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PF-tek Growth Rate Variation

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
A fellow grower asked my why some of his cakes have many pins and grow into huge fruits while others produce only few pins and are somewhat diminished.

He placed the fruiting chamber under the window. The FC contains 3 rows of cakes.

The row near the wall (most growth) seem to have most moisture (judging by the water droplets on the FC wall), most heat (there is a heating on the wall) and least light.

On the other hand, the row furthest from the wall (least growth) seem to have least moisture, least heat and most light.

He solves this by rotating the FC each day, but he is puzzled why there is so much difference in growth.

What is the major factor causing this? Temperature? Light? Humidity? Evaporation rate?

Thanks for any suggestions so we can solve this mystery.


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What strain is your fellow cultivating?

When he rotates the box and the conditions are pretty much the same for all cakes, I guess it has something to do with the cakes itself.

Nevertheless, I have no direct answer to your question but please do yourself and us (your beloved fellows with whom you want to share these "fruits of the gods" ) a favour and avoid direct contact between aluminum foil and the organism. I had several situations, where the mycelium just ate itself through the foil. Which can lead to mutations in the fb and maybe toxicity! Seeing these pf-cakes directly on the foil let all my alarm bells ring. Saftey first!

Mush love and happy breeding, tseuq
blue.magic said:
A fellow grower asked my why some of his cakes have many pins and grow into huge fruits while others produce only few pins and are somewhat diminished.

mushrooms are all unique and grow at their own rate. i have 1 brick going rn that took 3 weeks longer than all its peers to fruit... no explanation why (tho RR will always tell you it's bc of 'contamination'), it just is what it is. Fungus aren't like plants which are somewhat predictable.

first suggestion - i'd recommend pulling it away from the heater and putting it somewhere there's a more even ambient temp...
FC appears to be well vented for CO2 elimination. May well be a convection current that is a bit more robust on the warmer(wall) side of the chamber facilitating more efficient air exchange??

Has your pal had good results with that venting system on FC?
How regularly, if ever, does he/she remove top and "fan" the FC?

paulsage said:
blue.magic said:
A fellow grower asked my why some of his cakes have many pins and grow into huge fruits while others produce only few pins and are somewhat diminished.

mushrooms are all unique and grow at their own rate.

Yes but the cakes in the same row show same growth profile which made my friend suspicious it has someting to do with the window.

Legarto Rey said:
Has your pal had good results with that venting system on FC?
How regularly, if ever, does he/she remove top and "fan" the FC?

Yes it's a FC I gave to him and I made several batches with it without external venting/faning.


Okay he showed me the setup. The FC sits next to a bathroom window. There is probably a huge temp. gradient since one side of the FC is near ice cold window while the other side overhangs above a heating (which heats up the room to 26 degrees centigrade).

I advised him to lower the temperature, since its way too high for fruiting. The convection from heating may also evaporated most of the water in perlite making the cakes too dry.
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