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Non-toxic food safe extraction of Iboga alkaloids using limonene

Migrated topic.
My friend decided to give this tek a swirl.

He put a total of 36g of root bark under d-limo.

Just a couple of notes: When doing the 5 grams the ratios of everything seemed to be spot on, however, when he did the rest (31 grams), it seemed to be a little on the fatter side of things. It might actually make it more efficient though, so just something to keep in mind.

Another thing he seemed to observe with this tek and the mescalito tek is that it might be well worth it keeping the succelent d-limo pulls soaking longer than the first one. The first one changes color fairly quick. The following pulls seem almost clear at first (especially the third one) but after soaking for some time they keep turning in color and quiet significantly too. Especially when being mixed periodically.

He has the entire batch in the final stages of drying as we speak. Almost there, just a little sticky.

Unfortunately, he is not going to have a chance to test it out untill the d-day. The plan is to stagger up 25 grams worth of planta maestra bark or 1.5 grams of extract.

If he doesn't come back to comment on how the tek worked out, it's only because he never returned 🤷

Here is a picture of the final stages:


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Hey there,

Many thanks for sharing your friend's observations! I thought ratios of required things may change when dealing with larger quantities of Iboga, and I definitely agree on the longer soaking times for the later pulls to increase efficiency of the extraction.

I would be very interested to hear how your friend gets on if and when he samples the extract. 😉
Hey Bancopuma,

my friend just visited me and told me that he scraped up a total of 3.2 grams of crystalline resin from 36 grams of bark.

He ended up consuming all of that amount within 6+ hours, starting out very slow. For some reason it seemed to be taking a long time for it to kick in so he ended up capping up and consuming twelve 00 size caps of root bark with in an hour after that. An hour later big shifts in consiousness were felt and an hour after that it was getting pretty intense.

Despite the fairly larger amount consumed, he doesn't think he has actually reached the "vision" state. But it was very overwhelming nonetheless! He is known to have a thick skull, unfortunately, so that might be the reason for that. Whatever was felt was definetly more than just the capsules so he knows that the extract did work.

He didn't just see his own life through an outside view but also the whole globe itself. And also had a very strong perception of something existing afer life. The visions and visuals were so different from anything else he has tried before. And he doesn't seemed to have been disconnected from his emotions, quiet the opposite actually. She kept pushing his max fear button just about all night. It was definetly pretty scary for whatever reason but in a good kind of way.

Next time he wants to try the methanol extract for comparison purposes, just to see if they both extract similar alkoids or not or if there are any differences. But regardless, he thinks that it might always be a good idea to consume at least some root bark with the extract for a more full experience.

Hope this helps somewhat! Thanks a lot for a great tek!
Hey man,

Many thanks for chiming in with notes from your experience! This is definitely the first full experience report I have encountered with alkaloid extract produced via this particular tek. This sounds like a powerful experience! I think you would have ingested around 6/7g of root bark in '00' gel cap form, which I don't think would be anywhere near enough to produce effects like you describe, in the majority of people. During my initiation with TA, it took a good 6 hours or so before it all really got going; it was a very gradual and gentle ascent with staggered dosing of TA, for me at least. I do quite like your idea though of consuming some of the root bark alongside the extract so the 'whole plant' is part of the experience. I also like your idea of comparisons being made with methanol extract.

Safe travels! 😉
Hey y'all,

For any peeps that are interested, someone recently reported this tek as being highly effective over at the Eboka.Info forum. This person added on an extra purification step using MEK which seemed to work well.

I heard of ibogaine awhile back and read it cures addictions and personal problems and such. The area i live in is so fuckd with drugs and all it'd be a blessing for some ibogaine to get here...i thought any plant containing ibogaine is illegal in the U.S?

Got a good vendor for root bark? I gotta try it out
Sorry dude, not sure I can be of help. Iboga is legal here in the UK, but Schedule 1 in the US, so until this ridiculous law changes, you will be hard pressed to find any vendors that will ship it there.
Well damn that sucks. The U.S truly is evil to not let ibogaine be legal...they know that it would ruin their billion dollar industry invested in opiates and people who are opiate addicts. They know that movements could happen so quick with ibogaine around and they can't tolerate all of their pill-poppin puppet slaves to just all of the sudden realize this society is toxic.
^ we have clinics here in canada..and there are also some in mexico if you have a few grand to spend on ibogain therapy retreats..other than that I dunno what to tell people in the US. It sucks that things like iboga and peyote are scheduled there, where here in canada I have seen both for sale in entheo shops..
I appreciate this thread has been around for a while, but this is a little info from Dr Chris Jenks on this tek, he is an expert on iboga alkaloid extraction so I thought this may be of interest to some.

I read the thread you linked to and it looks like your tek is very
successful, and from the weights given it must be getting most of the
alkaloid from the bark. When I developed my extraction I was more obsessed
with ensuring that every last bit of alkaloid was removed from the bark
before it was discarded, since on a large scale it might mean fewer
treatments if there were too few pulls. It makes sense to develop a
separate procedure intended for preparing individual doses, since losing
a few percent of the alkaloid might not be worth the work or materials to

One thing I noticed while experimenting with organic solvent extractions
is that ibogaine decomposes in organic solutions much faster than it does
in water solutions, especially if there is light present. This would be
good to keep in mind. In my own studies, acetic acid doesn't remove
alkaloids from root bark as fast as dilute HCl does, but I don't know if
that matters in extracting alkaloids from solvent. Actually, based on my
recent work with Voacanga, I would expect acetic acid to be most likely to
leave behind voacangine in the limonene extract because that is the least
basic alkaloid. That's not a bad thing since voacangine seems to only
cause stomach aches. However, ibogaline is active (more potent and longer
acting than ibogaine), and ibogamine and tabernanthine probably are too,
and I would expect them to be in your acetic acid extract. Without a
sophisticated laboratory it may be necessary to eat fractions to find out
which ones have useful alkaloids left. Ideally you want all your "good"
activity in the final product, not the extracted root if it were made into
tea or the solvent if it were evaporated.

If I were investigating your extraction, I would probably evaporate and
weigh each vinegar extract separately to ensure that the third extracts
contain very little. At the point where the limonene was to be thrown out,
it could be extracted one last time with dilute hydrochloric acid, and
these extracts evapoated to see how much remains and whether it has useful
activity. And about throwing the limonene out - it seems like there should
be some way to reuse it, though it may be necessary to shake it with
sodium bicarbonate the remove any acetic acid. Recycling may not matter on
a small scale though. I would expect that there is an optimum amount of
mixing for the bark extraction, with too little failing to remove the
alkaloids and too much possibly giving an emulsion which prevents all of
the limonene from being separated. The ideal amount of mixing may need to
be described in the procedure to get consistent results.
Hey Bancopuma,

Thanks for this very simple (but apparently effective) tek! I was curious, you never mentioned adding any basifying agent, just water to the powdered root bark. So no basifying agent is needed?
Hey Ilex, when I first attempted this tek I did use calcium hydroxide, as is used with the cactus limonene tek. However I was sort of under the impression this was mainly needed to help break down the tough mucilage of the cactus cells, which isn't an issue with the powdered iboga root bark. I could be wrong though and a basifying agent may well be a good idea...maybe someone with more chemistry/extraction expertise could chime in here.
Hmm, if I had to guess I would say it would be helpful, to get the alkaloids into freebase form so they move into the limonene phase.
Ah. Makes sense I guess. Have edited it, should have been in the tek anyway as it was used originally. When time and funds allow I will experiment with this tek more, have tended to use the vinegar tek since first using this.
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