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Publication OHT 2024-02-18

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The Traveler

The Moxylator
Staff member
The Traveler submitted a new resource:

OHT - A course handbook for the safe and responsible management of psychoactives

Welcome to the Open Hyperspace Traveler Course. If you are reading this, you presumably have an interest in entheogenic drugs - psychoactive compounds found in plants and fungi -often referred to as psychedelics or simply entheogens. In this manual we have tried to collect and provide unbiased information, backed by both experience and scientific evidence, on the various entheogens out there; on how they can be used safely, responsibly, and beneficially, what risks they present, and...

Read more about this resource...
One day I hope a group of people will make a nice follow-up on this, like an 'advanced' course. This since the OHT is loosely based on the safety practices for diving, and for diving you also have 'advanced' training.

Kind regards,

The Traveler
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