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OHT - Proof-Reading

Page 36, first sentence
Reads: "For this you should make sure you have our phone set up to dial their number on quick-dial, this way..."
Should be "For this you should make sure you have your phone set up to dial their number on quick-dial, this way..."
Page 48, very, top first sentence.

Reads: This topic, among others, will be further discussed in detail the Auditory Explorer Specialty course.

Should read: This topic, among others, will be further discussed in detail in the Auditory Explorer Specialty course.
Thanks guys, keep it coming. I just recently moved and started working my wonderful job again so I'm keeping quiet and collecting your suggestions/corrections until I both have enough to make for a nice round of editing and I have a chunk of time off (i.e. a day). Don't take my silence for lack of interest. I'm following everything attentively :D
Page 69, second to last paragraph just under the photo of the jar with the tlc plate.

Reads: The spots can then be examined under UV-ligth for better visibility.....
Page 70, very last sentence
reads: So from this we can conclude the separation worked reasonably good

should be: So from this we can conclude the separation worked reasonably well
Page 82, under section "2. Causes of Problems", first sentence.

reads: As indicated above, the general causes of arising problems can be either mental, circumstantial, or phisiological.

should be: As indicated above, the general causes of arising problems can be either mental, circumstantial, or physiological.
Page 86, Second to last row in the table (Coordination, movement), last column (Reaction)

Reads: sty calm, move as little as possible, ask for help if needed.
Page 110 last paragraph before section 5, first sentence.

Reads: Finally we should remember that is one thing to discuss these experiences and thoughts with those who have been there,....

Should be: Finally we should remember that it is one thing to discuss these experiences and thoughts with those who have been there,....


Page 111 second paragraph, first sentence

Reads: One must also take into account their daily lives and reponsibilitys.

Should be: One must also take into account their daily lives and responsibilities.


Page 112, very top in the green box

Reads: Things to consider when planing follow-up or sequential journeys:

Should be: Things to consider when planning follow-up or sequential journeys:


Page 112, also in the top green box

Physical set and Mental set would read better with the second word capitalized, Physical Set and Mental Set


Page 115, second to last sentence

Reads: Its a gift of the medicine that it has sought out and identified some possibly repressed or un-processed emotions that are s stumbling block to you and is allowing you the opportunity to change and progress as a person thus becoming the highest version of self.


Page 118, First sentence, under the heading and grey box.

Reads: This section will give some recommendations and considerations for new commers to enthoeogens...

Should be: This section will give some recommendations and considerations for newcomers to enthoeogens...


Page 123, Second paragraph, last sentence.

Reads: And there is plenty of other aspects that can be studdied in further detail.


Page 124, Third Paragraph after section 2 header, second sentence.

Reads: You may be interested in looking into psychology and entheogens or spirituality and entheogens, philosohpy or ontology and entheogens,...


Page 125, First Paragraph after section 3 header, 5th sentence (second to the last)

Reads: One very popular such claim is that DMT is produced by the pinneal gland.

Should be: One very popular such claim is that DMT is produced by the pineal gland.


Page 126, second paragraph below section 4 header, first sentence.

Reads: After completing the Open Hyperspace Traveler Course you can explore further courses form the Entheogenic University,...
Just to let you know... I'm on to it. Going through all the text again and changing small things, among others capitalization of the titles and some sentences that sound strange. I'm no pro doing this, so it will not be perfect, but I think after this edit it will be good enough to put out there. Long wait, but better late than never... I hope to be done in a week or two - since I can only do this piece-by-piece as time and my job allow.
Enoon said:
Just to let you know... I'm on to it. Going through all the text again and changing small things, among others capitalization of the titles and some sentences that sound strange. I'm no pro doing this, so it will not be perfect, but I think after this edit it will be good enough to put out there. Long wait, but better late than never... I hope to be done in a week or two - since I can only do this piece-by-piece as time and my job allow.
Glad to have you back on this Enoon. :)

Kind regards,

The Traveler
I feel bad cause I was excited to help and then somehow completely forgot all about this project.

Enoon if you still need assistance with something let me know. I can offer a couple hours a couple days a week. I think this is important and even though im gonna be spread thin for the next couple weeks I will help in anyway I can.
Thanks. I will upload the new version shortly (once I'm done) and once again, any kind of feedback, letting me know spelling errors or things like that would be appreciated. If you take a look at the current one and find something that needs to be changed, give me a heads up.

We will put it out there for public download (at the moment it's only for full members), and hopefully it can be used for the entheogenic university, but more importantly hopefully it can supply useful information to people who need it. I hope it is/will be good enough for this purpose.
Thanks for the feedback. Always good to hear that people are still interested.

@trav, I need another redirect for this link:

My revision is now up to part 4, so soon I'll be done. I haven't changed much to be honest. But I think after this review I'll feel ok with putting it out for the public.
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