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Phlegm / mucus while smoking DMT

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
I hope you guys can help me. It's really hard for me to describe in English but I really need help and I think you guys are the only ones who can give me an answer for this :)

My first few times using DMT was with my e cigarette. Me and my friends had a great time with DMT and everything was perfect. But some day on a vape session with one of my friend I noticed this heavy phlegm in my neck / lungs. It was like one sticky substance which I could take with my fingers out of my neck :sick:

This was during a 4 hours vaping session so I stopped thinking about this because we really vaped a lot and 4h are very much for the lungs...so okay...shit happens.

But since this day I always get this phlegm. It's a normal day, everything perfect, I take some hits and exactly together with the huge visuals all the water in my mouth became to this weird gooey phlegm in my mouth...

I thought it could come from the e cigarette. So I made some changa and used it in a glas pipe. Still the same problem... I noticed that the problem is bigger when I use jungle spice. But I get the same problem with freebase changa as well.

I've also seen some threads here on the Nexus about this problem. But I cant find a solution.

I also tried quitting DMT for 2 months but still the same problem.

I hope u can understand me . I really miss hyperspace but this problem destroys the whole trip. Sometimes it's so much that I feel panic during the trip because I'm afraid of not getting enough air :-/
What null24 said, think of it as a purge. The way I see it, Aya goes in your belly and cleanses it. Freebase goes in your lungs, so...
The bad stuff has to go somewhere right?
no, its not the ecig issue

this is essence of your soul power, that is something like alchemical transformation,

the phlegm is the essence of your soul. Something like the biological matrix encryption of your Logos' fingerprint, the by-product of the breath of life, forming in the lungs.

I've read that this essence contains particular energy and powers and that one is suppose to try to keep this energy or release it, not sure about this. That somehow it is the basis of what are one's allies in the other worlds.

Have had very scary experience with what you describe, op.

Spitting is a form of magic.
Okay and is there anything I can do to reduce this a little bit ? :oops:
Because it feels very uncomfortable and I have this much more than other people. My best trip mate for example doesnt have any issues like this.

He cant understand how I can even feel this phlegm. Because even if he would have the same like me, he wont notice it because he's not in this world for that moment :lol:

But for me it's like the phlegm reduces the effects of the DMT. Sometimes I have no visuals at all but smoked the same amount of changa like my mate. I dont know how to say but this annoying phlegm keeps me in this world.

Do you guys think I should try pharmahuasca? I have big respect. And I am a little bit afraid of feeling very uncomfortable because of the phlegm. I really hope it wont come when I take it orally
Hmmm, reduce dairy intake if you consume dairy products, and if it truly is a "purge", more intensity of sober meditation and self-care, reducing the psychic stress on your body(s)? It does seem to me that the calmer, more well adjusted i am, the more i launch from a place of wellness,there seems to be less snot. IDK...
slugware said:
no, its not the ecig issue

this is essence of your soul power, that is something like alchemical transformation,

the phlegm is the essence of your soul. Something like the biological matrix encryption of your Logos' fingerprint, the by-product of the breath of life, forming in the lungs.

I've read that this essence contains particular energy and powers and that one is suppose to try to keep this energy or release it, not sure about this. That somehow it is the basis of what are one's allies in the other worlds.

Have had very scary experience with what you describe, op.

Spitting is a form of magic.
Depends on how you look at it/what you want to do with the experience.

If you wanted to get material and empirical with it, I'd wager that it has something to do with the pH of what you're smoking. Whenever I've smoked a freebased anything, i get this effect.

Heroin, harmalas, cocaine- all do the same physiological thing with *my* spit more or less, but only the big tryptamines make me attach significant meaning to it and give me something to "work with".

So it can be an utterly meaningless, simple physical reaction of your salivary glands to basic vapor or...if you want to get all esoteric about it...

Now when I'm in am electrified, hyperspacial state, i can attach energetic form to the spit. I look at it as the "psychic" purge Slugware talks about.

It is a feeling i follow, and it tells me to expel the spit with forceful breath, like a martial-arts chi yell combined with a gesture/mudra. I can't tell you anything other than what intuition tells me.

I'm very much into theory and practice of visionary magic, I've worked with and developed my ownpractice that includes many techniques but I've never read anything about 'spit magic'.

Everything is a magical act, depending on the intent.

phlegm is the essence of your soul. Something like the biological matrix encryption of your Logos' fingerprint, the by-product of the breath of life, forming in the lungs.
Say whaaat?:p

I'm not sure what this means. It is so difficult to transmit esoteric concepts from one understanding to another's. The plateaus of one's experience evolves their own language aroundit, it's personal and hard to translate. It's the deficiency of language-or the inevitable F-ing of the ineffable.
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