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Oral DMT without MAOI

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
I have heard talk of some acacia's being orally active without a MAOI. It's somewhat unclear which species and what conditions are necessary for this to work. This was a fairly low quality qualitative test to see the effects of A. Floribunda (identification tentative) phyllode tea.

I currently do not have access to scales, so quantities were eyeballed. I will attach photos of quantity of leaves used.

I started the test just drinking a few mouthfuls of tea to check for any ill effects. In a short period of time I started to notice some very mild psychedelic effects around the level of a microdose. The effects were very short lived 15-30mins. Some time later after the initial dose had worn off I took a larger dose of tea to much the same effect.

Having experienced dmt on psilocybin I have wondered if psilocin would have a sufficient MAOI effect to increase the oral bioavailability of DMT. So I took some mushrooms and drank some more tea. With a small amount of mushrooms (1-2 small woodlovers) it did potentiate the psychedelic effects but I did not achieve any significant dmt headspace or visuals. After about an hour I decided to take a full dose of shrooms and some more tea. At this point I began to experience some dmt headspace and borderline open eye visuals.

While psilocybin does seem to potentiate and increase the oral bioavailability of dmt the breakdown of dmt still seems to be too fast to allow for significant buildup of dmt in the body. A. floribunda tea does not seem to be siginificantly orally active on its own. I would not recommend either of these methods for taking dmt orally. It would be preferable to extract the dmt and smoke it while on mushrooms.


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Don't some acacias contain betacarbolines?

Perhaps you could get a sample of your tea sent off for analysis.

MAO blocking could also occur through the presence of flavonoids, it would be good to get to the bottom of this.
While I'm confident that psilocin and psilocybin potentiate the effects of DMT (and vice versa), I am not sure if psilocin is an MAOI at all. Pretty sure it's not a beta-carboline. However, it is possible that some strains of Acacia may have endogenous MAOI content in conjunction with its DMT content.

You could also potentiate both the psilocybin and DMT by ingesting harmalas beforehand. So if preferring oral active DMT with a mushroom journey take some harmalas about 30 minutes before administering DMT or mushrooms.

Thanks for sharing this info and please keep up the research. Definitely appreciated.

One love
downwardsfromzero said:
Don't some acacias contain betacarbolines?

Perhaps you could get a sample of your tea sent off for analysis.

MAO blocking could also occur through the presence of flavonoids, it would be good to get to the bottom of this.

As fair as I'm aware yes some do. I'm not sure how well documented it is which species do.

I'm happy to send some tea off if anyone wants to test it. I'm currently in NZ.
Voidmatrix said:
While I'm confident that psilocin and psilocybin potentiate the effects of DMT (and vice versa), I am not sure if psilocin is an MAOI at all. Pretty sure it's not a beta-carboline. However, it is possible that some strains of Acacia may have endogenous MAOI content in conjunction with its DMT content.

You could also potentiate both the psilocybin and DMT by ingesting harmalas beforehand. So if preferring oral active DMT with a mushroom journey take some harmalas about 30 minutes before administering DMT or mushrooms.

Thanks for sharing this info and please keep up the research. Definitely appreciated.

One love

My theory of how psilocin / psilocybin potentiate dmt and how they are orally active is that psilocin binds so strongly to MAOA that it doesn't unbind for some time effectively inhibiting MAO for a period of time. I have done some simulations of the binding of psilocin to MAOA and it definitely binds more strongly than DMT. It is also possible it preferentially binds in a different position preventing oxidation. I'm pretty new to enzyme modeling so a lot of this is guess work. I would be super keen to get input from anyone knowledgeable in the area.

I would have used an MAOI if I had access to one. I have yet to find a source in NZ.
Psilocin is at least theoretically a competitive substrate for MAO, and that hydroxy group may indeed increase the binding affinity.

I can only wish you the best of luck in exploring the botany and phytochemistry of NZ. There's bound to be something interesting there somewhere - now we're counting on you to find it! 😁
Okay, you both are making a lot of sense with those thoughts. I can certainly see that; effectively a kind of pseudo-RIMA, if you will.

Hunt around. You may find something that no one here has come across or thought of. :)

One love
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I will definitely be exploring the NZ flora. Unfortunately I don't really have any way of testing beyond uv fluorescence atm.
Wow, any new acacia species that one can make a tea with, and feel a high? Acacia longifolia and A. Cyclops are invasive species here, also A.longifolia sub species sophorae, I think. These will now definitely be tested as a strong tea. 😜
I'm not sure, but i believe that nen888 was the first person here to report about acacia confusa being orally active without any added MAOI's. There is probably no one here with as much experience with, and knowledge about A.C. as our nen. I think he could probably shed some more light on this topic.
I remember the few times I drunk Acacia Confusa on its own I felt the presence of divinity, even spirit guides with me. It seemed to increase a feeling or the perception of synchronicity.

But it was very subtle and I was detached from it, or at least I could connect with it at will, as opposed to the Ayahuasca experience where I am "in it" whether I want to be or not.
I have read that People who brewed... [strained]... acacia bark tea .... got quite stoned ...without taking an MAOI...
But this takes someone with a very strong stomach ...:alien: [and there probibly was some naseua] ....not my favorite method though..
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