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New Research Indicates Ayahuasca May Support a Healthy Lifestyle

Migrated topic.
dithyramb said:
Thank you. What to make of men in the general population having a higher rate of good mental health...?
I can't access the paper, so don't know the methodology; in particular, whether the mental health score was based on self-reports or measured using objective criteria (and what exactly those were).
In the former case, men who drink ayahuasca may be more aware of their issues.
In the latter case, still, the causation may be in the opposite direction: men who have more issues (or are more aware of them) are more likely to turn to ayahuasca.
I have lots of issues with the picture posted in the OP, and it seems to have too many biases. For example something like "positive perception of health" doesn't mean anything at the end of the day. The picture doesn't even prove a correlation or causation, does it just try to be some sort of propaganda piece? "Drink ayahuasca and you too will have a lower cholesterol!" Was this the intent?
L-dreamer said:
I have lots of issues with the picture posted in the OP, and it seems to have too many biases. For example something like "positive perception of health" doesn't mean anything at the end of the day. The picture doesn't even prove a correlation or causation, does it just try to be some sort of propaganda piece? "Drink ayahuasca and you too will have a lower cholesterol!" Was this the intent?

You're spot on. I think this is one of those studies that is meant to encourage further research into this area. There's certainly nothing conclusive here and most of that could be happenstance. For example, it could be that people that are open to and willing to seek out aya may have these traits as compared to the general population and it's not actually the aya that correlates towards anything.

One love
L-dreamer said:
I have lots of issues with the picture posted in the OP, and it seems to have too many biases. For example something like "positive perception of health" doesn't mean anything at the end of the day. The picture doesn't even prove a correlation or causation, does it just try to be some sort of propaganda piece? "Drink ayahuasca and you too will have a lower cholesterol!" Was this the intent?
That's a good question: What was the intent behind this infographic? It certainly is unclear and can be interpreted in many ways, most of them incomplete. I also have lots of issues with it.

It also goes to show that Ayahuasca, a matter of spirit, in my view, cannot be pigeon-holed in and quantified well by modern science. We like to throw numbers around to try to appease and appeal to wider/whiter audiences, but in actuality Ayahuasca is way more about intention and the tumultuous, mysterious zone within the human heart between choice and subconscious to register clearly in the caffeine-driven (c)annals of science.
RhythmSpring said:
L-dreamer said:
I have lots of issues with the picture posted in the OP, and it seems to have too many biases. For example something like "positive perception of health" doesn't mean anything at the end of the day. The picture doesn't even prove a correlation or causation, does it just try to be some sort of propaganda piece? "Drink ayahuasca and you too will have a lower cholesterol!" Was this the intent?
That's a good question: What was the intent behind this infographic? It certainly is unclear and can be interpreted in many ways, most of them incomplete. I also have lots of issues with it.

It also goes to show that Ayahuasca, a matter of spirit, in my view, cannot be pigeon-holed in and quantified well by modern science. We like to throw numbers around to try to appease and appeal to wider/whiter audiences, but in actuality Ayahuasca is way more about intention and the tumultuous, mysterious zone within the human heart between choice and subconscious to register clearly in the caffeine-driven (c)annals of science.

Yup! Can't quantify intention, and intention is what will lead to these "benefits" when working with Aya.

One love
Voidmatrix said:
RhythmSpring said:
L-dreamer said:
I have lots of issues with the picture posted in the OP, and it seems to have too many biases. For example something like "positive perception of health" doesn't mean anything at the end of the day. The picture doesn't even prove a correlation or causation, does it just try to be some sort of propaganda piece? "Drink ayahuasca and you too will have a lower cholesterol!" Was this the intent?
That's a good question: What was the intent behind this infographic? It certainly is unclear and can be interpreted in many ways, most of them incomplete. I also have lots of issues with it.

It also goes to show that Ayahuasca, a matter of spirit, in my view, cannot be pigeon-holed in and quantified well by modern science. We like to throw numbers around to try to appease and appeal to wider/whiter audiences, but in actuality Ayahuasca is way more about intention and the tumultuous, mysterious zone within the human heart between choice and subconscious to register clearly in the caffeine-driven (c)annals of science.

Yup! Can't quantify intention, and intention is what will lead to these "benefits" when working with Aya.

One love
Just want to join the crowd. It's not the substance that will rid you from your problems but the wisdom and knowledge you put into it's use and the conclusions you make from your insights. Somewhy this seems to be completely out of the medical paradigm where the potential health value of psychedelics is evaluated.
Tomtegubbe said:
Voidmatrix said:
RhythmSpring said:
L-dreamer said:
I have lots of issues with the picture posted in the OP, and it seems to have too many biases. For example something like "positive perception of health" doesn't mean anything at the end of the day. The picture doesn't even prove a correlation or causation, does it just try to be some sort of propaganda piece? "Drink ayahuasca and you too will have a lower cholesterol!" Was this the intent?
That's a good question: What was the intent behind this infographic? It certainly is unclear and can be interpreted in many ways, most of them incomplete. I also have lots of issues with it.

It also goes to show that Ayahuasca, a matter of spirit, in my view, cannot be pigeon-holed in and quantified well by modern science. We like to throw numbers around to try to appease and appeal to wider/whiter audiences, but in actuality Ayahuasca is way more about intention and the tumultuous, mysterious zone within the human heart between choice and subconscious to register clearly in the caffeine-driven (c)annals of science.

Yup! Can't quantify intention, and intention is what will lead to these "benefits" when working with Aya.

One love
Just want to join the crowd. It's not the substance that will rid you from your problems but the wisdom and knowledge you put into it's use and the conclusions you make from your insights. Somewhy this seems to be completely out of the medical paradigm where the potential health value of psychedelics is evaluated.

Most drugs in the west are commonly thought to do-the-work-for-you, but some studies with DMT and psilocybin do have talk therapy after, so hopefully the internal work will be further encouraged in the future and be part of the medicine.

One love
these are the kind of info-graphics we see on social media when the creators are trying to get us to believe something ridiculous. it also shows the same lack of actual information and is full of the typical tricks to make things look a different way. whats with the BMI and sleep problems? why are they comparing a point to a range? these are the same tricks the media pulls. i have my suspicions about the intentions of the "powers that be" right now regarding psychedelics.
be careful people, remember our brains are like putty when we are on psychedelics. let the plants do the teaching, not the people. i know how it sounds but it is meant with love :love:
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