That is an interesting thought.If enough perceptional paths among a group of individuals are somewhat aligned, one could call that a culture.
There are cultures on this world to which 'reality' is so drastically different from our "reality", that their 'reality' seems like a fantastical set of stories, yet for them it is as real as ours is to us. And for them our set of stories is just as fantastical. We can, and have in many cases, bend their perceptions to be 'better' aligned with our "reality", but that does not validate our "reality" as an objective reality. It just increased the number of individuals that have the same mass reality.
And it brings me to the idea that "reality" may not only differ between single individuals but also masses of individuals.
The "reality" between continents and countries may vary.
And I think the reason is not only geographical but also political and also cultural as you wrote.
That maybe means that all this aspects can "form" the reality by regulations or likewise.
But also the communication and exchange of ideas of single individuals can manifest into the reality of a culture.
Yes I feel that.I have gotten to the point that I fairly firmly believe that their 'reality' is just as valid as our "reality" and that realization opened up a can of worms in my psyche. They are crawling everywhere and I think I just need to observe and accept that there is no objective reality, only subjective reality.
If there are infinite creations of realities and if every moment is novel, then there may not be a singular Reality. It is the spoon we can see, but doesn't exist.
Maybe the worms just need to crawl wherever, and I just need to let it and them Go.
So Flux on little worms, Flux with Joy!
This concept of objective reality can be overwhelming, at least for me it is.
I think it is important to have a grounded state where we start to think deep and come back to that state when it gets too deep.
In psychology thats called an anchor and it is a good way for me to always find the way back.
I also think that it is imporant to not be too convicend about some thoughts.
At the end what we interpret and think is based on what we see and live.
Your text brought me to some other thoughts.
But I do not want to open another can for you people.