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"Only for the extreme psychonaut" - is this real?

Migrated topic.

What a substance

Rising Star
Hey fellow DMT Nexians

Can I get your help with this? Someone asked me to check out a dude posting his research online. He writes that he has concocted "The Most Potent Psychoactive Concoction On The Planet...Only For The Extreme Psychonaut." He calls it Nectar of Hash, and states that even this recipe is him being conservative. Here we go:

1. Consumes 7-MeO-9H-indoles: 250-300mg orally. This is Harmaline/Harmine/TetraHydroHarmine combination.

Waits half an hour so the gut is completely saturated with 7-MeO.

2. Eats fourteen grams of dry Sacred Mushrooms but takes upwards of an ounce sometimes.

3. Mixes 150mg-200mg freebase DMT in citric acid to make DMT-citrate and drink right after the mushrooms, combined with 100mg Harmala alkaloids.

4. As soon as drinks the DMT, drops 1mg of LSD-25, 500ug of ETH-LAD, 500ug ALD-52, 500ug AL-LAD, and finally 500ug of 1P-LSD.

He then sits and meditates and roll joints and smokes joints and questions himself.

5. While on the peak of that combined Syrian Rue, Mushroom, DMT, and LSD trip, he smokes at least 100-120mg of NN-DMT in a large tall DAB RIG in a very slow hit, and take the entire 120mg hit in one toke.

His account of what follows centres on the dissolution of his ego. There is no mention whatsoever of any interaction with an entity.

Is this real, in your opinion? I have done quite a bit of personal research with DMT (smoked). I am no hero but I like to think I have put myself out there quite a bit. I can honestly say that I would never be able to vape 120mg in one toke. And if I did, I would expect to attract something large and discarnate with a power beyond my comprehension.

If you do reply, please remember I am the one asking the question...not the one asserting that I have researched with, what seems to me, to be such an outlandish and improbable concoction.

With entheogenic research I always found that honesty is rewarded on both sides of the divide.

Best wishes
Lol, my personal opinion: It's clearly just a joke...or he has an insanely high tolerance built up...
But I vote for a joke...

Lol, after that much LSD alone, you would never even be able to identify your rig...or yourself...LOL
Also the combination doesn't make any sense at all. So to me it is obviously a joke...
Thanks Man! He's posting this as the genuine deal but the amount of mushrooms / LSD and DMT seemed beyond heroic. He must be living in cloud cuckoo land. I appreciate your input.
Each of #2 - #5 alone would be a heroic dose, I can't fathom anyone functioning well enough after the first 30 minutes of dosing to continue on with the rest, and I'm no lightweight, I've smoked doses similar to #5 before.
Real or not it sounds like an incredible waste, potentially boasted by a young mind where numbers matter more than the take away experience. I'd call b.s. personally. Aka, if it sounds "too good" to be true it probably is.
I've heard it said by some of the old timers that the idea is to be able to attain the same revelation on ever decreasing dosages. To be able to get where 1 mg took you on 500 mics, to be able to get there again on 250 mics, to be able to get there again on 100 mics. Once you've tread the territory a few times, you stop relying so much on the map.

There is nothing wrong with testing the limits, it's the only way to learn them; but the ego game of dose-sizing is generally one played from naivety. At the point of dissolution, increasing dosages and combinations tend to mean little, if anything. Annihilation has a way of checking ostentatiousness.

If this idea that psychedelics create novel connection patterns across the neural architecture holds any water, then plasticity dictates the possibility of learning to "do it on the natch" via appropriate reinforcement.

Perhaps it is actually possible that less IS moar. 8)
dreamer042 said:
I've heard it said by some of the old timers that the idea is to be able to attain the same revelation on ever decreasing dosages. To be able to get where 1 mg took you on 500 mics, to be able to get there again on 250 mics, to be able to get there again on 100 mics. Once you've tread the territory a few times, you stop relying so much on the map.

There is nothing wrong with testing the limits, it's the only way to learn them; but the ego game of dose-sizing is generally one played from naivety. At the point of dissolution, increasing dosages and combinations tend to mean little, if anything. Annihilation has a way of checking ostentatiousness.

If this idea that psychedelics create novel connection patterns across the neural architecture holds any water, then plasticity dictates the possibility of learning to "do it on the natch" via appropriate reinforcement.

Perhaps it is actually possible that less IS moar. 8)
Real talk. Now I've never met a S.A. shaman, but I know these Native "American" speakers speak the truth when stone cold "sober". They took the class and learned the lesson. In a manner of speaking, they don't need to take the class again.
Thanks to all. Much appreciated. I don't want to let this dude post this stuff with some criticism or challenge. Best wishes to all
Thats just really bad mixologist education
i mean i understand when people do changa on top of mushrooms, which is very nice, or dmt on top of acid, which is nice
we've got ket + acid, we've got mdma + acid, there are mixes that are very nice if you're not uptight about doing drugs
you can do stuff like, ketamine before a dmt hit if you have extreme fear of going in
you can do some opiates to come off a harsh trip without knocking yourself out
people add smoked weed to their acid/mushroom/whatever trips
but taking shroomhuasa + ayahuasca + shit ton of acid + dmt vaped + smoked marijuana ?
bad mixologist education (lies)
If you take all of that, you don't sit and meditate, you don't roll joints, and you don't question yourself.

Maybe you're still capable of drooling and shitting your pants, in between spasms.
dragonrider said:
If you take all of that, you don't sit and meditate, you don't roll joints, and you don't question yourself.

Maybe you're still capable of drooling and shitting your pants, in between spasms.

That's something i could probably see as real in the american culture. I saw american culture soaked into the Extremes. Many friends don't take acid by tabs but by 10 tabs ( when in euroipe, we easily split it in quarters! ). This is not a general rule for evry individual of course!!

These create a divergence ; the more you take, the more you need. In long festival, i saw my friends droping acid by 20 and got barely the effect of one trip. This is one possible explanation. Tolerance build up REALLY FAST on tryptamines.

Other explanation for the DMT dose : DMT doesn't make the same effect on huge dose of psychedelics. I don't explain it. For exemple, i took 9g of cubensis, and on the peak experience, i smoked a 200mg changa pipe (DMT + harmalas), in several tokes. What would create a dramatic colapse of my reality if i was sober, was no more than a smooth carying magic electric feeling; but no "classic" breakthrou, no propulsion to other space, it was something else that i never encounter before; i just became completly quiet, like a transparent crystal, i could open my eyes and nothing has changed, it was really strange because it was so different from the general ultimate-apocaliptic-effect of such a pipe of DMT !
While on the peak? More like during the 10 hours you arent able to even being concious.

Sounds like bull to me. Maybe that is something you can do with tolerance but this is beyond overkill and is kinda "bragging". (omg im so enlightened by eating doses of lsd that dont need to be eaten because they cant get any stronger)
I've got an even better concoction. I call it 'breastmilk of ganja'.

1-I inject 1.7 grams of pure white heroïn, 1.2 grams of brown heroïn, 1.9 kilo's of fentanyl, 3.4 grams of cocaïne, 43 pounds of ketamine, 5.8 ounces of raw iron ore, 10.27 grams of PCP, 2.81 grams of 3-MeO-PCP, 127 kilo's of methoxetamine, and some copper sulphate.

2-Then i swallow a handfull of oxycodone's, another handfull of lormetazepams, 783 grams of MDMA, 364 grams of MDA, 275.43 grams of MMDA, and 725 pounds of 2-CB, 629 grams of bk-2-CB, 433 grams of 2-CB-fly, a kilo mephedrone, 0.025 grams of methylone, 597 grams of LSD-25, and an aspirin.

3-After that, i burn incense and i drink some coconutwater for physiscal and mental cleansing.

4-I then smoke 6 pounds of DMT.

5-Then i start to read Nietzsche, and gain deeper insights of a higher understanding of the cosmos on a metaphysical level. After this i convert to some realy spiritual eastern religion about elephants that have 8 arms and stuff.

This deeper intelligence has allowed me to win several nobel prizes on literature, medicine, astrology and invisibility-science, and to invent apple pie, the comb, and mozarella cheese.
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