Gone-and-Back said:
When you are talking about using rye berry cakes, are you referring to making a cake out of nothing but rye grain that has been powdered? I want to try growing some of my own cubes at some point after I get my own place to live, and would love to try this method.
I have yet to grow cubes, so I will probably do the BRF cakes first, but after a few of those I would love to do the rye idea. Maybe do both rye and BRF cakes side by side with the same strain to see how they compare, which should show if it is indeed the strain that is causing so many pins or if it is actually the fact that they are growing on a more nutritious substrate.
So if I understand correctly, instead of using a mixture of BRF and Verm to create the cakes, all you are doing is wetting down a bunch of rye flour and forming cakes with that, then placing that into a jar with a layer of verm over the top and sterilizing in a pressure cooker? This seems easy enough, but it does suck that they are more prone to contamination after the first flush.
Regarding the quick 30 second dunk in bleach prior to dunking in water, is this being done with straight bleach? Or a mixture of water and bleach? If its a mixture, what ratios of both water and bleach are you using? I feel that this could easily damage the mycelium if not done properly with the correct ratios of everything.
Great findings, keep up the good work!
hi there, glad you liked the post
They are 100% rye grain no powdering or grinding. I soak and boil the grains and then put in a jar and top with dry verm and pc.... its the same procedure for a BRF cake but instead of verm coated in rice flour we used pure rye berries.
if you are new, always start with the pf brf cake tek. you will learn enough from that to do most other things. if you can master pf tek, you are on your way
I say they are more prone to contams but only slightly, the bleach dunk is controversial, some don't like it, I reread my post, I said 30 seconds, that should read 30 mins, and no it is very diluted bleach, say a 1:100, bleach:water solution... im guessing I just put a tiny bit in, so its about 1:100
Bleach can damage the mycelium if you used a lot of bleach and dunked them for an extended period of time, but saying that, I have dunked cakes that have flushed 4 times in very strong bleach for 12 hours + and they fruited again! but others would probably frown on this practice and I cannot blame them... but the mycelium recovers and fruits and the shrooms are as potent as any other ones with no noticeable difference between them and shrooms from a none bleached cake...
I have seen cubensis mycelium eat a patch of cobweb on a huge bulk mono tub that I had sprayed with very strong bleach! the bleach killed the cobweb and the mycelium ate through the substrait where I sprayed the bleach!
So I would recommend reading up on bleach dunks before you try them, with brf you don't need to bleach dunk anything, but you can, its optional, but read up on it first so you don't do anything wrong or potentially poison yourself (dunno how you would poison yourself doing a bleach dunk, but bleach is toxic if consumed so caution is recommended)
Best of luck, more pics soon