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Perfection of Death

Migrated topic.


I have gazed into the eyes of insanity and returne
I decided to smoke dmt last night and had a death experience. I wish I could recall all the amazing details but here goes…..

I was super stoned listening to music. After first minor hit of dmt I got the body shakes. Most severe I’ve had from dmt/weed…. Like a really bad fever. I piled as many covers and pillows as I could to warm up. I distinctly recall having the feeling that if I hit the dmt one more time I will die. The thought came while in a dmt-like trance. I also already knew that I was hitting it again as if it was not a choice at all… just a fact of the sequence of pre-selected events that make up my life. I was right. The trip was absolutely mind blowing. It was a realization that I had already died and understanding why now was the perfect time for my death. All the life pieces wrapped up neatly, fit together like the most well designed puzzle ever. It all made sense. The meaning of life, the puzzles of existence… what I learned…. I felt… welcomed to what was next but also felt a clinging onto life…. Barely. It was a choice to stay dead, as I had graduated…. Or to come back to life. There was a caveat though… to keep living will be a shadow of possibility and not part of my actual life -- maybe a better description would be that continuing life would not be part of my spiritual growth anymore. My life has ended now regardless of if I wanted to stay around to see more possibilities. It is hard to articulate what that means…. Almost like I’m more less observing now instead of participating. It felt amazing to have ‘graduated’.... And seeing all the parts come together was perfection… life wrapped up in that moment was both the perfect timing and massive release / relief. I didn’t have to go any further. The struggle was over. I felt split…. I wasn’t entirely sure I was going to come out of that trip… or that I even wanted to. The only three things that had me considering staying…. love of my life… my kids… and a life passion project I had not finished yet. That’s it… the rest was super easy to let go of.

This was truly an epic experience…. Instead of white lights and loved ones… It was more like DMT space massively, expanded consciousness and the knowing that I was ok and exist outside of this human experience. That I have always existed outside the human experience and have decided to remember my true nature as I wrap up this life experience. That my human experience had deep profound meaning and I could clearly see exactly how all the puzzle pieces of my life fit within the larger context of higher realities… and it was all perfection. It was a sense of ‘catching up to the fact I had already died’. Almost like I died before even being born and just now ready to accept that I am not alive. Or maybe I died in a plane crash a while ago and ‘life’ continuing was only because I hadn’t let go yet. I hadn’t accepted that I was dead. I have often felt that my back and neck pain are premonitions of my death. A sort of paying it forward to feel the chronic pain in life so that when I die I don’t have to feel the full brunt of the pain all at once. This trip was confirmation of that premise…. I saw the details of my death and how it all fit but the death itself, the how, and gory details was not as interesting as the feeling that I graduated, and how much meaning my life had…. How special the experience was… how perfect it all fit together in the larger picture of my true nature. That the infinite consciousness, me as god, is simply not complete without the perfection of my human life.
I have had very similar experiences. It is truly something that cannot be explained. Sometimes I feel like I have been born, lived, and dies a million times. Always returning to something. The return feels soooooo familiar. It feels like I am always there. It feels like I have already died. Birth, life, and death all on one string.

We die and are born in every breath. We die when we sleep and awake to a new birth with fresh eyes. We die when we meditate and are reborn when we return. The moments between are the same. The moments between is this familiar place. Music needs rest notes enable for the music to play.

I think I have been reading too many Intezam posts...lol... We wish you well!

Intezam I mean this with the utmost respect my friend. I love how you speak in third person. We are all one after all. All going through the same motions. Choosing these lives we live.
Thank you for posting!

I sometimes get criticism for my convictions involving the DMT state and death...yet one of the most common themes I hear in anecdotes is "I thought I had died"

Thank you again for posting.

I'll leave with some mckenna on the issue:
The metaphor of a vehicle--an after-death vehicle, an astral body--is used by several traditions. Shamanism and certain yogas, including Taoist yoga, claim very clearly that the purpose of life is to familiarize oneself with this after-death body so that the act of dying will not create confusion in the psyche. One will recognize what is happening. One will know what to do and one will make a clean break. Yet there does seem to be the possibility of a problem in dying. It is not the case that one is condemned to eternal life. One can muff it through ignorance. Apparently at the moment of death there is a kind of separation, like birth--the metaphor is trivial, but perfect. There is a possibility of damage or of incorrect activity. The English poet-mystic William Blake said that as one starts into the spiral there is the possibility of falling from the golden track into eternal death. Yet it is only a crisis of a moment--a crisis of passage--and the whole purpose of shamanism and of life correctly lived is to strengthen the soul and to strengthen the ego's relationship to the soul so that this passage can be cleanly made. This is the traditional position...
What psychedelics encourage, and where I hope attention will focus once hallucinogens are culturally integrated to the point where large groups of people can plan research programs without fear of persecution, is the modeling of the after-death state. Psychedelics may do more than model this state; they may reveal the nature of it. -Terence mckenna

DmnStr8 said:
I have had very similar experiences. It is truly something that cannot be explained. Sometimes I feel like I have been born, lived, and dies a million times. Always returning to something. The return feels soooooo familiar. It feels like I am always there. It feels like I have already died. Birth, life, and death all on one string.

We die and are born in every breath. We die when we sleep and awake to a new birth with fresh eyes. We die when we meditate and are reborn when we return. The moments between are the same. The moments between is this familiar place. Music needs rest notes enable for the music to play.

I think I have been reading too many Intezam posts...lol... We wish you well!

Intezam I mean this with the utmost respect my friend. I love how you speak in third person. We are all one after all. All going through the same motions. Choosing these lives we live.

Everything you just said seems to lend credence to Buddhist theory of life and death...that consciousness is in a constant cycle between physical incarnations...

When I reached death during my first DMT flash, I was overcome with intense dejavu, I knew where I was and I knew that I had been there many times...which again, lends support to the Tibetan Buddhist model of death...

Only in Tibetan Buddhism, incarnation does not necessarily happen willingly, you start at "the clear light" then you "degrade" into lower conscious states, and eventually, you take refuge in a womb, escaping for horrors of the between, of which there are many.

The soul who is still not liberated after the Judgment will now be drawn remorselessly toward rebirth.

The lights of the six Lokas will dawn again; into one of these worlds the soul must be born, and the light of the one he is destined for will shine more brightly than the others.The soul is still experiencing the frightening apparitions and sufferings of the third bardo, and he feels that he will do anything to escape from this condition. He will seek shelter in what appear to be caves or hiding-places, but which are actually the entrances to wombs. He is warned of this by the text of the Bardo Thodol, and urged not to enter them, but to meditate upon the Clear Light instead; for it is still possible for him to achieve the third degree of liberation and avoid rebirth.

Finally there comes a point where it is no longer possible to attain liberation, and after this the soul is given instructions on how to choose the best womb for a favorable incarnation. The basic method is non-attachment:to try to rise above both attraction to worldly pleasures and repulsion from worldly ills. http://www.near-death.com/religion/buddhism/tibetan-book-of-the-dead.html

I could go further into this if your interested, but I'm going to stop here in an attempt to keep my posts short.

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