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[NEW] Policy regarding discussion of different drugs

Migrated topic.

The Traveler

The Moxylator
Staff member
With the recent discussions regarding what should be our policy when talking about different drugs, we've decided to establish some changes in how we deal with talk about different substances.

Drug use is a transcultural phenomenon that has always been a part of human (and animal!) existence. Here in the DMT-Nexus we accept that people use different substances for a variety of reasons. The consequences of drug use to oneself, to society and to the natural environment will depend on several factors such as:
* substance
* dosage
* personal metabolism (and pre-existing conditions or drug interactions)
* set and setting,
* method of administration
* the conditions on how the substance was produced/acquired.

That is why talking about a drug being good or bad is meaningless unless we include the information regarding those variables!

While the DMT Nexus focuses on DMT and certain 'allies' (often called 'classic psychedelics'), we embrace that different users will use and want to discuss other substances. We want the talk of these substances to uphold the same attitude that we require for DMT and the classic allies. For this, we want to express the following criteria and general attitude, so that all discussion respects that criteria.


1- Dosage: All dosage talk must be reasonable. Talk of extreme doses do not fit the DMT-Nexus. Some people may need specially higher doses due to personal metabolism, or may be sharing a story about some unpropper use, but in those cases it is necessary to add VERY CLEAR disclaimers about how others should not ingest the same dosages.

2- Set and Setting: Same as above, discussion should be based on careful respectful use. Sharing of stories that show use in uncareful context should show clear reflection on how the person realized the problem. Also one should add clear disclaimer about how others should not follow the same path.

3- Method of administration: Different methods of administration have different risks. Specially for those riskier methods (for the common person), one should be clear about safety proceedures so that those reading will not be mislead by information.

4- Substance source/method of acquisition: Talk of where to acquire anything but legal ethnobotanicals and unwatched chemical supplies is still not allowed. Substances such as Research Chemicals have added risks due to the possibility of mislabelling, so talk about RCs should be followed by safety recommendations

5- Integration: While light-hearted fun is a part of exploration of consciousness and of living in general, it needs to also be balanced with integration and incorporation of experiences into productive lessons for life. We want people to show that they aren't using substances in an empty disrespectful or shallow way, but rather following a respectful attitude and integrating lessons learned for bettering themselves.

6- Safety aspects / Addiction potential: Certain substances have very clear known risks. We do not want to encourage use of addictive substances, so talk of addictive substances or with known physical risks should only be done with a clear and valid reason!


"I have been having a serious pain due to X disease and I dont want to support the pharmaceutical industry. How can I use this opiate safely, and what is the best way to stop usage afterwards ?"

"I had such and such experience with ketamine. I really think its an amazing experience, but of course those using it should be aware of the data on long term use, as there's reported bladder issues, as well as necessity to be safe from unnoticed physical accidents due to anaesthetic effects."

"Today I felt sad due to trouble at work and wanted to just get off this earth. So I took a big dose of acid, took two 2cb pills too and ate a few datura seeds. This was a big mistake! Let me explain to you all what happened, what wend wrong and how I think I should deal with this in the future..."

Please notice the nuance and the addition of reasoning and reflection on these examples!


"I want a stronger opiate, this stuff just isnt enough anymore.. I want to keep using this forever"

"i just literally IV'd 12mg of 3-,eo-pcp"

"LOL! I grabbed this stuff and ate it right away, blasted me long time man! This shit is goooooood!"

"Yes, I know I can easily look it up but just tell me how to prepare this!"


Respectfully point out to the person with good arguments why such post is wrong. Also report to moderators. Depending on seriousness of the post, moderators will give a warning and give arguments why it does not fit the Nexus, or posts may even be edited. If after a warning, the person in question does not realize the attitude of the Nexus, than this will result in a ban from the forum!


We hope that Nexians, as conscious intelligent human beings, will be able to discuss peacefully and point out how one could turn something that is a grey line into being clearly ok, or noticing if someone is not following our attitude. We count on all long time members to help us with this. Ultimately, it will be up to the moderators to decide, and users must respect the final decisions.


Since Nexians should be able to use their brain to the fullest potential, we expect our members to be able to stay polite or to refrain from posting if they are too emotional. This means that we don't want people who agressively point out to people that they should not do this or that. With every reply you make you need to keep the moral upper hand. If you feel too offended to reply in a respectful manner, then please, don't reply at all!

Kind regards,

The Traveler

p.s. endlessness wrote most of this text after a discussion in the moderator section about how we should handle certain issues on the DMT-Nexus.
Thank you for adding a grey area Trav. This makes a lot of sense on many levels. It is important for all of us to be able to take personal responsibility for our posts and have the option to share somewhat taboo stories of our trials and tribulations.

I believe this will allow a higher paradigm of learning and sharing.

Thank you again Trav.
Would a simple "I don't know what the pros and cons are so do your research. This is just my personal opinion / experience and it will be different for you." work? Or do you actually want us doing a bit of research ourselves before posting something so we can give pros and cons (which wouldn't hurt)?

For example, when talking about the leafbed smoking method I've seen people (myself included) recommending parsley as a leaf. I actually have no idea if parsley smoke is harmful / has effects so I should state that very clearly and we're good?
Well written, empathetic, rational, and intelligent rules to help keep all the positive energy that congregates in this place we call the "Nexus" moving in the right direction!! I'm cool with all of them!

Peace and Happy Journeys :)
I think this is the type of policy that in the end will prove to be most effective: instead of having to invent a new rule everytime a new problem occurs, it's best to just stick to what we have in terms of rules (a required attitude) and apply it to all possible new situations.

Ofcourse this will make it sometimes difficult to judge whether someone is in clear violation of the code or not.
But fixing each potential problem with a very specific rule that clearly shows in black and white where the lines are is practically impossible.

This is the best reasonable solution.
Wow! What a tough position for you to be in!
I think you and everybody else involved in creating these guildlines
is doing a great job.
Thankyou Traveler and assoc. I love this place more than any other in cyberspace!
Hey Trav, it says on the chat page: "This site focuses mainly on the 'classic' psychedelic substances: DMT, Aya, Harmalas, Cacti (mesc), Iboga, Mushrooms, LSD, LSA, LSH, Salvia Divinorum, Cannabis, Bufotenine and 5-MeO-DMT. However, discussions about other substances are allowed as long as it is done in a respectful and intellectual manner. Please read this thread before you discuss any substance."

"This thread" links to -this- thread, which says: "CHAT USERS, PLEASE NOTICE!

I would like to point out that the content of this post regarding the way of communication is also important for the CHAT. However, regarding the allowed substances on the CHAT, this rules still stands for the CHAT:
Only 'classic' psychedelic substances should be discussed on the CHAT: DMT, Aya, Harmalas, Cacti (mesc), Iboga, Mushrooms, LSD, LSA, LSH, Salvia Divinorum, Cannabis, Bufotenine and 5-MeO-DMT. If you are not sure if something can be discussed in the CHAT then please ask or PM one of the moderators before you make a post."

There is a slight disparity there.
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