I have always been completely obsessed with anything that becomes an active interest.. The level of obsession definitely approaches that seen in Asperger's syndrome.. If not for my good social ability and ability to read people's emotions really well I'd almost think I had that..
That said, my biggest interests definitely form into obsessions.. It started when I was young with Ghostbusters, Ninja Turtles, later I had a Pokemon phase (mainly with the video game then card game, I admit I was too old for it, but it wasn't a big kiddy fad yet, the first game was still in japan then), as I got older I've had longer phases where I'm obsessed with other things.. Eastern Religion is a big one that still continues to this day.. psychology.. biology.. evolution.. drugs.. At least the obsessions became less from forced marketing and more from personal interests. They started to become more beneficial.. There's no real good result from being obsessed with and knowing everything about Ninja Turtles..
Being obsessed with eastern religion has led me down a lot of paths that have brought some inner peace and different views of things.. Extremely valuable.. Being obsessed with recreational drugs has left me with a vast amount of different kinds of substances to enjoy, all of which I can find on the internet.. Being obsessed with the sciences has left me with a good range of knowledge I never had before and a feeling of satisfaction, knowing how a lot of things work. Being obsessed with other kinds of drugs has given me control over what I put in my body. Most people have no clue what their doctors give them.. The faith mankind has in doctors is a little bit insane to me. They mess up.. a LOT.. Knowing about medicine and the mechanisms through which they act, etc etc is extremely liberating if you hate going to a judgmental doctor.. don't get me started on doctors.. one in particular ruined about a year of my life.. the way it played out, if you looked at the chain of events, he could have given me something for my anxiety near the beginning when I sought help and the rest of it would likely have not played out.. Anyway, I won't get into that.
I don't find obsession to be a bad thing.. It's really human nature in a way.. Being obsessed and being in love is a fine line.. The dedication necessary to win the girl many times overlaps with obsession.. People like myself in their mid 20's and likely people older than myself as well were raised by the TV much of the time, subject to very creative marketing teams who knew exactly what buttons to push to make us get our parents to buy their things.. Some of us were the types who had to know every detail about each of those things. Was that instilled in us, or would we have always been so innately obsessed with things? I think it's probable that without TV in our lives we'd have all found other things to be obsessed with..
So yea, I'm obsessed.. so are a lot of people who probably picked the option "It's a strong hobby, but I'm not OBSESSED".. a lot of people likely picked that, feeling obsession is a bad thing.. I'm sure Einstein was obsessed with figuring out the world around him and we know what that yielded.. Most of humanity's major breakthroughs, maybe all of them, were a product of either obsession or pure accident... don't be ashamed to be obsessed.. obsession just means you've embraced what you like fully and don't half-ass anything.. It's rewarding when the obsession wears off, but I'm not sure if it can with drugs.. there's just too many..
The study of drugs, really, when you get down to it, is the study of life.. food and drinks can be studied just like drugs.. you can look at it all and how it breaks down into how we're made.. if you looked at every molecule and every chemical reaction and everything going on in the body and knew about it all, well, i can't think of a more rewarding obsession.