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Noob questions GVG, please answer

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Hey Nexus peeps!
Hope you're all doing well, SWIM was wondering a couple of questions in relation to using GVG and also the DMT trip.
SWIMs been experimenting over the past year very rarely and have had more recently some experiences.
The first question is, how would one know if they're burning the DMT or not, in the GVG, is it when it kind of feels like it's a bit harsher on the back of the throat? The lighter is a jet lighter but it's heat has a great distance (could be slightly broken). I understand that you're not supposed to directly hit the copper point and should be coming at it from a diagonal angle? Is that correct?

SWIM has experiences with not full on visuals, and has now come to except the whole idea of letting go into the experience as there was expectations in the past that had made them except high visuals. They've more recently has some good experiences, and still think that they might be vaping slightly wrong. SWIM has been constantly researching and making sure that they were doing things correctly however it's hard to read something and do it from what is said to get it perfect.

SWIM's last experience was a feeling of disassociated from the body (Which has happened on multiple occasions) and then thrown into a sea of familiarity of being there before. The inner voice talking and talking until more later in the journey where it was like something "killed it" and SWIM says "killed it" because it felt like SWIM was observing it happening and then there was a feeling of how constantly that voice is switched on and that it got cut off.
Would that be an ego death? or mini ego death?

Appreciate the time that people take to answer and reply,
Sending Much love to all,


Noob should search threads for GVG in subject comes up with TONS of answers. There are lots of areas with GVG info, how too's, etc and I think folks will want this question there and not here. Maybe I'm wrong

I think the ATTITUDE page, spells it out...

"Also one should do basic research before asking and saying things, we do not want to spoon-feed answers."

Here is one, I responded to. I can't get it right. GVG drip/leak problem too. - First steps in Hyperspace - Welcome to the DMT-Nexus BUT the idea here is to do research... I get it though, I have looked and still ask questions but SWIM isn't used much anymore, just ask the question.

Good luck
I don't judge so if you wanna use SWIM go ahead, but everyone knows SWIM is you, and using SWIM isn't covering your ass in any way, so don't think you're protecting yourself/being anonymous in any way by using SWIM. Just thought you should know.

With that aside, I can usually tell when the DMT is being vaporized when it causes a distinct sharp sensation in my throat and chest. When I feel this I tend to slow down how hard I'm pulling or else I cough and it makes the beginning of the journey less comfortable.

As for hitting it with an angle, I'm not too sure but I'm certain there are other threads discussing this. I'd recommend trying it at different angles to see what works best. (If you slightly touch the copper mesh and it turns a teeny bit black it doesn't really matter so long as you don't scorch it, making it pitch black, but this is pretty hard to do unless you're intentionally burning it. Still try to avoid touching it though.)

I would say there are different levels of ego death. In my mind I picture the ego as a glass mirror, which reflects the self. Psychedelics act like somebody throwing rocks at the mirror, the bigger the dose/more intense the experience, the larger the rock. no matter what the mirror will crack, allowing you to get a glimpse of what is behind, but at some point the mirror will shatter, leaving nothing left of your concept of self. I wouldn't get too caught up in defining what is and isn't an ego death experience since it is more like a spectrum. But I can assure you, when you have an ego death on the more 'intense' side of the spectrum, you will know.
My GVG has no copper. IT has as ceramic pad and a stainless concentrate pad and a stainless screen. link above has a picture. I've read stories in here about glass cracking so I point the flame straight at the ceramic pad from above and keep the distance a few inches above it.

Trying to give helpful advice, not judging :?
I've been having teething issues with my GVG too. Experienced with spice, but still learning how to use FB in this device. Seems to be hit and miss, which is frustrating, but I guess I'll get the hang of it eventually.

Recently vaped it perfectly using a small crappy torch-style lighter: pre-melted spice onto a liquid pad (I'm using the volcano mini pads in my GVG), then heated the ceramic directly for a few seconds, after which I slowly pulled with the tip of the torch flame just inside the rim of the bowl. Somehow, all 50mg burst into a thick cloud at once and I kinda freaked a bit because I've never seen such dense vapor - it looked like the GVG was filled completely with milk. Anyway, I haven't been able to replicate that success since, but I'll keep trying. A standard bic seems to be easier and more reliable, but when the torch lighter works it really works.
I did a .043g hit the other day, perfect with the GVG. Look at the post.

I don't "pre-melt". I put the FB on the GVG concentrate pad which is wedged in as pictured. use a torch lighter which I can see the FB melt and as soon as it begins to melt I lift the torch lighter which is pointing straight onto the ceramic heat diffuser much higher but still close enough to keep that vapor strong. I can barely get through it... Again I point the torch straight at the ceramic pad from above and move it away as the product melts. Torch on lowest setting that will stay lit.

The Volcano mini pad is too thin and unless you put it where I put mine in the picture, it is too low, far from the heat. You would have to have it perfect. Look where the concentrate pad sits, how thick it is... I think it might be a key to success
Coincidentally, I received my GVG liquid pads today. Comparing with the Volcano mini (chamber reducing) pads:

- GVG pad slightly smaller, and fits right past the neck of the GVG and straight onto the screen
- Volcano mini slightly larger and sits awkwardly on the neck of the GVG (about 7mm above the screen) - doesn't sit neatly so it sometimes flips upside-down
- Almost identical thickness, perhaps the Volcano is about 1mm thicker
- GVG pad is considerably more densely woven than the Volcano pad

See images - both pads purchase from their respective official online stores.


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padawan said:
Coincidentally, I received my GVG liquid pads today. Comparing with the Volcano mini (chamber reducing) pads:

- GVG pad slightly smaller, and fits right past the neck of the GVG and straight onto the screen
- Volcano mini slightly larger and sits awkwardly on the neck of the GVG (about 7mm above the screen) - doesn't sit neatly so it sometimes flips upside-down
- Almost identical thickness, perhaps the Volcano is about 1mm thicker
- GVG pad is considerably more densely woven than the Volcano pad

See images - both pads purchase from their respective official online stores.

Padawan, THE GVG's are each a bit different as they are handblown so my Concentrate pad sits where your Volcano Pad sits. I have pushed my GVG concentrate pad into the spot so it doesn't flip and I love it sitting there. Not so much of a struggle to get the right temp.
Yeah, I was thinking the same thing re: GVGs all being a little different. I prefer the higher position too, but as yet undecided on which pad works better. Whichever works best in the end, I'll finesse them to sit properly in the neck of the GVG :thumb_up:
Hey guys,

I apologise for being a bit lost when it comes to forums. I was just copying what I had seen other people do and thought that was the best way to go about it.
As for the researching, I've read so many different things and then tried and have not had what I felt was a breakthrough however that could just be expectation.

In saying all that I have felt like I'm burning it because a lot of people have said that the vapour comes through quite smooth and I've noticed it coming through a bit harsh at times so I wanted to make sure I was doing it the right way instead of wasting it.

Currently I have a new torch lighter thats an absolute weapon. You twist the nob at the back, the gas starts and then you click the light on and it stays on with ease and without you having to hold it down.
I have the GVG liquid concentrate pad and have that on top of about 5-7 screens?
After reading what you guys have wrote and doing more research I'm thinking of getting rid of all the screens except for the bottom one and then putting the spice on to it that way.

@Simply_Me: I saw your other posts, did you push your con. pad down to that first little screen? Does that mean it's stuck down there now? My little cone piece for the top is actually a tiny bit cracked so you're doing it right with pointing straight down. I had read somewhere to do it diagonally. *sigh* So much research lol.

Also, if I just use the concentrate pad and the normal screen that it's already got, I find it difficult not to let some of the spice slide of the sides? unless I'm using a paper cone that I would quickly make lol

The other thing's that can come into play would be how powerful the flame of the torch lighter is because everyone might have a different level of flame:?

I've also noticed people using BIC lighters with a good amount of success as well, although I haven't tried that yet. I saw a video online on youtube which this girl was doing with a BIC and GVG and looked easy. I think I'm mostly worried about burning spice. And also having this new lighter feels like it will work way better.

My pipe also has some brownish hard liquid stuck on the inside of my pipe, is this the left over residue of spice? Would I just clean my pipe to get rid of it or is there something better I should be doing 😉

Thanks for you help guys, appreciate it, again, I don't mean to sound clueless with the forum, I've done so much reading that's taken me away from things I should be doing haha. As we do ;)
Much love
Gas lighters that stay on are a recipe for disaster... not good for DMT imho.

Think of it this way. You fall into hyperspace and the last thing you remember seeing before you leave this dimension is your hand letting go of the lighter, and you with no physical ability to turn it off. :(

Seems like an unnecessary risk.
Northerner said:
Gas lighters that stay on are a recipe for disaster... not good for DMT imho.

Think of it this way. You fall into hyperspace and the last thing you remember seeing before you leave this dimension is your hand letting go of the lighter, and you with no physical ability to turn it off. :(

Seems like an unnecessary risk.

Above is something to be considered... I can see the situation that Northerner mentioned, so clearly.

Most hassle-free way about screens, yes, screens, not just one, was getting the steel/copper mesh. Thats the only screen needed down there.

I thought too with GVG, that i maybe burning the spice, cause when vapor, or suspected smoke entered my mouth, it was more than warm. Intuitively torch lighter was moved further, and it cooled down. Thing is that the DMT vapour is not like smoke at all. It is wispy and can be seen clear through. Once i was vaping, and got only this wispy wispy transparent. Whole dose was like that, no dense, until no more came from the base. Then i woke up to similar situation as Northerner mentioned, minus the disaster, but with this memory of only "slight, disappointing smoke". PS: it didnt taste anything, same sensation as if you were boiling water and inhaling the vapour from it.
Thanks guys, you definitely can turn it off, it's just slight adjustment on the back of it to stop the gas being distributed.
If this is still unadvisable please let me know. I have gone through so many different lighters haha.

Steel/copper mesh I do not have, I have the liquid concentrate pad

I've had thick smoke coming through sometimes which started off more wispy, and then upon pulling a bit harder I've seen a huge thick cloud form.
I couldn't imagine anything more stressful than a torch lighter that stays on while entering hyperspace. Definitely a bad idea, IMO. I'm up to my second torch lighter (dual flame, adjustable high-end variety) and it's way more effective than the original one I tried (single flame, non-adjustable) or the BIC. For me, my original issue wasn't burning spice, it was getting enough heat to produce the thick, dense vapor. A series of short, slow, shallow pulls with a bouncing action on the lighter seems to help heat up the chamber to the point where one long, slow pull will then efficiently vaporise it all. When I've done it right, it seems like all the spice explodes into vapor at once after which it's simply a matter of stopping the heat and clearing the pipe in one breath. The ceramic part briefly glows red a couple of times while generating the heat in the chamber. A clearish, wispy vapor only produces mild effects - a full chamber of milk-like vapor is the business. The liquid pad (volcano mini pad seems best) works for me with a single screen below. Still hit-and-miss for me as I'm new to the GVG too. But taking a break for a few weeks. Good luck!
First, My torch lighter has the ability to "disable" the function for staying lit and I have done that and I place a folded towel under my hand for the hot torch (it doesn't stay very hot) if I can't make it onto the table although so far I have not needed it. Never use the torch without having to hold the button down.

Your GVG concentrate pad is all you need, it is a stainless steel mesh and a tight one so the liquidated DMT doesn't just poor through. Once you perfect your temp/inhalation speed you won't liquidate the DMT and you will have less residue on the sides (vapor will still stick to the sides because of the temp difference, vapor condenses on cool surfaces, period.)

I did not push my concentrate pad all the way down. I still have the screen there but it is not needed. I left it in there to take the picture and have not removed it because the Concentrate pad is perfect and in a perfect position I don't want to have to mess with it. I use a square of folded magazine paper to place the spice onto the pad, any that slips to the side doesn't concern me, it will vaporize too. My only source of issue is my own desire to hit it too hard. The picture I linked is after a .040 hit (40mg) and I vaped it all and there is no residue so it can be done.

We don't panic, we don't take risk with flame, and if takes a couple hits to get it right so be it. trust me I bought all kinds of tools second guessing myself. Fact is we can do this many ways and we do. Relax Christo87, you'll be fine if you survive the fire :twisted:
for example i have torch lighter that can turn off couple of times when it has bad day and still i get dense vapor and take all 25mg in one hit. I always pre melt and heat the pad before installing it in the GVG.
AFter all his time of not using a BIC lighter I used today and had an amazing experience with what I would call a breakthrough wow. It’s so funny cuz I’ve been through so many lighters and definitely felt that I was burning the dmt after doing the bic now haha. I didn’t get dense vapor smoke but damn did I go into hyperspace
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