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plans by the FBI to begin mass hacking, data imaging and malware planting

Migrated topic.
Never used tr, I2P was nce. SSH tunneling amd flash stuffimg have always made the former two obsolete though. You don't need to route your traffic all over the planet if your outproxy sees enough traffic in a day.
...The broad search warrants allowable under these new rules will apply to people using Tor in any country...
So the USA wants to formalize to hack any computer in the world. Like in "lets make it official" :lol: :thumb_dow
"To begin" is code for "our cases keep getting thrown out of court because we were found to have broken the law."

It's strange how quickly their their supposed integrity, morals and values are cast aside when theres something out there we want. Almost seems like an organized criminal enterprise.
The FBI will be permitted to hack into a person’s computer or phone remotely and to search through and remove their data. The FBI will be able to introduce malware into computers. It will create vulnerabilities that will leave users exposed.

This is already 100% legal in Germany.
There is now even talk about giving police the power to break into homes so they can more easily plant their spy software.
Not a surprise at all. Its already a huge risk if you dont use it properly... FBI will connect dots if they find any reason whatsoever to watch your activity. Never use tor from home. Dont use the same email when you do or browse the usual sites that you do elsewhere. Be quick and try to plan ahead of time what you will be doing with it to minimize connection time. Basically just dont browse with tor liberally or cross contaminate browsing traffic if you intend to really utilize it as a security measure. And really, its best to just not use the internet period, to the extent that it is feasible.
DmnStr8 said:
If they are planning, they are already doing more than likely.

The article from the OP was written in 2016. They are already doing it. They probably were before it was legal. The only difference is now they can admit it & use evidence obtained this way directly in court rather than doing things like finding other illegal activities a target is involved in & using that as a way to prosecute because the initial evidence was found illegally & would not hold up in court.

I watched two well known rc vendors in the reddit community get mysteriously "hacked" days before being raided less than a year ago now & you can bet that it was part of the year long + investigations into those individuals detailed in their publicly available court documents.

Edit: and another one this week. RIP novel lysergamides.
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