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Non-toxic food safe extraction of Iboga alkaloids using limonene

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A big thanks to 69Ron for his limonene cactus tek, this tek being simply an adaptation for extracting iboga alkaloids. Thus I’m not really doing anything new, but as far as I can tell, this limonene tek has not been tested on Iboga before. When dealing with iboga I feel performing an alkaloid extraction may be advantageous for reasons I shall explain. I found this tek to be both non-toxic and incredibly simple to perform.

For a flood dose, one will need to perform an extraction of 25g of iboga root bark. It will need to be powdered prior to the extraction if not already in that firm.

As a tester, 5g of finely powdered Cameroon iboga root bark was purchased off the website of a well-known Dutch ethnobotanical vendor.

1. The root bark powder was put in a small glass bowl and 1.5g of calcium hydroxide and 18ml of water were added. The mixture was stirred thoroughly with a whisk and left to sit for 5 minutes.

2. Following this 20ml of limonene was added, and the mixture was again whisked thoroughly, and left to sit overnight. This may not be necessary; I just wasn’t in any particular rush; a longer soaking time, with occasional mixing, may make for a more efficient extraction. Longer subsequent soaks may pull more alkaloids out of the root bark.

3. After the overnight soak, the limonene, which should appear slightly cloudy, is poured off. No filter was required at any point, making this tek even simpler than the cactus tek. 2ml of distilled vinegar was added to the limonene, and the mixture shaken thoroughly in a jar, left to sit and shaken again several times. The vinegar should quickly turn a dark rusty brown colour. This step should be repeated again twice.

4. This is then separated via a pipette (I use a glass turkey baster and a disposable pipette). I then evaporate the vinegar using a heat mat (the kind used for reptiles) and an electric fan, which works well. This rapidly produced a thin layer of brown resin.

Steps 2 – 4 should be repeated 3 times. You may want to allow more time for the later limonene soaks.

This should yield an active and potent iboga alkaloid extract. It may be that this extract is more potent gram for gram than that produced by any other methods currently used. From the 5g of root bark, 318mg of extract was produced (6.36% by weight). iboga alkaloid content can vary from 1–6%, so this can be considered to be a potent extract by weight. A tiny quantity was tasted, which was both incredibly bitter and numbing to the mouth; a good sign. Obviously for larger quantities of iboga, the quantities of required chemicals can be increased accordingly. However this tek seems to be a simple and efficient use of limonene which is expensive in the UK. For example, 500ml of limonene is more than sufficient extract 50g of iboga root bark. Depending on the quality, this should be sufficient for 2 flood doses, and more for sensitive individuals.

This extract was consumed in a ‘00’ capsule one morning on an empty stomach. No more than 5g worth of extract should be taken in one go. It is wise to stagger taking doses of extract, so the transition is smooth on your system. The experience was both pronounced and subtle at the same time. The onset is gradual...one begins to feel a not-unpleasant, slightly sedated, drunk feeling, giving way to a feeling of being “comfortably numb”. No euphoria, but one feels content, tranquil. I didn’t have a desire for food until around mid-afternoon. When walking there is just the faintest hint of dizziness. It is fine, but with an increase in dosage I can imagine a sofa or bed being a necessity.

In the evening, after eating, I got strong tracers which I noticed on both previous encounters with iboga. This may be something to do with the brain being flooded with dopamine after eating, or the ibogaine being converted into noribogaine. This effect is noticeable and interesting. A little cannabis was smoked in the evening, which enhanced feelings of contentment and relaxation. Some repetitive shamanic drumming was listened to prior to sleep which increased feelings of peace and stillness. I awoke in the morning refreshed.

While unprocessed root bark is great for micro dosing and booster doses, when dealing with large quantities of iboga, based on my prior experiences, I believe performing an alkaloid extraction to be beneficial. My initiation was with methanol alkaloid extract, equivalent to 25g of root bark. This is the basis for my prior experience report and something I consider an incredible life experience.

My second experience was with 14g of root bark. This experience, surprisingly perhaps, was much more physically and psychologically intense than my initiation. While this dose was visionary, it never reached the depths of the initiation dose, to the realm of visual thought where I could converse with the iboga and be answered in thought holograms. I also had a high temperature at one stage like a fever and it felt much harder on my body than the crystalline experience of the extract, and also felt less clear than my initiation experience. Thus I feel performing an extraction leaves some nasties in the wood, or maybe our bodies are simply not designed to handle wood.

Around 50% of the alkaloids will be ibogaine, but the other alkaloids are synergistic with the ibogaine. They deepen, prolong and smooth the visionary and healing aspects of the experience, and are therefore worth including.

* A further optional purification step is rinsing the extract with Methyl Ethyl Ketone (MEK) a few times to produce a more refined extract. This is an unnecessary step, with the extract being fine to consume as it is, and MEK is not a food safe chemical.
This is awesome, I had wanted to give this a try, but hadn't been able to afford more bark yet.. Do you think this has all the possible alkaloids from the bark, in it? And does it feel the same as eating plain bark? I'd like to know if this makes a complete TA, basically, judging from your experience.. Thanks!
I can't really say with any chemical expertise, but I'm going to presume this provides a full spectrum alkaloid extract. I only had a 5g worth, a small amount, but this was quite powerful, if not particularly interesting. I would need to ingest a larger amount of extract to give a valid opinion, but I was surprised how active at was, especially because potent sacramental Bwiti Iboga root bark is hard to come by, I don't think the root bark a Dutch ethnobotanical vendor stocks which I used is particularly strong, but I know someone in South Africa who obtains their Iboga directly from the Bwiti. However, I would be tempted to try an extraction with 25g worth of root bark, and stagger the doses. In my personal (if limited) experience, it seems that TA is much smoother on ones system however than plain root bark, and also much easier to ingest.
wow im surprised this didnt get more feedback..this is a nice simple tek Bancopuma..today i started using iboga..microdosing to get accustomed to it..so far i find it highly enjoyable(a total of 450mg root bark..250mg then 6 hours later another 200mg)

i also drank mild caapi tea with it...i wanted to increase its effects just a little bit...ive been in a funk recently and it kinda pushed me to finally try the iboga i have...

i was surprised that i even felt it..but now that i know what it sorta feels like i am less afraid of trying it..it seems like it wants me to get to know it..so get to know it i shall!! and perhaps ill do a little extraction to test the difference of the TA to just plain bark

thanks for this tek!!
Jorkest, BIG thanks for your kind words, that is very cool to hear coming from a guy such as yourself, and good to see you posting on here recently. Next time I use this tek on a larger quantity of root bark, I will take photos and upload them.

An Iboga/Ibogaine treatment provider in South Africa recommended a dose of 500mg of root bark shavings every four days as a natural antidepressant, and anti-addictive medication. One reason Ibogaine is so interesting is that it increases levels of Glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF) in the brain (He & Ron 2006), and this in turn appears to have neuroprotective properties that promote the survival of both dopaminergic and motor neurons, which may be one of the reasons for the prolonged afterglow often experienced. Exercise also increases GDNF levels.

Anyway man I think your method of dosing is an excellent way of getting to know Iboga in a gentle fashion, and for those that are a bit wary of Iboga. All the best with your healing, and I would be fascinated to hear about your experiences. I find though low doses are numbing, and that I am numb to any sense of fear or anxiety, I don't think it is a scary plant to work with, especially as one staggers the doses with larger quantities. I have 1g of high purity Ibogaine hcl put aside I will be having a session with following my graduation from university, and entering a new life phase... 😉

He, D. Y. & Ron, D. (2006) Autoregulation of glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor expression: implications for the long-lasting actions of the anti-addiction drug, Ibogaine. The FASEB Journal, 20.


  • GDNF+expression+and+Ibogaine.pdf
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So 5ish grams is a full dose?..Ive been waiting so long to try iboga..and it's legal here and sold in shops so always available, planning on trying it end of summer to early fall sometime.

edit..nv i see you were taking like 14+ grams..
For a flood dose, you really need 20+ grams of good quality root bark, less for smaller or more sensitive individuals. My initiation experience was with an Iboga alkoid extract, 'TA', equivalent to between 22-24g of root bark, (incredible experience beyond my wildest dreams), while my second experience was with 14g plain root bark...this was still deeply cleansing and healing, but I never broke through to the incredible realm of visual thought I did on my first experience, and it was much less visionary, less clear, and felt much harder on the body. This is why I recommend using an Iboga alkaloid extract for large doses.
There is always the vinegar soak, strain, add strong ammomia and freebase alks crash out giving a TA extract.
That is true, there are a few teks out there for extracting Iboga alkaloids, there is another effective tek involving methanol (I believe a methanol tek was used to produce the TA used for my initiation session).

However, I like this tek though for a few reasons:

- it is incredibly easy to undertake requiring very little time or effort

- it uses only food safe, non-toxic chemicals that can be obtained easily and used in quantities that make this cheap to undertake

- it seems to yield a pure and potent alkaloid extract, possibly more so than some other extraction teks.
Hey thanks ya'll, am glad to help. 😉 And a BIG thanks to you Ron, without your cactus tek this one simply wouldn't exist. I have a gram of pure Ibogaine put aside for a session post uni graduation, but following an experience with this, I will definitely be using this tek in the future to extract the Iboga alkaloids.
Bancopuma, THX for this tek, SWIM will try it this week with VOACANGA africana rootbark and see what the extract is like.
He'll report back =)
First Essay from Moonkey:
1% yield from Voacanga rootbark.
Golden crystal looking like.
Ingest this 0.1 g with no effects (????)

Moonkey will try again. He's unsure why this wasn't active or barely noticable.
Cross-tolerance might be at work if this tek did extract the goodies...
Hi Bancopuma , i wanted to thank you for making these adjustments from 69rons mesc tek to the Iboga tek ,and thank you Ron69, its really awesome:)
been waiting for a simple non-toxic food safe tek for iboga .

I was wondering how long was the duration of the trip with the full spectrum extract made with the 5 grams of rootbark ?

and were there any visuals ?

Last but not least did you buy the whole root (including its core and rootbark)much cheaper or the more expensive (only rootbark) ?

Thank you Bancopuma for this tek. And, thank you Ron, of course.

It's just too bad iboga is schedule I in the U.S......ridiculous.
This yellow crystal aren't active (from voacanga africana)...
I don't know what wrong here..
Hi rOm,

I'm sorry to hear that...but the lack of success may be down more to the quality of the Voacanga or the dosage of the extract than to the tek itself...I can only say that my tester extract from 5g of Iboga root bark was definitely active...not incapacitating at that dosage...but not far off.

I would be really interested to hear how other people get along with this tek if and when they get the chance to try it... 😉
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