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Pachycereus pringlei

Migrated topic.
Grey Fox said:
Ariocarpus is another genus of cacti that is also reported to have psychoactive effects. The problem is that once you get outside of Lophophora and Trichocereus then if mescaline is present it is usually only there in tiny amounts. There are other less well understood compounds that may have effects. But people always seem to fall back on Peyote and San Pedro because they are better understood and the effects are strong and classically psychedelic. Why not bioassay your cactus and report the effects to us? I once attempted to eat the dried outer green flesh of Saguaro but the taste was so intensely bitter, much more so than Trichocereus, that I abandonned the experiment. Trichocereus are so widely available and fast growing that I never seriously explored other types of cacti.

1. Only some of the boxes have been ticked so far. (I have a long history with psychedelics. I'm under no illusions to the importance of doing the background research before bio essying anything).
2. I've got a business to run, 7 days a week and a family to raise.

I'll do it in january as I said, when I have a 3 week holiday.

Preperation is a massive part of staying safe when trying any new plant.
Grey Fox said:
I'm looking forward to your report from January. I cant find any online trip reports for this species, and only one report for the closesly related Saguaro cactus (Have you read it? Carnegiea gigantea - Erowid Exp - 'More Hallucinogenic Than Entheogenic'). It will be interesting to hear how the Pachycereus pringlei expereince goes, and whether or not the effects are even pleasant.
Grey Fox I can't thank you enough for this report. It seems to correlate with the Shulgens' experiences'in the sense that it invoked fear and paranoia as well as being more hallucinogenic than entheogenic. I know its a different cactus but very similar in many ways.
Loveall said:
I'm growing one of these. Looking forward to a January report.

I can add that this cactus survives my local winter (down to 10F), so it seems very hardy.
Saguaro? I dont see any red spines unless the picture was taken straight after the dormant period. How old is it? I'm guessing two years judging by the new growth. I see it's thrown out a new rib, mine still has it's original amount.
lemmy said:
Loveall said:
I'm growing one of these. Looking forward to a January report.

I can add that this cactus survives my local winter (down to 10F), so it seems very hardy.
Saguaro? I dont see any red spines unless the picture was taken straight after the dormant period. How old is it? I'm guessing two years judging by the new growth. I see it's thrown out a new rib, mine still has it's original amount.

Yeah it's been two years since I bought it. The label from the store says Pachycereus pringlei, so I'm going by that. It has been dormant for about 6 weeks I would say.
So far I could only find two trip reports, one of them being a writeup pertaining to Alexander Shulgin testing it on himself and a few other participants. It seems to be a fairly dysphoric experience. Does anyone know the active psychoactive chemicals in this species? I can't find much about this cacti anywhere.
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