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Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Dayum. Didn't realise harmine could lengthen the experience to that extent. Do you think it was just the harmine, or were there other factors?
Bodhisativa said:
Dayum. Didn't realise harmine could lengthen the experience to that extent. Do you think it was just the harmine, or were there other factors?

I think it definitely has to do with the harmalas, IMO. I've had smoalked trips where I did not return to baseline until nearly 1.5 hours later. However, the majority of the trip was said and done after 20 minutes but the come down and after glow lingered for a long time. It has only happened a handful of times and not quite to the extent that cinnamonrollz is describing but nonetheless similar...

The Grateful One said:
Bodhisativa said:
Dayum. Didn't realise harmine could lengthen the experience to that extent. Do you think it was just the harmine, or were there other factors?

I think it definitely has to do with the harmalas, IMO. I've had smoalked trips where I did not return to baseline until nearly 1.5 hours later. However, the majority of the trip was said and done after 20 minutes but the come down and after glow lingered for a long time. It has only happened a handful of times and not quite to the extent that cinnamonrollz is describing but nonetheless similar...


I've had lengthened experiences from calea leaf. It doubled the duration. The calea turns me into an entity. I've had a calea/DMT trip where I turned into a reptilian Kali and my tongue was going wild. However, when I vape pure DMT, I don't move at all. I float through hyperspace without a body. I still meet entities, but it's a totally different experience. Man, I loooove DMT synergy.
Bodhisativa said:
The Grateful One said:
Bodhisativa said:
Dayum. Didn't realise harmine could lengthen the experience to that extent. Do you think it was just the harmine, or were there other factors?

I think it definitely has to do with the harmalas, IMO. I've had smoalked trips where I did not return to baseline until nearly 1.5 hours later. However, the majority of the trip was said and done after 20 minutes but the come down and after glow lingered for a long time. It has only happened a handful of times and not quite to the extent that cinnamonrollz is describing but nonetheless similar...


I've had lengthened experiences from calea leaf. It doubled the duration. The calea turns me into an entity. I've had a calea/DMT trip where I turned into a reptilian Kali and my tongue was going wild. However, when I vape pure DMT, I don't move at all. I float through hyperspace without a body. I still meet entities, but it's a totally different experience. Man, I loooove DMT synergy.

Right on, I'm glad we are not alone in this! For the record, I have greatly enjoyed your reports as of late, Bodhisativa, intriguing and your descriptions are very vivid. As an unrelated side note, what is the origin of your avatar? My GF said it seems familiar to her but she can't quite put her finger on it...anywho...

@OP: I can't wait to hear the rest of your story...but for now it is wwwwaaaayyyyy past my bedtime. Peace to all of you friends!

The Grateful One said:
Bodhisativa said:
The Grateful One said:
Bodhisativa said:
Dayum. Didn't realise harmine could lengthen the experience to that extent. Do you think it was just the harmine, or were there other factors?

I think it definitely has to do with the harmalas, IMO. I've had smoalked trips where I did not return to baseline until nearly 1.5 hours later. However, the majority of the trip was said and done after 20 minutes but the come down and after glow lingered for a long time. It has only happened a handful of times and not quite to the extent that cinnamonrollz is describing but nonetheless similar...


I've had lengthened experiences from calea leaf. It doubled the duration. The calea turns me into an entity. I've had a calea/DMT trip where I turned into a reptilian Kali and my tongue was going wild. However, when I vape pure DMT, I don't move at all. I float through hyperspace without a body. I still meet entities, but it's a totally different experience. Man, I loooove DMT synergy.

Right on, I'm glad we are not alone in this! For the record, I have greatly enjoyed your reports as of late, Bodhisativa, intriguing and your descriptions are very vivid. As an unrelated side note, what is the origin of your avatar? My GF said it seems familiar to her but she can't quite put her finger on it...anywho..


Thanks, I appreciate the kind words. Every DMT trip is special to the psychonaut. We are bound by the limitations of language. But we share these experiences, and we understand each other only because we've been there before. Plenty of sober straightedge people have read my trip reports and said "so what?". I feel sorry for them.

My avatar is taken from the Ethereal Riffian album called Shamans Visions. It's an accurate depiction of me.
Man I can relate to a crazy long duration after using DMT. A year ago me and a friend of mine took two hits of LSD and a few bumps of ketamine and it was intense experience already. Fractals were everwhere and everything was warping and jumping to some EDM my friend was playing. Then we decided to visit another friend and when we got there he pulled out about a gram of DMT. Me and my friend who was just as loaded as I was decided to hit the DMT a few times. After three hits each we looked at each other and started laughing then everything was engulfed by a dark purple liquidy substance that I can only compare to what Shamans say they use as a window to the spirit world, but instead of just a small mirror size amount it was everywhere! I was literally tripping and almost swimming in it. Then we both realized that after DMT use we were still conscious we found this odd and it had already lasted about 15 minutes which is odd. So we sat down and took about another 12 hits a piece of the DMT and it intensified even more. I literally had to call a girl that I was talking to so she could take us home we were leaving our bodies while still conscious and were swimming through the purple liquid with our astral bodies. The DMT stuck with me through the rest of the night and the whole time I was walking around the city hanging out with this girl and her friend and my friend who had been there from before. We both just kept laughing because we were above our bodies watching us talk and act normal while we were flying through this substance all around those below and the girl said she didn't even notice we were loaded! I will have to try the harmine trick though.
Bodhisativa said:
Dayum. Didn't realise harmine could lengthen the experience to that extent. Do you think it was just the harmine, or were there other factors?

It was definitely the harmine. I also apologize as I can not answer your PM, I am not a full member.

It may also be worth noting I smoalked about 1/4th of a gram of both harmine and dmt. That certainly is bound to have some length.
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