The question is ‘Are there herbs in the temperate zone that contain DMT?’ Yes. There are certain grasses – Phalaris arundinacea, Phalaris tuberosa. These can be ordered from plant dealers or gotten, ironically enough, from agricultural experiment stations because these are pasturage grasses. A lot of people are doing wonderful work right now learning how to make DMT preparations out of native plants. The mature Phalaris grass, it’s very diffuse – the DMT. So what people are doing is they’re getting the seeds and they’re spouting them in a sprouter. And then they’re taking the sprouted seeds and air drying them. Well, you can imagine how powdery sprouts become if you air dry them. Well then you can powder up a handful of these sprouts and twist that into a bomber and come very very close to the flash point. The other thing – I mean, since I’m talking to recipe-oriented magicians – the other thing you need to understand if you want to work in this area is that DMT can ordinarily not be taken orally because there is an enzyme system in your intestines called the mono amine oxidase system. And it will destroy the DMT. But the good news is there are certain compounds called mono amine oxidase inhibitors – didn’t you know it. If you take a mono amine oxidase inhibitor, and then you take DMT, the DMT will survive the gut and pass into the blood stream, and pass the blood-brain barrier. So here is a very important piece of practical information I am about to give you. If you want to inhibit your mono amine oxidase in order to make DMT trips longer, or mushroom trips longer and more intense, or to activate DMT if you only have a little bit of it, then what you should get are the seeds of Peganum harmala. You can either order it under that name from seed dealers, or go to an Iranian market and buy what is called Hurmal. This is simply Peganum harmala seeds. They use it as an incense to fumigate rooms. But two grams – don’t take more – two grams of this macerated in a mortar and pestle with spring water taken from a spring at the new moon near a crossroads will inhibit your MAO. It will inhibit your MAO. Consequently, then when you smoke the bomber of Phalaris dust it will grab on. Or you can even smoke mushrooms then, and they will grab on. So knowing how to inhibit MAO is one of the key techniques in this kind of herbal shamanic magic. Other plants that contain DMT, and here’s one you should all be aware of because it’s probably right around here is Desmanthus ilinoensis – Illinois Bundle Weed. It’s a rank weed. I’ve not seen it except in the dry form but people have grown hundreds of pounds of this stuff in a few months. And the root bark has the highest concentration of DMT ever measured in any plant. It’s higher than the ayahuasca admixtures used in the Amazon. Pardon? [Inaudible Question] In the root bark, the root bark which you dry the root and the scrape the bark off and you’ll get this reddish root bark. The red is actually the DMT. Virola trees in the Amazon shed DMT in their sap, and it’s always a blood red sap. And to show you how strong it is, the indians in the Amazon – some of the tribes – they roll their arrow points directly into that sap. And it’s a paralytic poison in the bloodstream of monkeys and small animals. So a great deal of work is being done right now and you should, if you’re of an experimental and herbal and alchemical and magical bent, people are creating what they call ayahuasca analogs. This is where you use local plants to create a brew which is chemically equivalent to an Amazonian hallucinogen. And of course, you have the satisfaction that it’s yours. It’s your magical recipe. No one on earth is doing quite what you’ve got and it’s very – a lot of interesting work is being done and you’ll hear more about this. In fact, Jonathan Ott just wrote a book called ‘Ayahuasca Analogs’ in which the state of the art is spelled out, and it would be worth your while to check that out if you’re an experimentalist. [Inaudible Question] The question is ‘Is there a more – is there a simple reagent test for the presence of DMT?’ The answer is: sort of. You can do a paper chromatographic test and all you need is a little UV light and some chromatography paper and some solvent dishes. I mean, it’s at the level of a 7th grade science project. Yes, I don’t know how much I should say on this subject. I’m probably about to say too much. But at one gathering I go to, one of the people who’s a very regular part of that particular posse, is a wheat breeder. So when he heard about the Phalaris, he was a geneticist and a wheat breeder. And he has been working very quietly on his own to produce super strains of Phalaris, and I think we will soon see super strains because the underground community is incredibly creative in this area. The compound I talked about yesterday – Salvia divinorum – that’s all underground work. Bret Blosser, the anthropologist who discovered it is a complete freak. The guy, the chemist who extracted it who would prefer I don’t put out his name is a complete freak. The people who then did the confirmation studies – my brother and his band of performing pharmacologists – all freaks. So we actually, we do not take ourselves seriously enough. I mean, we have our scientists, we have our philosophers, we have our thinkers, our legal experts, we are a complete community. And it’s no longer, in my mind, even necessary to publish in straight journals and to seek a pat on the head from, you know, the American pharmacology community. They don’t understand what these things are for anyway. [Question: About yesterday. [Inaudible] … could you give that name of it?] Yes, I’ll repeat this and strengthen once again my case to the guy who owns the company that he should pay me, for gods sakes. If you want a catalog of extremely rare and useful psychoactive and magical plants, probably the most complete in the world – the company is called ‘Of The Jungle’ PO Box 1801 Sebastopol, CA, 95472. Write and ask for a catalog. And tell them George Bush sent you. No, I’m teasing. Don’t tell them that they won’t send you the catalog
-terence mckenna