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P. harmala seeds to suppress fungal pathogens?

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I'm going to be showing new cactus seeds using misplant's instructions.

One issue I've had in the past is fungal growth. Could harmala seeds mixed with the soil help here? According to the research paper below, "tocol" compounds suppress parasitic fungus.

The desired oils to suppress fungal growth can be extracted with naphtha per the paper. Perhaps I can do that and after the seeds are dry again, use them for a harmala extraction.

Has anyone heard about this before? Just a few thoughts.

I also wonder if this oil could be added to Cubensis monotubs to suppress mold? I may hurt cubrnsis mycelium though.

Thought the possibilities where interesting enough to share here.

High Reserve in δ-Tocopherol of Peganum harmala Seeds Oil and Antifungal Activity of Oil against Ten Plant Pathogenic Fungi
The article below mentions suppression of pathogens by Harmalas alone.

So perhaps whole seed mix would be best to suppress fungal pathogens.

That's a pretty amazing tocopherol content - around 2.5% of the seed oil, which makes up around ⅛ of the seeds themselves if I've read correctly. So the seeds are about 0.3% tocopherols. I suspect this value will decline with increasing age of the seeds.

We'd better hope the seeds don't in addition suppress cactus germination though!

I've not found anything in the literature with a very rudimentary search, but did find this tangential gem:
to be discussed in a more suitable thread. The gist is an overnight soak in very salty anecdotally improves harmala germination (and a bunch of other seeds too).
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