Sorry that you feel I am discrediting your own experience with aquatica as toxic to consciousness and I can tell that your patience is running out with me trying to explain this to me lol but the picture am getting is that aquatica in general..or least mine is not to be approached in autumn after first regrowth..and just leave it to grow till winter sets in and alkaloid will change to milder that's when it's most healing and loving..
Not every Tryptamine entheogen has to be drank with rue to be wholesome and complete as medicine. I don't want to constrain myself within that confinement. Neither I am buying into the notion that plant soul is lost in extractions.
I really appreciate the warnings and I know you genuinely are concerned and for that I am grateful to you but I truly think that if you had tried the extract I am describing I bet that you would realize how you are confining yourself unecessarily to a rigid belief without actually being open to explore the possibility of other routes.
I have put considerable effort and focus into growing these plants caring to them lovingly harvesting and extracting and the whole time am communicating to the plant what I am seeking ...and thinking of all what I want to work on within myself. The whole process of preparing these extracts is meditative for I'm working with this grass its personality is shaping up and becoming clearer ...I'm getting to know this new ally and respect it's boundaries and explore its its own unique way.
I also learnt that worrying too much before an experience can be like a self fulfilling prophecy... You worry about having a bad experience you get one. While I want to be always careful with every first toke from a new Extract I don't want to take those warnings so much to heart till they start to affect the experience and convince myself that am ruining my mental health and psyche.
To each their own I guess. By the way speaking of toxicity did you know that strichnine the rat poison is used by athletes in minute quantities as a doping agent? Hamilton Morris did try it on himself.. Alexander shulgin synthesized new psychoactive substances starting by very low doses as well and going up gradually. I could try the same method with this aquatica strain orally. Maybe start with 10g fresh after rue. If no effects were perceived I can go for 15g from the SE harvest.. then 20 and 25 g... Prior to this I can run an HPLC with mass spectrometry in this grass to feel safer .. if any signs of toxicity to consciousness as you describe appears I will most definitely record my whole experience and come back to it and ask all the necessary questions before moving on to higher doage and will share with you ..
Maybe you could even help me with the appropriate questions to ask.