the welcoming!, I cant agree more that entheogens are tools!. Will have some reports on the mushroom work and first aya ceromony hopefully this week.
JDSalinger, New hobbies include gardening, playing instruments, everything to do with Nature !

Thanks guys :)
Demystify said:
Sorry about such a late reply guys have been really busy!
Spaced out 2 said:
Thanks for the welcoming!, I cant agree more that entheogens are tools!. Will have some reports on the mushroom work and first aya ceromony hopefully this week.
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