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Obama Stops DEA raids on medical dispensaries

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Senior Member
OG Pioneer
Obama stopped the raids and removed the ban on stem cells. So far so good. I really hope we can start to move ahead and leave these ignorant religious fundamentalists in the past. This is a serious first step, in both cases. If he supports states rights then marijuana will begin to be completely decriminalized state by state over the next few years.
Everyone was doubting if he would do it, even me, but he did !!! HELL YEA MAN!

I like everything he's done so far. The guy is a very intelligent person. This is the first president that hasn't disappointed me in a long time. I'm so glad we elected him.
I read somewhere last week 3 days later they said a memo told them they could resume investigating. I cant find it now tho. I dont think it will be long till it is legalized to soem degree however. Public opinion has really changed to it and people arent as ignorant as the once were. Plus the fact that all the old people were once hippies so yeah granny was prolly smoking a fattie at woodstock.
If you guys could find the source that would be great. I will look too, investigations are one thing as I am sure some abuse (legal not actual) does go on. So long as the patients are protected and other states can begin to develop dispensaries like cali things should be good.
I can wait till the day I can walk into a store and say I would like 3 grams of The Grandaddy Purple!
That article is interesting although what is the LA attorney prosecuting people for, as medical marijuana is legal in california, so I am guessing they are prosecuting those dispensaries and people who have broken state law not federal law. The very fact that these dispensaries are even able to exist shows California's policies. It is a shame though that the statement was retracted, as no one who uses marijuana should ever be prosecuted. Very soon this will become a huge issue in california (kinda is already) and hopefully the media will get on it and it will spread.
Then hopefully we can do gods work and put those child molesting, liberty destroying, public health deteriorating DEA scum back to where they belong, PRISION.
There are many cases where people working legally under state law are prosecuted under federal law. It's disgusting really. Why even have state laws at thast point.
he reinstated the Patriot Act......
troops were to be comming home by now...30,000 were sent to afghanistan while the "time-table" is set for 23 months til "some" of the troops are back.

HES A PUPPET. although he was obviously a better candidate i would have rather seen mccain drive our economy into the ground. it needs to happen eventually right, i mean whats the use trying to fix something thats been broken for 150 years, lets just start alll over.
MindInfoRreality said:

I feel similarly. My source informs me that one would be best off not getting one's hopes up on the matter regarding further decriminalization. I apologize, but unfortunately I cannot disclose information concerning my source of information.
MindInfoRreality said:
although he was obviously a better candidate i would have rather seen mccain drive our economy into the ground. it needs to happen eventually right, i mean whats the use trying to fix something thats been broken for 150 years, lets just start alll over.

As much as I tend to give Obama the benefit of the doubt (as much as is possible, considering how little I give to the institutions he's a part of), this is an excellent point. Though I have to wonder about the implications of giving McCain (or worse yet, PALIN!) the opportunity to do this. Who's to say that with McCain in office, American would have finally been driven to revolution if we just stood so idly by during Bush/Cheney? I think in the end, we're going to regret our own decadence more-so than our choice of president (if even necessarily that).

As far as drug-policy and the patriot-act, that's the accursed legacy our country has brought on itself, and if Obama's not going to confront it, he'll inevitably suffer the consequences. Let's hope he wises up to this problem. He's certainly more capable than any of his forerunners.
yea in reality our president, whomever it may be, really has no influence. Our last real president would have to have been JFK, i mean this dude was attempting to decentralize the "federal" bank and the day he got into office he began removing troops from N.Vietnam..its a wonder why he was killed:/
.. and only recently the "government"(used broadly) said Oswald hadnt committed the assassination(??) *citation needed* (lol)
But see what scares me, specially cuz people are relaxing once again, is that Obama is charismatic (as we all know...) and if hes playing for Wall Street then we're f-ed cuz people seem ridiculously easy to sway their opinion towards legislation that isnt for the best of our nation. KRS One would agree haha.
This is going to eventually be a state by state decision the feds arent going to want to get involved. This sheds the negative reaction from the elected officials at the federal level.

Obama is against it being legalized at least at the federal level.
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