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Noopept Experiences Thread

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I had just recently acquired 10g of Noopept, and I would like to hear from everyone on their opinion/s on this substance, as in dosage, how long they've been taking it, effects, thoughts, etc? I read Inmotion's comparison the the noopept/iboga thread, but I haven't seen much else in the way of peoples experiences.

I've been taking it for about 3 days now, 25mg each day, morning time. I've been dosing it sublingually, holding under the tongue for 15 minutes or so. Bitter taste. Thw first time I took it I noticed within minutes that some aspect of my perception had shifted. I can't really put my finger on the effects exactly. Focused attention, serenity, and other perceptual changes that are hard to note. It also seemed like I could take in more visual information around me, such as my surroundings and the things going on in them. It's still rather early in noting the positive effects, as i've heard that the real effects of noopept shine after having took it for some time (like 2-3 weeks or so), being that the effects are cumulative moreso than immediate.

Im interested in hearing everyone elses trials with this substance. :)

Wow 10g's will last many years...:surprised

I usually dose 20mg per day in the mornings...any more or later than that ...then I find it hard to get to sleep.
Usually dropped onto the tongue and washed down with some soda drink.
I have dosed daily for over 2 months before I wanted to take a break.

I did try 40mg dissolved in a teaspoon of vodka and subling'd....wouldn't do that again...too strong...felt wired all day like I'd had waay too much coffee.

The effects are subtle but totally remarkable.
* Increased attention and marked focus.
* Quick to recall
* Workflow is increased.
* Decrease in social anxiety.
* Clear headedness.
* Good mood.
* Hangover cure.
* Inability to feel the effects of alcohol after a couple of glasses, thus the need to drink more is irrelevant.
* Some minor headaches occurred but were cured by eating eggs (choline)

All in all...a little 'Wonder Chem'...

I wouldn't be without it...although I only dose when I feel it is warranted now...

Its like the best of speed...without the worst of speed...
I am on month 2 of my noopept regimen. I take 20mg in the morning and 20 mg at night. It has been of great help to me honestly.

Here are some of the effects I've noticed:
-Increased alertness
-Increased focus
-Reduction in social anxiety
-Increase in language fluidity
-Stimulation throughout the day (without anxiety or getting jittery)
-Increased motivation
-Increased production at work
-Increased recall
-Increased attention span

I am very satisfied with it so far. I have not tried any other nootropics, but I will stick with this one.

I give it two thumbs up. :thumb_up: :thumb_up:
Over the course of the past few I've been developing a minor case of the common cold. Mild sore throat, runny nose, coughing due to slime in my lungs.

I have an important meeting today and in order to ensure I was in optimal clarity I decided to dose some noopept not too long ago(about 30 minutes) in combination with a cup of coffee. I have dissolved my noopept in 80% Stroh Rum because dosing powder requires a well calibrated scale due to the small dosage range. I took the equivalent of 20mg noopept.

Strange enough, my running nose has disappeared, my throat is a lot less sore and the coughing has reduced significantly. There's still 'loose' slime in my lungs trying to get coughed up, but the agitation to cough is less strong.

I've noticed these effects before. During the winter I dosed noopept while at the height of a pretty bad cold and the symptoms were relieved quite strongly. Does anyone else have similar experiences?
For the last two months I've been dosing 30mg in the mornings, together with Alpha GPC. Mostly agreed with other comments so far. It helps to get through morning fog, brings a somewhat lucid serenity and noticeably boosts intellectual performance, speech particularly becomes more fluid and precise.

There's also interesting synergies... taken with aniracetam, the clarity can get close to a mild psychedelic threshold. I've also noticed it boosts the effects of harmalas, and to a lesser extent, cannabis.

I stopped last week, and perhaps due to a coincidence I've caught a nice cold. I'm dripping like a faucet, and just took 30mg after reading you guys. Won't hurt.

Edit: Checking now the symptoms in the header, I can agree with the increased need to urinate, disagree with irritability, and unsure about effects in sex drive.
Yeah guys... this is the real deal.

Best nootropic I have tried hands down. It even made my vision sharper on the 1st DAY!

I am totally curious to hear more about this stuff... let's get this thread going people. I can't be the only one who sees this stuff as having potentially game changing effects.

Ive been having two scoops of pept for breakfast for two weeks,20to30 mgs.

I have to say I'm really impressed.
The only time its been racey is when ive had too much coffee.
I'm actually cutting back on the coffee ,and feel less of that adrenal fatigue.
Feel much more social,conversation is fluid and in sync.want to be heard and want to
Seems to dull emotional lalbility.normal thoughts flow and panic thoughts dont get the same emotional response,less upsetting.
I cant say ive had any real bad side effects. I have had a couple of headaches ,i dont normally get, sex desire normal to enhanced ,but, there is that ssri delay.
Thats not always a bad thing,theres been no" Houston we have a problem"
Just wondering how others feel ,I like it.
It has a positive life enhancing feel without having an intoxicated feeling.

pept, pept, hooray
I've been taking 2-3g piracetam/day with 300mg alpha-GPC for about 2 months.

Just got my noopept today, and took about 20mg in the afternoon, after 1g piracetam in the AM.

Definitely noticed much more than the piracetam alone, such as heightened audiovisual sensitivity. With piracetam, the effects I experienced were mostly mental/emotional in nature. Even still, it is pretty subtle, but no question of placebo effect, that I had with piracetam.

I too am highly excited for this substance, it is a little worrisome about the lack of long term studies though. I look forward to hear more from others.
I've been looking into this and would love to try it, though I'm a little worried that I might get really agro.

I was taking piracetam for a little while and I started having some serious anger problems and outbursts, when I quit so did the irritability issues. After a long time of it sitting in my cupboard, I thought maybe I'd give it another try and that maybe the anger was just due to some emotional stress. Unfortunately after a few days I could sense a definite increase in my anger.

I haven't touched the stuff more than the occasional scoop every once in a blue moon, but I fear that with the increased potency of noopept there may be an increased affect on my mood. :(

I'll stick to my turmeric and piperine regimen!
I've been dosing 25mg of Noopept infrequently, maybe around 1-3 days a week.

I haven't noticed a wide range of effects from Noopept, possibly because of infrequent dosing, but the effects I have noticed would be.

- Increased tolerance to alcohol (Very difficult to get drunk)(Stops me from slurring my words)
- Increase in language fluidity
- Helps with hangovers
I've been taking noopept with aniracetam, along with choline for a few months now and I too enjoy the increased clarity. Hard to describe the effects in every day life, but I suppose increased lucidity would be proper. I also read through books a lot more quickly as well while retaining more material.

I have noticed though, on a few occasions, much like Wax my aggression has sometimes increased insurmountably. There have been a few days when I just feel... rage surging through my body. In fact, I nearly walked out of work a few days ago until I stopped, did some breathing exercises and realized there was nothing wrong. I had just become so inflamed over something so insignificant. I didn't notice a feeling of despair and anger until I had taken noopept shortly before clocking in. It seems to happen on the days I only take noopept (without aniracetam). Usually when this happens I take a break for a few days to a week,
Hmm, my noopept arrived this week. I took 2 scoops sublingual on the first day and felt that it was a little too much. My body felt quite a speed like push, without actually feeling speedy, if you know what I mean.

I felt a bit of a stomach ache and by evening I felt very tired. I felt no difference in headspace, thought clarity or any of the other positives that people have listed.

2nd day I took 1 scoop sublingual and my body didn't feel as much of the "push" as the day before, but I still felt incredibly tired by the end of the day and felt no other real effects.

I drank alcohol on both days and although I didn't drink enough to get drunk, I could feel the effects exactly as if I hadn't taken any noopept.

I stopped taking any after this as I wasn't really experiencing anything positive from the trials.

Has anyone else experienced similar? Should I continue taking it to see if the effects come on after a few days? My Noopept came from a trusted online seller, so I'm assuming that my product is the real deal....
I don't know how speed feels like, but it was stimulating to me, but in a nasty way. Felt like i was slicing my brains and got really weird and violent thoughts. Also anxiety....i don't know, i really dislike noopept.
I started off taking these doses most people mention 20-30mg and I noticed the negative side effects feeling like I had too much caffiene irritability overstimulation some nausea and the like I didn't really like it much.

Then I started taking like 5-10 mg and that was the sweet spot, increased clarity, higher functioning, a sense of well being, better focus and concentrations, better memory recall, all the good stuff and none of the bad. I just wanted to point out to those that who are having a bad experience with it you may simply be sensitive like myself and overdosing on it by taking the recommended dosage.

It seems to intensify the effects of caffeine so I try to go easy on that combination. I also find it combines wonderfully with meditation making it easier to focus on the practice and go deeper and facilitating a greater and longer lasting sense of well being than either does alone.

I take it very infrequently once every few weeks or so.
I dump 6-7 of them lil scooper thingies into a 16oz cup of coffee every morning.
I dunno if it does all that much, I rarely sleep and am always wanting to run around and do stuff, but I was like that before.
I find noopept no short of amazing and agrees with all positive reports in this thread. It is by far the best nootropic I have encountered (out of maybe 20 different). I can add that It REALLY helps me with THC induced brain fog.

I find less being more with noopept and have settled for less than the recommended 10mg. This being said I don't think it's super dose sensitive and after getting an idea on how big a pile 10mg of noopept is I just take a tiny lump on the tip of a knife and drop in my mouth. I almost like the taste now :)

There are acute effects and effects that build over 3 weeks.

There is an obvious synergy with other stimulants.
After being a VERY dedicated coffee drinker I quit after a month on noopept. The comedowns and jitter when enhanced by noopept is just too much and I now successfully combine it with Guayusa (or if not at home green tea instead). These does not cause the negative side effects of coffee in me. Two friend on methylphanidate has cut their metyhlpenidate doses in half.

For synergy with weed, I find that I don't feel as stoned and guess that this is because I feel less impaired. Memory works better and thereby speech and many other higher functions.

For the downsides of noopept it is a bit beyond my knowledge of brain chemistry but there are some talk regarding noopept increasing brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) leading to down-regulation of Trk proteins, apparently leading to one getting more stupid instead of smarter. If someone understands these things I'd sure be interested to hear their take on it. It's discussed here:
My experience with noopept was mixed. It didn't actually help me much with focus (may be a freak in this regard), although I was definitely reading lots and writing while on it. It definitely made me more resistant to the effects of alcohol, and to cannabis, my memory would be much less affected by cannabis when I was on it, and I felt less intoxicated, kind of a plus and minus at the same time. Morning became my only favoured dosing time, as any later would affect my sleep.

For me, less is definitely more with this stuff. Any more than 30mg in one go I would lose any feelings of clarity and my mind would actually feel muddied. There were a few times when I would feel quite irritable, I think this became more apparent with long term use and after the initial honeymoon period. I would definitely recommend if people want to use this that they take breaks from it now and again and cycle it. Could be great for people recovering from brain damage, or with neurodegenerative conditions. Overall I preferred the feel of a turmeric/pepper mix in the mornings.
I found noopept to be good initially but over
Time I got easily aggravated and angry .
For that reason I had to abort use . There were some
Good things about it but the agro factor was a deal breaker.

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