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Origins of Pharma + Product


Senior Member
OG Pioneer
Can anyone enlighten as to the origins of the word "Product" that people use to discuss their extracts?
Is this a common chemistry term or something? Or is it just some random word people use?

Also, the word Pharma. Where did this come from?
Why pharma?
"A pharmaceutical drug, also referred to as medicine, medication or medicament, can be loosely defined as any chemical substance intended for use in the medical diagnosis, cure, treatment, or prevention of disease." - wiki

Doesn't really sound like taking a shot of THH + sp!ce in lime juice...

If I had it my way, Product + Pharma would be abolished from the land :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
:roll: véale en Sacramento :roll:
۩ said:
Can anyone enlighten as to the origins of the word "Product" that people use to discuss their extracts?
Is this a common chemistry term or something? Or is it just some random word people use?

Also, the word Pharma. Where did this come from?
Why pharma?
"A pharmaceutical drug, also referred to as medicine, medication or medicament, can be loosely defined as any chemical substance intended for use in the medical diagnosis, cure, treatment, or prevention of disease." - wiki

Doesn't really sound like taking a shot of THH + sp!ce in lime juice...

If I had it my way, Product + Pharma would be abolished from the land :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
:roll: véale en Sacramento :roll:
Pharma comes from the Greek 'pharmakon', meaning both remedy and poison. The Greeks understood that drugs could both heal and harm depending on use. The word 'product' is commonly used to denote a good or item that satisfies a need.
Pharma=Pharmahuasca, yes?

To me it sounds just right, like an extract is done on the desired plant and taken that way, the word pharma to me sounds like something that has had human influence in the outcome.

For product, I think it must come from the end product that is being produced, ready for use.
I always thought that product was just a drug dealer/manufacturer's term, but it seems that it is actually a chemistry term:

A product is a substance that forms as a result of a biological- or chemical reaction. While the end product of some chemical reactions may be the result of a relatively rapid reaction, nanoseconds to seconds, chemical equilibria in complex systems may require years or even centuries to be established. For example, equilibria in groundwater systems with multiple components are achieved on timescales of millennia, if ever. When a chemical change occurs, reactants are rearranged. The result of these rearrangements is the formation of new, different substances (products)also properly having the effect on mutation.

Product (chemistry) - Wikipedia

I reckon words are words though. Some new ones annoy me but I often find myself using them in the end. In English we are lucky though. There are so many words for everything. If you really hate a word you're not forced to use it! As long as we can all get our point across to each other we can all use whichever ones we want (I've never used pharma or product before this post).
I've had christian friends run away scared because i offered them ' pharma ' witch they related to pharmakia in the old testimant
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