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Novel lysergamides

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Staff member
The only analogue that i have experience with (as far as i know ofcourse) so far, is 1P-LSD.
I've read about other peoples experiences with it, and the first thing i noticed is that personal metabolism seems to play a big role here. Some people find it to be equal to LSD itself, while others don't, and also for things like duration and come-up, it seems as if there are huge personal differences. Some people say that for them, it works faster than LSD, while claim that it takes much longer for it to work.

I would say that is in itself a bit of a downside, because if you have never taken it, it is unpredictable how you're gonna respond.

For me personally: it consistently takes around 2 and a half hours for it to fully work, but i start noticing the first effects, minutes after ingestion. This onset is the only thing that i personally realy don't like about it. It's not just that it takes quite some time, but i alse experience some rather unpleasant effects during the come-up. It starts with light stimulation, but it gradually builds up, and after aabout an hour or so, i feel as if i drank 20 cups of strong espresso. I become overstimulated, shaky and sweaty. These unpleasant feelings quickly dissipate when the psychedelic effects start to kick in.

The psychedelic effects..i find them to be almost identical to those of LSD. I would not say that it's the very best acid ever, but it's pretty high quality stuff once the psychedelica starts to happen. Maybe the physical euphoria is a bit more pronounced even. It may be a bit more dopaminergic than LSD itself. But again, that may differ from person to person.

It's probably not the best substance for a first-time psychedelic experience because of the unpredictability. But personally, i must say i realy like the stuff.
The propionyl grouping at position one of 1P-LSD is said to be metabolized off right away, leaving an NH grouping on the pyrrole ring, in effect giving LSD in vivo.

This is what's known as a pro-drug, a compound which is initially inactive but which is metabolized to the active compound in vivo, a prime example is psilocybin which is a prodrug of psilocin...

Though in this case the 1P may have initial activity before becoming LSD in vivo...

So the 1P becomes LSD in your body, at least this appears to be the case, which would make the compound for all intents and purposes identical to LSD.

Same principle with ALD-52, only the acetyl grouping placed at position one is hydrolysed leaving the needed NH grouping in the pyrrole ring at position 1 to give LSD.

This is from an older thread discussing similar chemical principles...
anytime you want a prodrug of a tryptamine with an hydroxy group at position 4, you can just substitute the hydroxy grouping with an acetoxy grouping, the acetoxy grouping will become a hydroxy grouping in vivo...at least this seems to be the case.

So, 4-acetoxy-DMT becomes 4-ho-DMT in vivo...4-acetoxy-MET becomes 4-ho-MET in vivo, and so on.

Even with 1-acetyl-LSD this seems to be the case, minus the oxygen because you want an NH grouping at position 1, so it's an acetyl grouping rather than an acetoxy grouping. so the acetyl grouping connected to the nitrogen of the pyrrole ring Returns to a hydrogen atom, restoring the NH grouping of the pyrrole ring, giving LSD in vivo.

With 1-propionyl-LSD, just as above, only using a propionyl grouping at position one of LSD, the propionyl grouping becomes the needed hydrogen atom in vivo to form the NH grouping of the pyrrole ring, giving LSD...

I wonder if 4-propionyloxy-DMT would become 4-ho-DMT in vivo...


So far I have only tried 1P-LSD of the many LSD-25 analogues.

Actually I've had at least 15 experiences if not more with this substance and everytime I experienced it my dose was half of 100 mcg blotter. Every trial same dose and almost every trial same setting.

First signs of 1P-LSD would usually manifest quickly - at 20 minutes mark (+-5 minutes). However the whole come-up part of the experience is quite long for me. I've noticed that in most trials I would get the fully manifested visuals only after 3 hours into the experience in contrast to the mental effects which would usually be in full swing at 2 hours into the experience.

Mental and visual effects are indeed very similar to LSD-25, however I have observed that 1P-LSD is more demanding on my heart compared to my experience with LSD-25. There is a link at the end of the post to another thread.

A major observation is that I would metabolise 1P-LSD quite differently in different trials. There were trials when I would only get light effects from half blotter and there were trials where I would get strong effects from half blotter. I have no way to predict what intensity I can expect from this substance. Therefore I agree with dragonrider that this chemical is probably not the best choice for people getting into psychedelia. I would look for something more consistent.

The sensation of sudden drop in intensity of effects after reaching peak effects were noticed in the first trials, however after the initial trials under more careful observation it was noticed that this sudden drop is not the case and the intensity of effects will indeed return after this drop. I think it's only another wave, quite big apparently. I think the whole duration of experience with 1P-LSD is very comparable to LSD-25.

I've started a thread with the intention of discussing how strongly 1P-LSD and other analogues affect the heart, which may be of interest: 1P-LSD and other analogues' effect on the heart - LSD, LSA, LSH - Welcome to the DMT-Nexus
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