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Old man spends 30 years restoring 1500 hectares of old growth forest in NZ

Migrated topic.


The Lizard Wizard
Staff member
I accidentally stumbled upon this gem today while watching some gardening videos, and I have to say it warmed my heart so much and instantly went into my favorite videos of all time collection.

I strive to be as wholesome and precious in my 80s as this man. The level of dedication and love he has for what he does is evident. When man sets a life goal that is in alignment with Nature and is aimed at protecting her, his life automatically comes to the highest degree of purpose.

I wish I could meet this man and just hug and thank him for being the embodiment of the crucial change that is so desperately needed in those dire times - the true and unconditional love for our Mother.

This is so cool, and he's so passionate and dedicated.

I spent a bit of time on banks peninsula growing up as my family had some land out there and I used to think about how dry and barren the place was. It's mostly all grassland with gorse taking over in a lot of spots with only smaller areas of native bush.

I will definitely have to go and check this place out next time I'm down that way.

My goal for years has been to do this myself one day but on a much smaller scale and to get off grid and mostly live off the land.
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