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Paul Stamets Gets New Mushroom Named After Him

Migrated topic.
Regardless of how people feel about him as an individual, and about the stories he has told over the years, the influence he has had on the community is undeniable, and I personally am glad there are people like him out there, spearheading the importance of fungi in the public's eye.

Good on him. :thumb_up:
Thanks for posting this, Stamets and his books have certainly had influence on me for many years and it's great to see his relentless enthusiasm make waves in his lifetime.
Definitly he had some great influence , and i still consider his books a really good base for any grower

neverless, in my purest opinion, mushrooms should not be named after a dude... this is missing the point they trying to make, over and over and over , that IT'S NOT ABOUT YOU. OR ANYBODY.
Quetzal7 said:
neverless, in my purest opinion, mushrooms should not be named after a dude... this is missing the point they trying to make, over and over and over , that IT'S NOT ABOUT YOU. OR ANYBODY.

Or maybe it's you who misses the point and take mushrooms naming issue too seriously? :)

made from this mushroom: Fomes fomentarius - Wikipedia

It is cool, I mean I'm even a little envious of that hat. My favorite part is that this same mushroom was found on the ice man dated back 5,300 years: Refuge Notebook: Tinder fungus, the Ice Man and amadou | Peninsula Clarion

According to Stamets, the fungus can smolder / burn very slowly, so if a fire is started, one could light the Fomes Fomentarius and blow out flame and it's like a punk or incense and could be kept that way for a very long time to start your next fire.
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