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Paranoid of a Bad Trip?

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Hello everyone, I smoked DMT for the first time maybe a month and 1/2 or so ago. It was an incredible experience however I've found myself afraid to take the plunge again.

I've posted before regarding "meaning" with DMT. After my trip, I became slightly obsessed with DMT because I believed it was "the answer to it all" and that everything which happened on the trip was real. I have always been a person who constantly asks myself existiental questions, and DMT *seemed* like answer. I almost treated and treasured it like my God for a moment.

Of course, I realize this is not the case. There's no clinical evidence to prove DMT floods our brains when we die, or that it's "the answer to everything", or that it's a "portal to other dimensions", or anything of the sort. It is not solid evidence for answers to my existiental questions. Only theory, just like any other "answer to it all". It may have more scientific evidence than other theories, but it is not 100% pure fact. However, I was *treating* it and *believing* it as though it was hard fact. I hope this makes sense.

Anyways, though I've established in my mind that it's all just another theory and not fact, I still find myself paranoid to try it again. I have enough left for one breakthrough dose, but have yet to use it. I'm afraid of having a bad trip.

I don't know why I'm so afraid of having a bad trip, I feel like it's because of the "meaning" and "truth" my mind attached to the drug. I fear that if I have a bad trip it will feel "real" (I've read many people describe their DMT breakthrough experiences as "more real than real" ) and I will suffer more than I ever have before, that I will suffer at the hands of some evil celestial being that's "real". I've read several posts and seen YouTube trip reports of people saying that it was traumatizing and one of the worst experiences of their life.

DMT made me feel so good, so unafraid. I felt so comfortable, as if I had been there before. I felt like I was travelling familiar territory, like I had been there before and will be there again. Perhaps because I felt so amazing and at peace, I'm afraid of experiencing the opposite? It's so easy to cling on to the idea that what we experience after death is good and peaceful, its terrifying to think we experience suffering and pain.

Maybe I fear that if I have a bad trip, it'll shatter the idea that death and where we go afterwards is peaceful and happy, and it may lead to feeling miserable/pessimistic/nihilistic about life after death. Though i know DMT is only in theory what we experience when we die, maybe because the "good" trip felt so real, perhaps I'm afraid of the bad trip feeling real, too.

I feel like being paranoid of a bad trip is going to do nothing but give me a bad trip. I've heard that DMT will give you whatever trip it gives you and you don't necessarily have a choice/control over it like other psychedelics, but I doubt being paranoid of having a bad trip before smoking will make me any *less* likely to have one.

I guess my question here is if any of you have experienced this paranoia as well. Why did you feel paranoid, and how did you deal with it? Is there any way to stop feeling paranoid? Should I avoid using my last bit of DMT until the paranoia subsides, or should I just take the plunge and conquer my fear?

Also if any of you have had a bad breakthrough on DMT I'd be interested to hear what you experienced, how you dealt with it during and afterwards, what you learned, how you feel now, etc.

I know it's ignorant to think everything is happy and good all the time. There's a balance in this world, I feel. You can't feel true joy if you've never suffered, and vice versa. Joy and happiness is always fleeting, but so is anger, fear and pain, too. Nothing is permanent or set in stone. I guess sometimes its just easier to believe it's all good. To hope that we're destined to experience something good after death. Maybe at the end of the day, it just depends on what you choose to believe.

Thanks for reading!
This post is very reminiscent of the first few times i delved into the world of DMT. Only one difference, i had no fear of the bad trip. I was so obsessed by the psychedelic state offered by DMT, that i considered anything it showed me as holy and sacred.

To this day, i don't fear the bad trip. In fact, i kind of seek it. They aren't bad trips, but "challenging experiences". I've taken DMT so many times, that i get bored of only visuals and some generic and vague wisdom. I'd rather have the total disciplining beatdown, the type of experience that jolts life back into you, reminding one to continue on the path of self-improvement with voracious enthusiasm. I truly hate passing my time in the real world, not doing anything. If i'm not doing anything, i'd rather it be through meditation. Procrastination is truly the soul killer. So, i guess that's why i seek the challenging experiences, they are like a strict martial arts master, beating some discipline back into young grasshopper.

PS. That username made me laugh a lot.
Ghost_Titties said:
I guess my question here is if any of you have experienced this paranoia as well. Why did you feel paranoid, and how did you deal with it? Is there any way to stop feeling paranoid? Should I avoid using my last bit of DMT until the paranoia subsides, or should I just take the plunge and conquer my fear?

I say take the plunge... it won't kill you, and I think you feel much better after facing that which scares you. You sound like you have a good head on your shoulders, so have confidence in your ability to deal with whatever comes your way.

There are some things that I think may help. At least they help me when I want to stay a little more grounded during an experience.

Get comfortable... make everything nice and comfy for your experience. Light candles... incense if you like.. meditate if that is your thing. Set an intent and stick with it.

I have experimented with many sounds and music while ingesting DMT. I found that music that I really enjoy and love had a profound effect on my DMT experience. It can have a great grounding effect. I also highly recommend using your voice if you can. Hum along to the music. Chant a mantra. Make weird noises. Laugh if you can!! Anything sound related can transform your experience. I found humming to be the most affective way to get through a difficult journey. That is why a very familiar song can help as it is much easier to hum or sing along.

Just go for it!! Don't be to timid about it. You might even get 'there' and wonder why you were so worried. Worst case would be that you have a difficult journey and well.... it's over in a few minutes. Don't buy into all you hear from Youtubers. I have seen many a moron on youtube that simply should not be using psychedelics to begin with.

Good luck and happy travels!! :thumb_up:
As others have said, I think you should just go for it. The fear and paranoia is a normal response to something you don't understand. As for bad trips, I don't really believe in them. I've had some very rough and challenging ones myself but in the end it will be over soon and is up to you what to take from the experience. Just relax and go for it when you feel it is the right time to do so.
Psilosopher? said:
This post is very reminiscent of the first few times i delved into the world of DMT. Only one difference, i had no fear of the bad trip. I was so obsessed by the psychedelic state offered by DMT, that i considered anything it showed me as holy and sacred.

To this day, i don't fear the bad trip. In fact, i kind of seek it. They aren't bad trips, but "challenging experiences". I've taken DMT so many times, that i get bored of only visuals and some generic and vague wisdom. I'd rather have the total disciplining beatdown, the type of experience that jolts life back into you, reminding one to continue on the path of self-improvement with voracious enthusiasm. I truly hate passing my time in the real world, not doing anything. If i'm not doing anything, i'd rather it be through meditation. Procrastination is truly the soul killer. So, i guess that's why i seek the challenging experiences, they are like a strict martial arts master, beating some discipline back into young grasshopper.

This!! :love: :love: :love: :thumb_up:
DmnStr8 said:
Psilosopher? said:
This post is very reminiscent of the first few times i delved into the world of DMT. Only one difference, i had no fear of the bad trip. I was so obsessed by the psychedelic state offered by DMT, that i considered anything it showed me as holy and sacred.

To this day, i don't fear the bad trip. In fact, i kind of seek it. They aren't bad trips, but "challenging experiences". I've taken DMT so many times, that i get bored of only visuals and some generic and vague wisdom. I'd rather have the total disciplining beatdown, the type of experience that jolts life back into you, reminding one to continue on the path of self-improvement with voracious enthusiasm. I truly hate passing my time in the real world, not doing anything. If i'm not doing anything, i'd rather it be through meditation. Procrastination is truly the soul killer. So, i guess that's why i seek the challenging experiences, they are like a strict martial arts master, beating some discipline back into young grasshopper.

This!! :love: :love: :love: :thumb_up:

Ditto! I am of the same mindset as Psilosopher?. There are no bad trips, only experiences. I also firmly believe and trust that DMT, along with other psychedelics, don't show you what you want, but rather what you need.
I believe you will be hyperslapped if you need to be hyperslapped. I'm afraid still and it takes tremendous courage everytime (Dutch courage helps me) it won't kill you. I've been hyperslapped I never want that again it was performed with love and intent as terrifying as it was its exactly what I needed. Have respect and love in your heart I'm sure you will be fine. X
When taking any psychedelic, you have to be prepared to accept whatever you are shown. Due to how powerful the experience is and the possibility of a difficult time, it is normal to have some fear going in. I have been using psychedelics for many years and I still get pre-flight anxiety, even from just 1 tab of LSD. My ego will go through a bargaining process trying to convince me why I should not take the dose. I realized this is just your ego knowing what is coming and fighting the possibility that it will be shattered. If you listen to that inner voice, you will never trip. Even with difficult experiences, I have never once said to myself "I wish I didn't take the plunge."

Does it get easier over time? Yes. It becomes easier to realize what exactly the ego is doing and take the plunge in spite of it. Does it ever go away? Not for me personally, but everyone is different.

How do you get over it? Live your life to its fullest, outside of the psychedelic experience. Eat healthy and take care of your body. Spend time with friends and family. Take time to smell the roses and enjoy the sky. Live your life in a way that you can look back on it from your death bed and be proud of the person you were. Keep up with this and you will have positivity going into your trips because you will already have positivity in your daily life.

Before every psychedelic experience, I like to go through a ritual. This may help you too. Clean your house thoroughly to get rid of clutter and grime. Give away anything you do not want or need (kind of like a physical purging of "stuff" ). Right any wrong in your life that is possible. Eat healthy and light the day of the experience. Shortly before the plunge: meditate. Remind yourself that you will be going into a temporary psychedelic experience. You will be safe and it will end. You are prepared to face anything it has to show you. Breathe.

Even with all of the preparation in the world, you might still have a difficult trip. But these are the trips that help you improve your life or your spirituality. Take them in and learn from them.
Another one in the 'there's no such thing as a bad trip' camp .....utterly mind-blowingly terrifying yes but on reflection these are the best most fulfilling experiences to be had . To feel anxious , paranoid before such an experience is to be expected , your stepping into something unknown every time ...even the most experienced traveller has no idea where the journey will take them , that's half the 'fun':twisted:
DmnStr8 said:
Psilosopher? said:
This post is very reminiscent of the first few times i delved into the world of DMT. Only one difference, i had no fear of the bad trip. I was so obsessed by the psychedelic state offered by DMT, that i considered anything it showed me as holy and sacred.

To this day, i don't fear the bad trip. In fact, i kind of seek it. They aren't bad trips, but "challenging experiences". I've taken DMT so many times, that i get bored of only visuals and some generic and vague wisdom. I'd rather have the total disciplining beatdown, the type of experience that jolts life back into you, reminding one to continue on the path of self-improvement with voracious enthusiasm. I truly hate passing my time in the real world, not doing anything. If i'm not doing anything, i'd rather it be through meditation. Procrastination is truly the soul killer. So, i guess that's why i seek the challenging experiences, they are like a strict martial arts master, beating some discipline back into young grasshopper.

This!! :love: :love: :love: :thumb_up:

I was going to comment, but Psilo said this real well
Thank you all so much for the positive replies and incredible insights! I feel much better, and am a bit more excited for my next plunge :)
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