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newbie changa question sorry

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
So what do I need to order to make changa? For the maoi part? Cappi? Then one needs to do an extraction on that, then mix it with dmt and other herb? I also read that one can skip the maoi part? What does this do to the duration of the buzz if skipping the maoi? I have read one maoi is better than another when using mhrb? For what ever reason I'm not getting what I need for the maoi part and what needs to be done. Any help or direction appreciated.
abrahamx said:
So what do I need to order to make changa? For the maoi part? Cappi? Then one needs to do an extraction on that, then mix it with dmt and other herb? I also read that one can skip the maoi part? What does this do to the duration of the buzz if skipping the maoi? I have read one maoi is better than another when using mhrb? For what ever reason I'm not getting what I need for the maoi part and what needs to be done. Any help or direction appreciated.
Please do some research first, before posting questions that have been answered earlier (and often too.) There is a search page on the site for a good reason.

Here are some primary sources of information that you have apparently missed in your research prior to asking this question:
- The FAQ: 7.2 What is changa / How to make changa ?
- The wiki: Changa - DMT-Nexus Wiki;
- The sticky threads at the top of the Changa subforum;
- This post, describing a practical and hands-on preparation of changa, that was referenced only 3 days ago.

Anyway, here are some shortcuts:

You need freebase harmala alkaloids. These may come from rue or caapi, it doesn't matter too much, except for the cost of the raw materials. Some people prefer one plant over the other, but IMHO that is not important for a simple first changa. Once you become experienced with the materials, you can vary the recipe to better suit your personal tastes.

You cannot skip the maoi, for it would no longer be "changa", but instead "enhanced leaf". The effects are different.
Sorry, I'm on here hours a day and have read all the links(edit: I had not read the first link you posted. Thank you for that, it basically answers my question from the little I read so far) you so nicely posted. Plus stuff from several other forums. Hence the early apology. Sorry again and thanks for the links. I actually read that post referenced 3 days ago about an hour ago. So cappi seeds, leaf, extract? I'll keep on trying to figure it out without asking any questions. Its all good, just trying to save some time but after 10 years of waiting for the right time I guess a few more re reads and google searches wont hurt. Pretty much all I do all saturday and sunday. And at break at work and after work. I thought enhanced leaf was just leaf layered with herb. The recipe I read about skipping the maoi used ipa to infuse the leaf.
So after several hours of more reading I have come to the conclusion that I need to do a harmalas extraction from syrian root bark, then add an herb and my dmt? Cant just add cappi leaves to dmt and infuse with ipa? So I need the two extractions(dmt and harmals) plus my leaf? Thanks for the help again. Not sure why this is confusing to me. I made the dmt freebase afterall and it was super easy. Just seems I read alot of contradicting info. I am really just trying to figure out what I need to order besides the dmt freebase?
abrahamx said:
So after several hours of more reading I have come to the conclusion that I need to do a harmalas extraction from syrian root bark, then add an herb and my dmt? Cant just add cappi leaves to dmt and infuse with ipa?
It probably wouldn't contain much harmala alkaloids like that, although this might actually be how the concept of changa was first pioneered.

abrahamx said:
So I need the two extractions(dmt and harmals) plus my leaf? Thanks for the help again. Not sure why this is confusing to me. I made the dmt freebase afterall and it was super easy. Just seems I read alot of contradicting info. I am really just trying to figure out what I need to order besides the dmt freebase?
Extracting harmala freebase is more laborious, but overall not too hard, if you read up on the latest tips and tricks. Basically, don't grind the seeds and use decanting rather than filtering during the first stages of purification. After a few iterations, it becomes pure enough to be easily filterable.
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