anrchy said:
How about you pull your sexism back up and in where it belongs. Why does the Attitude apply to everyone but women here?
How does the attitude not apply to those being offended? Put MY sexism up and in where exactly? Thats kind of messed up.
Just to be clear I changed my comment, and it means exactly the same thing as my previous comment. Lettin off a little steam with a little wacky wacky seems to work well.
You're still trying to justify the idea that your ability to make jokes that others find offensive is somehow more important than someone else feelings on the matter.
And the difference between your 'oppression' and the oppression of female-bodied and female-identified people is one of scale and continuity. You might be able to make to make the claim that us telling you not to make a sexist joke counts as some kind of oppression, but given your identity (cisgender male, and I'm going to tentatively assume white, feel free to correct me if I'm wrong), that is about the most extreme oppression you're likely to the face in the US today. You can't make jokes on the internet.
Pandora (being female bodied/identified) experiences a whole host of oppressions that you probably don't even notice, as a function of your status as a cismale. To you, the tampon joke is just that: a joke that didn't mean any offense, but to a female bodied/identified person, that joke is seen as normalizing the oppression of women by painting women as 'biologically inferior, over-emotional' and all those other cultural tropes that tacitly reinforce men's superiority over women.
You can say "well I didn't mean it to be hurtful," but people vary rarely do. There's no cabal of bearded, white men sitting around stroking cats and evilly saying "how can we best oppress women and PoC today, muahahaha), but rather, this is just cultural momentum, carried mostly by guys who do what you're doing.
It's also natural to get defensive about this kind of stuff: no one likes getting called out and told they're in the wrong, and no one thinks making a joke makes you a 'bad person.' But it's worth educating yourself on the consequences of making such jokes and holding such opinions.
I highly recommend you read the Male Privilege Checklist, I found it very illuminating when I was just starting on all this stuff.
Last thing: there are some, very unlucky women who do have hormonal imbalances associated with menstruation that do qualify as 'serious disorders' and they don't look like any of the stereotypes you jokingly imagine: they're really scary and, in my opinion, no more acceptable a target for humor than severe depression, schizophrenia or cancer.