Hi all,
Sorry if this question has already been asked. SWIM wants to try oral jurema tea and is considering a cold water extraction as he has read (from OTT and others) that this method may minimize tannins in the tea. But the egg white method also sounds interesting. What would people recommend as the best way of preparing the jurema for oral consumption to reduce tannins (and hopefully accompanying nausea and purging)? SWIM could possibly try a cold water traditional extraction, and after straining out any solids then do the egg white tek, does that make sense?
Sorry if this question has already been asked. SWIM wants to try oral jurema tea and is considering a cold water extraction as he has read (from OTT and others) that this method may minimize tannins in the tea. But the egg white method also sounds interesting. What would people recommend as the best way of preparing the jurema for oral consumption to reduce tannins (and hopefully accompanying nausea and purging)? SWIM could possibly try a cold water traditional extraction, and after straining out any solids then do the egg white tek, does that make sense?