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nomans teck ,failed....i think

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
so SWIM is doing nomans tek

pretty sure it was all going ok

only prob is he only used 50 grams just for a trail run of sorts.
and in the end SWIM wound up with nothing but maybe 5-10 grain of salt sized crystals.

and whats more they where inpossible to get out of the bottom and sides of the jars

hes using pickel jars (1.36l) for the naptha rolls
and a variety of mason jars for collection.

is there anything that could have casued this little to no yeild?

swim is gonna try again soon with 100grams. and he wants to do it right

he used extra water (2x) for the powder
and added a slight bit of extra lye to bring the ph up.

but once it came to adding naptha 50ml did not seem reasonable to try and extract.
so he used about 100 per pull.

nothing was collecten on the filter paper, save for maybe a few shiny specs

any help is greatly appreciated :p
each pull?
probly half an our to an hour each time? then the 5th and final one was left over night. then i spun the jar this morning and when later in the day. its now in in the freezer and i can see some veiny fractaly crystals climbing u the side of the glass. but its not much, also i have no idea how to go about scraping them off. i think i just need small er wider mouth jars. tho they are all "wide mouth"

but still. when i let the hars dry little to no crzystals formed in the jars

im gonna give it another go, im hoping that i just udes too little bark

i was almost sure the water and lye where the right amounts
should i?

i mean i saved all the naptha to reuse the next time around.

but it would be alot eassier to just throw it on a brownie pan and put a fan infront of it...

hmmmmm maybe next go around:roll:

well i was pretty sure it was cold enuf

seems that way any way

im gonna do another go today with the remaining bark lye mix i have (ome was left over as it was too much to fit into one pickel jar) and im gonna add 100 grams of bark to that along with more lye and water. not in that order obviously

also i think my collection jars may be an issue. there just seems to be no way to scrape what little has persipitated out onto the filter.
If you have 200ml of naphtha for 50g of bark you probably have highly under saturated naphtha. Reduce the volume by at least 1/2 and then sick it back in the freezer...More should precipitate out. If all else fails completely evap and re-xtalize using 20-30mls of naphtha.
ok so i have a gal water jug with a little over 100 grams of mhrb soaking in it plus the remaining lye bark water mix that would not fir in my jar for the trial run.

i plan on splitting it into 3rds.
3 1.36 liter pickel jars.

then pulling the naptha from each one and putting it in its own jar.

my question is. do ir eally need a seperate jar for each pull. i wouldent think so? cant i just kepp adding the naptha i pull on each go around.

therby having 3 collection jars, 1 for each of the 3 naptha mix jars.

also i plan on using 50 ml of naptha this time. alot less than before. hopfulyy that combined with the doubled amount of bark will give me an actual yeild :)
NEVER throw out the naphtha ! You will get something crystalized in that evaporation tray - By the smell you'll know .. ! scrape, smoke, and by the vapours you'll see if it does the trick .. !

I seems you have used lots of NP solvent, more than freeze-precip' requires to work. Just evaporate it all in a glass baking tray, and Surprise ! ... it's all in there ! I am too lazy to freezer precip' as naphtha is not that expensive, nor is toluene.

But ( as I sense you are an honest newbie ... here I go ..!)... if you are going to do it all over again, why not try an acid-base separation instead..?!- soak the MHRB in pH 2 first - filter this acid extract (the filtered water contains all the dmt), and then basify the filtered stuff with a layer of naphtha present. Then evaporate the solvent, and ta dah !

The product from an acid-base separation in the evap' tray is ready to go - no washing needed ! It is likely much cleaner (ie - perfect, clear 4 mm 'shards' of dmt crystals growing in clumps, like a jeweled garden), with the yellow-oily dmt separated in it's own zone .... and I bet for a newb', by using an acid-base procedure your yeild will be twice that of your first 'stabs' at an STB-lye-eater tek ... I 'bet' ... !

Hey ..>! I just noticed we can upload pics.>!

So I'll preach with some of swim's pictures - if you click the .jpg you'll see three jars, but just imagine not seeing that purple colour in the jar on the right !? How awful ! ... Dmt is loving it, all dissolved in that deep-purple water, and it's a chok-full solution of tryptamine-and-jungle-alkaloid-stew (pH about 2.0) !

The middle jar is a pH of about 9.0 (15 ml of lye-solution added)and dmt is falling out of solution after pH 8.7 - it looks like the clouds of Jupiter ! Those are 'clouds' of insoluble alkaloids, and if you did not filter well also proteins, cellulose and starch are clumping up. Fats and dmt (pKa is 8.7) are already desperately looking for a non-polar slovent to hide in !

The left-hand jar is at a pH of 11.5 (25 ml of Lye solution added) - jet, oily black, a coagulated mess of insolubles. 'oily tar' ... and a hell hole for dmt to be stuck in - notice the naphtha was there before basifying.


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well ok


any links to this acid based seperation?

i mean

what ese do i need?

at theis current stage im thinking im just gonna put all the naptha in a tray and let it evap. it does seem loads easer, and yes the naptha is none tooo pricy for the amount i use.

anyhoo. when collecting it from my 3 jars do i not put it in the freezer?

just collect all the pulls then pour in the tray and wait????

sorry for my extreme chemistry noobness, but i do apreciate the input
thanks so much!

evaping is alot easier and time consuming. also looks like i got at leased a fare amount of spice :D

naptha is onlt like 4 bucks so its not like im really hurtin

again thanks

now to up my yeilds....
Great ! ... 'Easy' is good, but keep it safe, so read on, ask folks anything you're unsure about, and practice ! Start collecting useful glassware !

Freezer separation works if you first evap' 30 - 50% of the naphtha, one can use a wide-mouth, pyrex coffee pot, which can be scraped easily. The remaining naphtha should still be evap'd to see what's there...

For eg did you check that the naphtha you have evaporates leaving no residues..?! ..(by evaporating a big amount all on its own, say > 250 ml) .. I'm paranoid about cheap stuff !...
im pretty sure i got it all dry.

its a pale dull yellow

with a good amount of white

perfect shardy crystals

there where a few dark brownish spots that i just threw out.

i tryed it tinight n=and im not dead :)

its sure as hell better than the orange waxy clupy crap i had before.
im pretty satisfied
Yay ! I bet the yellow stuff smells more too, no? ! ... aim for vapourizing 30 mg in one lungful - that ought to transcend 'dead' for you !..

So now get those Hyperspace-report coming !. Give us a write-up, regularly ! Try yellow vs white spice, morning vs night-time settings, ... with and without drinking rue-seed extract...

Do you have enough to eat some.?... eating it with MAOI (3.5g Rue seed extracted) is a whole other business, Highly recommended though ! Just don't overdose your self with tryptamine at first, stay under 1mg dmt-freebase /lb body weight, and don't eat the rue seed (filter well).
El Ka Bong said:
Yay ! I bet the yellow stuff smells more too, no? ! ... aim for vapourizing 30 mg in one lungful - that ought to transcend 'dead' for you !..

So now get those Hyperspace-report coming !. Give us a write-up, regularly ! Try yellow vs white spice, morning vs night-time settings, ... with and without drinking rue-seed extract...

Do you have enough to eat some.?... eating it with MAOI (3.5g Rue seed extracted) is a whole other business, Highly recommended though ! Just don't overdose your self with tryptamine at first, stay under 1mg dmt-freebase /lb body weight, and don't eat the rue seed (filter well).

thanksyeah it def was alot stronger smelling than the orange wxy clumps i had before.

i hope i dryed it well. i choped and rolled it several times. and it seems to be nice and fluffy.

the onl bad sign was i burned my lips on my test flight.

but so far i found it to be alot faster and cleaner hitting than anything i have ever tryrd
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