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Oops, I made it to quantum space.

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
I'm an experienced tripper. I've had an ego death or two. That means absolutely nothing in that dimension. I went through my own hells. I'm pretty sure I thought I was dying. In fact, without that thought of death, I wouldn't of made it to hyperspace. The near death experience was bizar. Suddenly, the Self was behind me. When the Self was behind me, it felt like a film projector. It's like I was in an empty theater with infinite doors to infinite realities. Thought loops never prepared me for reality loops that ensued.

After my tour in the hells, I was reborn. I became God of my own reality. This was no God complex, I was a God of my own reality. Eventually my reality crumbled and there was only a white light. Transcendence didn't wait. I experienced Buddhahood. This was hyperspace. The previous dimensions were of my own limited making... Buddhahood gave me the quantum sight. I reached the very epitome of Atman. I wasn't living in the moment, the moment was living me. I experienced all possible realities phasing in and out of each other.

As for what matters: 20mg Noopept, 300ug LSD. Noopept is what allowed me to go deep without memory loss. That combo. I didn't expect it to be so effective.

Edit: found this WoC :: Core Teachings - The Qlifoth (Shells of Embodied Consciousness)

Seems uncannily accurate to what I experienced.
I also made it to quantum space. I think. I never really thought that was what it was until I heared a description of transcendence. After experiencing painful feelings and visions and all that was cleansed out of me I suppose. The trip got a positive flip finally and golden curtains opened up to reveal egyptian-esque rows of faces of gemlike-bejewelled-quality material in rows and rows around this reality and I joined their ranks I suppose I can't explain it because I can not remember the details. Then became sort of a living boddhisattva including 100s arms and used those to flip and maintain one reality but I have the feeling I could flip at an armswitch but no desire to ..because family stood in line to give gifts in gratitude for welcoming them in this space. I remember feeling close to multiple 'nodes' of these quantum realities that are being maintained in close proximity.

I don't know about that though, it's starting to become a little vague and all

1250uG LSD
Infectedstyle said:
I also made it to quantum space. I think. I never really thought that was what it was until I heared a description of transcendence. After experiencing painful feelings and visions and all that was cleansed out of me I suppose. The trip got a positive flip finally and golden curtains opened up to reveal egyptian-esque rows of faces of gemlike-bejewelled-quality material in rows and rows around this reality and I joined their ranks I suppose I can't explain it because I can not remember the details. Then became sort of a living boddhisattva including 100s arms and used those to flip and maintain one reality but I have the feeling I could flip at an armswitch but no desire to ..because family stood in line to give gifts in gratitude for welcoming them in this space. I remember feeling close to multiple 'nodes' of these quantum realities that are being maintained in close proximity.

I don't know about that though, it's starting to become a little vague and all

1250uG LSD

Quantum space was amazing, albeit brief since it was my first dive. I spent a lot of my time in my hells (the painful feelings and visions.) The hells were of own making. The imagery I saw was imprints of my life, so the hells were of my own making. Quantum space was beyond imprints, it's everything in existence at once. Things I've never seen before or even thought of seeing, things beyond me.

What I recall, right before quantum space is when my chakras were completely lit. I don't know how to describe it other than I was in perfect vibration with the universe and there was a hum. The fact that we had such a similar experiences is something else (the boddhisattva experience happened to me, my face was constantly transmogrifying between thousands of different shapes, from friends, family, sages, unknown etc: is kind of how I saw things.) I don't know what quantum space is but it's somewhere beyond our machinations.
To be honest I think what you experience is one or two degrees higher into transcendental space. You where in the Atman level of deity. If you're interested in hearing my experience in the past I likened mine to be on Visnu level. Where deity projects itself as a living being. Which I personally find enjoyable for it's individualistic hierarchy of beings.

It's funny you mention Chakras. My experience made me think back of a dream I had where I became lucid and decided to meditate in the middle of road right in front of a car, insisting the illusory nature of the car and nothing is in fact real. After which to no instigation of my own Chakra symbols appeared on my body and my body floated upwards into the clouds and felt peaceful whith all these white bubbly clouds floating around. I take it as a symbol for heaven. Just this week I realized this dream is synonymous to what occurs when you focus inward and forego the illusory environment of the real world.

I wrote this in relationship to this dream and my experience. I think it's a good description of quantum space.

When the flower forgets everything it ever was and disappears into it seeds. It does not seize to be, it only reminds the seeds of everything it is and could and may be

I think this might be applicable just the same to you.
Yggbasil said:
I'm an experienced tripper. I've had an ego death or two. That means absolutely nothing in that dimension. I went through my own hells. I'm pretty sure I thought I was dying. In fact, without that thought of death, I wouldn't of made it to hyperspace. The near death experience was bizar. Suddenly, the Self was behind me. When the Self was behind me, it felt like a film projector. It's like I was in an empty theater with infinite doors to infinite realities. Thought loops never prepared me for reality loops that ensued.

After my tour in the hells, I was reborn. I became God of my own reality. This was no God complex, I was a God of my own reality. Eventually my reality crumbled and there was only a white light. Transcendence didn't wait. I experienced Buddhahood. This was hyperspace. The previous dimensions were of my own limited making... Buddhahood gave me the quantum sight. I reached the very epitome of Atman. I wasn't living in the moment, the moment was living me. I experienced all possible realities phasing in and out of each other.

Like this a lot! :love:
Yggbasil, welcome. Crazy stuff, ehh? IMO, the neat thing is that this "experience", the entheogen induced mystic state, is universal amongst humanity. It can be said that it has been accessed by most cultures well into antiquity. Obviously the interpretive and explanatory language vary depending on ones social, cultural, linguistic and historical reference frame.

Your description of, "leaving the self behind, feeling like a film projector", recognition of the tenuous nature of our "meat puppet's" separate self/free will, put me in mind of an informative web site, egodeath.com. The blog host is undeniably a dedicated and well informed LSD psychonaut and mystic state cognitive theoretician. As a Westerner, he uses Greco-Roman, Judeo-Christian reference framing. His ideas, while making no claims on the "Truth", offer genuine and accurate description of the cognitive phenomenology of the universal mystic state, entheogen induced or otherwise.

This fellow has to be one of the more dedicated practitioners of LSD catalyzed "spiritual" exploration to have written during late 20th, early 21st c. Fascinatingly one discovers how deeply embedded in human myth and religion is, the plant induced mystic state. It indeed likely informs ALL myth and religious messaging throughout human experience. The ubiquity of said, "mixed wine" facilitation of the mystic state, is revealed as a near certainty. The site is dense, so use it as a reference that you revisit BETWIXT your own mystic state travels. As you become familiar with the basic ideas, simple really, I suspect you'll be enlightened. I know I have been!

Peace Ego Death and Self-Control Cybernetics
Hogging the thread, sorry. I do gain insight from discussion of the mystic experience with those similarly informed. Is quantum/hyper space an objective reality that exists just past the veil of our mundane conscious state? When we perturb the typical reference frame via plants, it sure as hell seems so! Trip reports are fun, however, a more transpersonal description of the commonly had, entheogen(plant or alchemical) induced mystic orgasm lends itself to a pragmatic model of mind. What else can we share on the standard plane?

Study, Relativity and Quantum theory, just as concepts devoid of mathematical rigor. The revelations are grand and unitive. Not because "somebody" said so, but because they model our reality significantly more elegantly than the classical predecessors. What has become clear over the last century(with and without psychedelics), is that the reality we participate in is unitive and non-disprovable. The secrets are not yieldable in a classical sense. Access to definitive "knowledge" is denied made and maker by the very nature of how it is.

Space/Time + Matter/Energy, are a plastic holism upon which our, energy in/energy out, meat puppet selves transpire. When we strip ourselves of personhood via mixed wine, we briefly appreciate the fixity of our neighborhood. We are indeed, cruxified upon a, space/time cross. We die to "ourselves", then we thankfully come home, are reborn, for a bit. What a gift. Realize it for yourself, the plants/chemicals will assist!

Interesting experience! Interesting as well to hear of the Noopept + LSD combo...in the past I've found this to be a highly potent mix, it seems to make the LSD much more potent...interesting to hear your report of enhanced memory so you can bring back more insights with you.
Legarto Rey said:
Hogging the thread, sorry. I do gain insight from discussion of the mystic experience with those similarly informed. Is quantum/hyper space an objective reality that exists just past the veil of our mundane conscious state?

That's a really good question. Ever since my experience, I've been reflecting. I feel like that the beginning portion of the experience was a psychedelic baptism. I was put through tests of sorts. It was the first time I've ever went so deep and I didn't know what was happening. I was flitting between a lucid observational state and a reactive state. I was definitely having an ego death but there was a separation between me and the ego. It felt like I was separating from my wordly ego into a more pure existence (I refer to it simply as The Observer now.) Each "Ego Hell" felt like I was witnessing and experiencing the true nature of my ego. It was trying to ground me and prevent me from reaching an elevated state. Each time I let go, pieces of my ego dissolved. Once it was completely dissolved, all I saw before my eyes was white.

The Quantum Reality experience came afterwards. I still don't know how to make sense of it. It was outside of space and time. I believe it can be considered an objective reality in a narrow literary sense. The only way for it to be observed is to be free of subjectivity. Perhaps that was the purpose of the baptism. There were so many variables in this particular trip. What may have set it all off was while I was beginning to peak, I tried Single Pointed Meditation. That is when temporal reality collapsed around me and that marked the beginning of the journey.

I wish I had more insight so I could provide a better answer for your question but my time in the quantum/hyper was more or less just a brief respite that occurred during the tail-end of my experience. I got there. Temporarily integrated with universal consciousness. Experienced how it was to have vast unconditional universal empathy. Acquired a personal truth. Then I was out. Even though it was brief, it was worth it.

Infectedstyle said:
When the flower forgets everything it ever was and disappears into it seeds. It does not seize to be, it only reminds the seeds of everything it is and could and may be

I think this might be applicable just the same to you.

This is excellent and draws a perfect illustration. :thumb_up:
I wonder, I've been reading concepts from the Kabbalah. There's a lot that I don't understand from it but I believe I've acquired insight on what I may have experienced. If anyone is into esoteric, check out: Ein Sof.

This is an interesting read that delivers the meaning: Ein Sof, The Infinite — Angelarium: The Encyclopedia of Angels

Before this experience, I wouldn't even pay mind to the possibilities of any of this but now, I'm not so resolute. I'm just left with wonder. Perhaps I'm just grasping for a meaning behind my experience. I really don't know.
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