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Out of Body experience

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Any tips on how to achieve one without the use of any substance?
I've tried listening to guided meditations on ytube and no success yet. Read a little bit about them and about astral projecting, but all I've managed to achieve is to feel weird sensations (sometimes pleasant, sometimes I don't know if I'm physically safe) in different parts of the body and vibrations or waves. I've also been feeling something in between the eyebrows when I smoke cannabis.
This is what worked/works for me, I independently discovered this technique before ever encountering this guide and found it to be effective so I can definitely vouch for it:

Some information on this thread that may be of interest:

In my admittedly limited experience, OBE's were experienced as something as highly distinct from lucid dreaming (which I have a lot more experience with)...although the latter sometimes immediately precluded the former. I found them to be much more vivid, realistic and tangible and much easier to recall post experience. But definitely something worth pursuing with for any consciousness explorer.

Weird sensations and vibrations/waves should be taken as small sign posts that you're entering trance and heading in the right direction. A lot of the more experienced people recommend trying this in the early morning having already slept a bit, it seems to help things along for many.
in the end its really simple...just dont move (I mean NOTHING!) let your body breath alone and stay still , even your eyes(!) If you can manage to stay awake in your mind while your body falls asleep, you will enter sleep paralysis. From there its really simple to leave your body just with intention and attention.

The body trys to check if you are asleep. If you have the power to resist his checks - like the strong need to roll over to the other side - the body will fall asleep and these sensations get stronger and stronger till the body is paralysed.
TryptaTom said:
in the end its really simple...just dont move (I mean NOTHING!) let your body breath alone and stay still , even your eyes(!) If you can manage to stay awake in your mind while your body falls asleep, you will enter sleep paralysis. From there its really simple to leave your body just with intention and attention.

The body trys to check if you are asleep. If you have the power to resist his checks - like the strong need to roll over to the other side - the body will fall asleep and these sensations get stronger and stronger till the body is paralysed.

You sound like your sucessfull at Out of body travel?

I dont think learning to OBE is that easy for most people. and a lucid dream is just a skip across the creek to an OBE.... one can use ..[sleep paraylisis].. as a spring board into a lucid dream or OBE!

The easiest way for an OBE is for one to be near death... then it can happen naturaly...

ive spent years recording my normal dreams and ive tryed galantamine and many other nutropics but could not really master lucid dreaming or obes to the point of success every time...

I just had a lucid dream this morning ..i levatated and flew for miles across rooftops eventually to land in a dream building full of dream carrectors it was a great experiance ...

It just doesnt happen often enough for me unless i start taking dream supliments every week like i used to do...

If you OBE often please explain how you acheive this?...????

for an expert lucid dreamer can find his way to the gates of heaven several times a week and wake in the morning feeling great!?

its just as simple as I stated, most people have problem with being still because the mind is too strong...and then they move. To tame the mind is the most diffucult here. Yoga and Meditation are perfect preparation to achieve OBE. Yoga tames the body and one can easily relax deep, meditation tames the mind, with that one has way more control and energy and can easily stay awake.

This happens every night for everyone its a natural mechanism to get paralyzed.
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