Yeah, that's the general opinion on nutmeg. I think we all know that. Most people do not like it and would never do it again. Whenever someone starts a thread about nutmeg you get all these posts about how much is sucks, etc. However, there are a few people here and there that enjoy it quite a lot. The difference between a good and bad experience could possibly be from how its prepared.
Think about Yopo. If not prepared properly with lime, it basically just makes you sick and does little else. But when made properly with lime, it produces quite a strong trip.
Nutmeg has a lot of alkaloids in it, not just one. I recall one guy in another thread mentioning he had a positive experience with it, but he prepared it very differently than most people do. I think his preparation method probably removed lots of the undesirable alkaloids leading to a superior experience.
I love the taste of nutmeg, but never experienced any effects from it. When I was a teenager, I tried many times to experience something from it, but nothing was ever felt, not even stomach discomfort. I ate it as is and didn’t do any special preparation steps.
Does anyone know what the possible oral MAOI dosage of nutmeg would be?