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Pharma without discomforts.

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Esteemed member
I said before that oat porridge mediates hugely, but found something even better.

For a while I take each morning a spoon of Mannavital Darmoton in a glass of oat-milk, as a source of fibre. It's a general digesting track enhancer, making stool less hard for those eating too less vegetables. What struck me was how incredible smooth the stomach feels. This let me to try on pharma.

Actieve ingredients per 100 g:
40 g white psyllium (Plantago ovata), finely shredded/powdered husk
40 g koko fibres (Cocos nucifera) 60% fibres
19,4 g shortchain fructo-oligosaccharid.
0,6 g humane colon-bacteria Lactobacillus acidophilus.

But I think/suppose the psyllium is most important.

Jees said:
Had 3 sessions so far with zero stomach discomforts, zero nausea, I can hardly grasp how smooth all goes. Where have I been?

I took a spoon of the fibres in half a glass of oat milk (or coconut milk), let it stand for 5 minutes (it becomes thicker), drop in all ya freebase mix of choice, gulp, zero nasty taste. Make it thickening but still very drinkable. Flush the beaker with some oat milk (or whatever you have) and gulp the flush.

I suppose there are other brands but only tried this one. Different mixes probably out there. Just google on "psyllium colon cleanse" for your sourcing.

My next pot is already here, but a slightly different mix:

It differs in a way that there's no coconut fibres, yet inuline, corn flour, maltodextrine. No gluten. Note there are still lactose Lactobacillus acidophilus, for the allergic ones.
But I certainly hope it will do same job.
10 to 12 euro for 300 grams, takes you a looong time to finish.

My pharma became true paradise :thumb_up:
good for you :)

unfortunatelly not an universal solution suitable for everybody.
for example, in my case such supplements do not subtract, but ADD discomfort, quite a bit of it :) and i am clearly in the "not enough vegetables" crowd.

btw, such a funny name for a supplement... in russian "darmo" is a variation of the word for "shit", so basically, "shit-a-ton"... aptly named indeed, pure genius in the marketing department :)
That's a bummer to hear.
These things come around as mixes so maybe it was sensitivity to a particular component?

Lol about that Russian thing 😁
But I'm afraid the Company that made it has no affiliations to Russia or alikes, I guess it's an unfortunate but hilarious spin off.

Anyway these are certainly not meant as diarrhea inducing laxatives (!) and they do not do that to us. Your post lead to a good hint to try it first at it's normal regime, if okay then one might try it like I did for pharma.
exquisitus said:
...in my case such supplements do not subtract, but ADD discomfort, quite a bit of it...
Please spill some beans, "supplements" is too wide a term to build on:
- what product(s) are you exactly referring to? Would be nice to see into it's ingredients so we can compare.
- What discomforts were noticed?
- Have you found yourself sensitive in general (or in particular), do you follow a diet because of it, like intolerance to lactose or gluten or allergies or ...?

Thank you.
exquisitus said:
btw, such a funny name for a supplement... in russian "darmo" is a variation of the word for "shit", so basically, "shit-a-ton"... aptly named indeed, pure genius in the marketing department :)
'Darm' is German and Dutch for 'intestine' and 'ton' corresponds with 'tone' so the name's not that far out in north west Europe.
i once ate 12 grams of strong peruvian torch cactus powder mixed in some sugar free pudding on empty stomach..and had no stomach problems i just ate gummy candys fror a couple hours the trip lasted 12 hours...
starway6 said:
i once ate 12 grams of strong peruvian torch cactus powder mixed in some sugar free pudding on empty stomach..and had no stomach problems i just ate gummy candys fror a couple hours the trip lasted 12 hours...
Never tried pudding, but since the oat porridge works nice this doesn't surprise me at all.
Jees said:
starway6 said:
i once ate 12 grams of strong peruvian torch cactus powder mixed in some sugar free pudding on empty stomach..and had no stomach problems i just ate gummy candys fror a couple hours the trip lasted 12 hours...
Never tried pudding, but since the oat porridge works nice this doesn't surprise me at all.

Pudding coats your stomach and can prevent naseua..at least it did for me about 95 percent of it!

Plus eating gummy candy may have helped some...
now that some of you mentioned similar effect from pudding (gelatine custard?) and gummy candy, it's probably the psyllium husk (aka Sat- Isabgol) alone that does the job (..we think). It gels up to multiple X's it's dry size volume, even with cold water; and it looks like, sort of custard, when its gelled up , (the gelled psyllium husk will be a translucent, grainy gel), so if it's powdered beforehand the effect will be moar like gelatine custard :x (better and also vegan). :thumb_up:


also available in combination with Bael/Bilva (Isabbael) - Bael/Bilva is is considered the holiest plant by Shaiva branch Hinduism. They say, even a massmurderer will not taste hell atm o. death if he/she willfully or accidentally worships Shiv ling with bilva leaves before death (legend). :lol:
Hey Jees, did you figure out if it is just the psyllium that reduces the nausea, or if it is that specific mixture of stuff in that first product you mentioned?
Hi, thanks for the interest.
My second pot that did not contain the coconut fibers and is thus mainly Psyllium works just as well.

I also experimented with Agave Inuline powder which I think works as well but I found much more laxating effects (half a day to a day after) than the psyllium. It was an experiment 50% psyllium 50% agave inuline and maybe just by coincidence it stalled my experience 2.5 hours then decided to eat a breakfast cookie to start up things. Things did start but in a flatter curve of intensity that went very very long.

Again, for me the psyllium does not laxate at the necessary doses, it would be good to experiment with psyllium doses without alkaloids to get a grip on your particular sensitivity.

I must do more experiments with the agave inuline (on its own) to see how that could be a serious alternative, just for now I mention it and encourage anyone to partake in it. The agave inuline is a so called healthy thing.

Happy tracts ;)
100% trouble free pharma is possible, is re-confirmed, at least for me :p
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