Rising Star
I'm quiet familiar with the STB extraction and have performed it a few times with good results but I've recently run into a problem while changing up my routine.
I normally use 400g of mimosa at one time for my extractions but I thought I would try a smaller 100g extraction and see what kind of yields it would produce.
I used 100g of mimosa to 100g of lye with 1,500ml of water. Then I added 100ml of naptha and mixed it around as usual. I did 3 pulls and all of them didn't yield hardly anything. The first two has some crystals but still has a pretty good amount of oil with it and just gummed up when I tried to retrieve the crystals with a razor.
My third pull didn't yield any crystals but just an oily layer that refuses to dry and will literally drip off the razor after it is scraped up.
Whats going on here? Why am I pulling so much oil? Is this oil yielding any DMT at all but unable to crystallize because of the amount of oil? Or is it just all oil? Do you think I could wash this oil or do you think its just a waste of time because it won't yield hardly any crystals?
I'd appreciate any quick responses or insights on the matter as this is irritating me a lot and I'm temped to just scrap this extraction and start over with 400g again (I have plenty of mimosa left)
I've also provided some pictures of some of my recent successful pulls. Don't have any at the moment of the oil I'm speaking of but you've all seen it before and probably know what I'm talking about.
Thanks for the help!
I normally use 400g of mimosa at one time for my extractions but I thought I would try a smaller 100g extraction and see what kind of yields it would produce.
I used 100g of mimosa to 100g of lye with 1,500ml of water. Then I added 100ml of naptha and mixed it around as usual. I did 3 pulls and all of them didn't yield hardly anything. The first two has some crystals but still has a pretty good amount of oil with it and just gummed up when I tried to retrieve the crystals with a razor.
My third pull didn't yield any crystals but just an oily layer that refuses to dry and will literally drip off the razor after it is scraped up.
Whats going on here? Why am I pulling so much oil? Is this oil yielding any DMT at all but unable to crystallize because of the amount of oil? Or is it just all oil? Do you think I could wash this oil or do you think its just a waste of time because it won't yield hardly any crystals?
I'd appreciate any quick responses or insights on the matter as this is irritating me a lot and I'm temped to just scrap this extraction and start over with 400g again (I have plenty of mimosa left)
I've also provided some pictures of some of my recent successful pulls. Don't have any at the moment of the oil I'm speaking of but you've all seen it before and probably know what I'm talking about.
Thanks for the help!