[quote:569ead7f10]These plants are simply too abundant for there to be nobody at least trying them out. The fact that viable teks have not materialized for phalaris or phragmites is compelling[/quote:569ead7f10] I agree with opticus that there is yet no reliable and usefull tek for Phalaris. However, there is a tiny hope about Phragmite extraction. SWIM mashed 410 g of phragmite rhizome and started a kind of Noman's tek (no acid), ending with 350 ml of yellow naphta. It was evaporated to around 100 ml. After 24 h in the freezer, there was indeed some clouds on the bottom of the jar, nothing really enthusiasming but 'something' at least. SWIM evaporated half of the naphta from that jar and placed it again in the freezer. 12hours later, what seems like very small flakes are floating in the small amount of yellow liquid. A bit encouraging althought SWIM estimate roughly the amount of flakes to less than 10 mg. SWIM wonder if there is any DMT in that flakes... More rhizomes will be used to complete that amount. SWIM also wonder about the physical effects if a crazy monkey would smoke some material including gramine and bufotenine even in very small proportions :?