This is a thread on decalcifying the pineal gland, long, but very interesting info. Blackclo, let me know if this is better posted elsewhere at the forum. Here's an excerpt: One meditative practice which is claimed to have a more physiological benefit is known as tratak. This is the practice of staring at a flame. The flame is prepared by placing a cotton wick in a small lamp of ghee (clarified butter), or vegetable oil. The lamp is lit and placed approximately eleven inches before the seated practitioner at eye level. The practitioner stares at the flame with both eyes wide open and unblinking until tears come to both eyes. At this point the eyes are closed and focused upwards between the eyebrows, and concentrating on the after image of the flame until it disappears. The flame is not looked at again for at least 20 minutes. Theoretically this practice works toward the decalcification of the pineal gland, considered by some to be the master gland of the body. The pineal gland ossifies around the age of puberty to 16 years of age, after which many modern cientists and biologists consider it a secondary gland. However in yoga science, this gland is said to rule all the others and that it is also related to the awakening of very high spiritual understanding in the individual. Since it is considered to be sensitive to light, the practice of flame watching acts to decalcify the pineal, allowing it to function properly for both its material and more subtle purposes.